Hi, guys. I'm a newer for using the annovar. Now I meet a problem which makes me going crazy. Please do me a favor. Thank you very much!
How could I solve this problem? Thank you!
PHP Code:
[nep@mu01 annovar]$ ls
annotate_variation.pl D2364.vcf summarize_annovar.pl
annovar_downdb.log example table_annovar.pl
coding_change.pl humandb variants_reduction.pl
convert2annovar.pl retrieve_seq_from_fasta.pl wget-log
[nep@mu01 annovar]$ perl convert2annovar.pl -format vcf4 D2364.vcf > D2364.avin
NOTICE: Finished reading 27930 lines from VCF file
NOTICE: A total of 27697 locus in VCF file passed QC threshold, representing 26954 SNPs (18940 transitions and 8014 transversions) and 1013 indels/substitutions
NOTICE: Finished writting 26924 SNPs (18931 transitions and 7993 transversions) and 1011 indels/substitutions for 1 sample
[nep@mu01 annovar]$ perl table_annovar.pl D2364.avinput humandb/ -buildver hg19 -protocol refGene,knownGene,ensGene,gerp++elem,phastConsElements46way,genomicSuperDups,esp6500si_all,1000g2012apr_all,snp135,snp137,snp137NonFlagged,avsift,ljb2_all,clinvar_20140211 -operation g,g,g,r,r,r,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f -csvout
NOTICE: Processing operation=g protocol=refGene
Can't exec "annotate_variation.pl": Permission denied at table_annovar.pl line 214.
Error running system command: <annotate_variation.pl -geneanno -buildver hg19 -dbtype refGene -outfile D2364.avinput.refGene -exonsort D2364.avinput humandb/>
[nep@mu01 annovar]$