Hi everyone,
I have 5 million raw reads (76 bp read length) per sample from Illumina platform. Now I am using BWA to align these reads to reference human genome.
After build up the index for the human genome, I used the following bwa commands to align short reads to human genome:
~/…/BWA/bwa-0.5.5/bwa aln -t 30 -M 7 hs_ref.fa reads/index3.fq > 020310_bwa_m7/aln_index3.sai
~/…/BWA/bwa-0.5.5/bwa samse hs_ref.fa 020310_bwa_m7/aln_index3.sai reads/index3.fq > 020310_bwa_m7/index3bwa.sam
I used parameter –M 7 in order to allow 7 mismatches in alignment, but it seemed not work. I had the same results as one when I used default –M.
If anyone could tell me how BWA handles the mismatches and allow higher number of mismatches. I did not get it from the manual.
Many thanks beforehand!
I have 5 million raw reads (76 bp read length) per sample from Illumina platform. Now I am using BWA to align these reads to reference human genome.
After build up the index for the human genome, I used the following bwa commands to align short reads to human genome:
~/…/BWA/bwa-0.5.5/bwa aln -t 30 -M 7 hs_ref.fa reads/index3.fq > 020310_bwa_m7/aln_index3.sai
~/…/BWA/bwa-0.5.5/bwa samse hs_ref.fa 020310_bwa_m7/aln_index3.sai reads/index3.fq > 020310_bwa_m7/index3bwa.sam
I used parameter –M 7 in order to allow 7 mismatches in alignment, but it seemed not work. I had the same results as one when I used default –M.
If anyone could tell me how BWA handles the mismatches and allow higher number of mismatches. I did not get it from the manual.
Many thanks beforehand!