Has anyone seen this error before? Just some standard pair-endedexome-seq
First I did:
bwa aln -t 12 hg19.fa R2.fastq > R2.fastq.sai
bwa aln -t 12 hg19.fa R1.fastq > R1.fastq.sai
tried to create sam:
bwa sampe -f result.sam -r "@RQ\tID:<ID>\tLB:<LIBRARY_NAME>\tSM:<SAMPLE_NAME>\tPL:ILLUMINA" hg19.fa R1.fastq.sai R2.fastq.sai R1.fastq R2.fastq
And saw this error msg:
[E::bwa_set_rg] the read group line is not started with @RG
Thank you guys for the help!
First I did:
bwa aln -t 12 hg19.fa R2.fastq > R2.fastq.sai
bwa aln -t 12 hg19.fa R1.fastq > R1.fastq.sai
tried to create sam:
bwa sampe -f result.sam -r "@RQ\tID:<ID>\tLB:<LIBRARY_NAME>\tSM:<SAMPLE_NAME>\tPL:ILLUMINA" hg19.fa R1.fastq.sai R2.fastq.sai R1.fastq R2.fastq
And saw this error msg:
[E::bwa_set_rg] the read group line is not started with @RG
Thank you guys for the help!