Hi to everyone.
I have an issue with bbduk.sh and I,m looking for some help. At this moment I'm calculating the percentage of reads with a quality equal or higher than 30. Using bbduk.sh, I'm running this command:
```../bbmap/bbduk.sh in1=../t01-R1.fastq in2=../t01-R2.fastq trimq=30 qtrim=rl ````
and the output looks like:
Max memory cannot be determined. Attempting to use 1400 MB.
If this fails, please add the -Xmx flag (e.g. -Xmx24g) to your command,
or run this program qsubbed or from a qlogin session on Genepool, or set ulimit to an appropriate value.
java -ea -Xmx1400m -Xms1400m -cp /Users/rodolfochavez/RNASeq/bbmap/current/ jgi.BBDuk in1=../t01-R1.fastq in2=../t01-R2.fastq trimq=30 qtrim=rl
Executing jgi.BBDuk [in1=../t01-R1.fastq, in2=../t01-R2.fastq, trimq=30, qtrim=rl]
Version 38.59
No output stream specified. To write to stdout, please specify 'out=stdout.fq' or similar.
0.019 seconds.
Memory: max=1468m, total=1468m, free=1439m, used=29m
Input is being processed as paired
Processing time: 2.250 seconds.
Input: 3000000 reads 225505684 bases.
QTrimmed: 2167934 reads (72.26%) 96158343 bases (42.64%)
Total Removed: 444188 reads (14.81%) 96158343 bases (42.64%)
Result: 2555812 reads (85.19%) 129347341 bases (57.36%)
Time: 2.252 seconds.
Reads Processed: 3000k 1331.91k reads/sec
Bases Processed: 225m 100.12m bases/sec
And the result of the analysis is printed in the screen of my terminal. My question is, how can I save the statistics Results from this analysis in a file?
Thanks a lot
I have an issue with bbduk.sh and I,m looking for some help. At this moment I'm calculating the percentage of reads with a quality equal or higher than 30. Using bbduk.sh, I'm running this command:
```../bbmap/bbduk.sh in1=../t01-R1.fastq in2=../t01-R2.fastq trimq=30 qtrim=rl ````
and the output looks like:
Max memory cannot be determined. Attempting to use 1400 MB.
If this fails, please add the -Xmx flag (e.g. -Xmx24g) to your command,
or run this program qsubbed or from a qlogin session on Genepool, or set ulimit to an appropriate value.
java -ea -Xmx1400m -Xms1400m -cp /Users/rodolfochavez/RNASeq/bbmap/current/ jgi.BBDuk in1=../t01-R1.fastq in2=../t01-R2.fastq trimq=30 qtrim=rl
Executing jgi.BBDuk [in1=../t01-R1.fastq, in2=../t01-R2.fastq, trimq=30, qtrim=rl]
Version 38.59
No output stream specified. To write to stdout, please specify 'out=stdout.fq' or similar.
0.019 seconds.
Memory: max=1468m, total=1468m, free=1439m, used=29m
Input is being processed as paired
Processing time: 2.250 seconds.
Input: 3000000 reads 225505684 bases.
QTrimmed: 2167934 reads (72.26%) 96158343 bases (42.64%)
Total Removed: 444188 reads (14.81%) 96158343 bases (42.64%)
Result: 2555812 reads (85.19%) 129347341 bases (57.36%)
Time: 2.252 seconds.
Reads Processed: 3000k 1331.91k reads/sec
Bases Processed: 225m 100.12m bases/sec
And the result of the analysis is printed in the screen of my terminal. My question is, how can I save the statistics Results from this analysis in a file?
Thanks a lot