Hi All,
When I upload the junction.bed file to UCSC, there was an error happen: "the chromosome name is case sensitive..." because name of chromosome is "1, 2, 3, 4,..." in my bowtie index.
I wanted to change the name "1, 2, 3..." to "chr1, chr2, chr3...", then I use this code "perl -pi -e 's/^/chr/' filename" But I met an issue, since I run this code two times by accident , then the first string of each line of bed file became this embarrassing condition: "chrchr1,chrchr2,chrchr3..."
Does anyone can help me to change it back to chr1.....? I am not familiar with Perl.
Many thanks in advance!
When I upload the junction.bed file to UCSC, there was an error happen: "the chromosome name is case sensitive..." because name of chromosome is "1, 2, 3, 4,..." in my bowtie index.
I wanted to change the name "1, 2, 3..." to "chr1, chr2, chr3...", then I use this code "perl -pi -e 's/^/chr/' filename" But I met an issue, since I run this code two times by accident , then the first string of each line of bed file became this embarrassing condition: "chrchr1,chrchr2,chrchr3..."
Does anyone can help me to change it back to chr1.....? I am not familiar with Perl.
Many thanks in advance!