Hi guys,
I have tried to analyze my ChIPseq data using Homer. No when I look at some called peaks via IGV, it seems that some peaks consist of clonal reads, though Homer should filter out these peaks, shouldn't it? I have attached a snapshot, so that one can see, what I mean (black is input, yellow is IP1 replicate 1, green is IP1 replicate2, red is IP2).
For mapping I have used bowtie2 with --local. Could it therefore be, that these reads were trimmed resulting in such "sharp" peaks? Furthermore I have used dm3 as reference genome, since it was pre installed in Homer, and is also the one used in UCSC. Could this older genome version affect the mapping so badly? Does anyone know whether these are true peaks , or rather artifacts? Interestingly these peaks do not come up in input control, but only in IP against my transcription factor of interest.
Thanks for your help,
I have tried to analyze my ChIPseq data using Homer. No when I look at some called peaks via IGV, it seems that some peaks consist of clonal reads, though Homer should filter out these peaks, shouldn't it? I have attached a snapshot, so that one can see, what I mean (black is input, yellow is IP1 replicate 1, green is IP1 replicate2, red is IP2).
For mapping I have used bowtie2 with --local. Could it therefore be, that these reads were trimmed resulting in such "sharp" peaks? Furthermore I have used dm3 as reference genome, since it was pre installed in Homer, and is also the one used in UCSC. Could this older genome version affect the mapping so badly? Does anyone know whether these are true peaks , or rather artifacts? Interestingly these peaks do not come up in input control, but only in IP against my transcription factor of interest.
Thanks for your help,