So, I'll attack the mapping task first. The contigs.fa file listed as ref= below was generated in Velvet USING a reverse comped and quality trimmed version of the LMP data...will that invalidate the mapping overall? I could generate a draft assembly with not much trouble either omitting the LMP data altogether, or by attempting to use it "raw". -Xmx40g in1=Rattle_Snake__RS_212M__L3_GGCTAC_L003_R1_001.fastq in2=Rattle_Snake__RS_212M__L3_GGCTAC_L003_R2_001.fastq ref=contigs.fa nodisk out=null ihist=ihist_MP.txt mhist=mhist_MP.txt qhist=qhist_MP.txt bhist=bhist_MP.txt
Any other flags needed/desired here? -Xmx40g in1=Rattle_Snake__RS_212M__L3_GGCTAC_L003_R1_001.fastq in2=Rattle_Snake__RS_212M__L3_GGCTAC_L003_R2_001.fastq ref=contigs.fa nodisk out=null ihist=ihist_MP.txt mhist=mhist_MP.txt qhist=qhist_MP.txt bhist=bhist_MP.txt
Any other flags needed/desired here?