I have aligned my Illumina reads to hg19 and used SAMtools to give me a list of SNPs. I uploaded the list of SNPs to Galaxy and used tools there to filter out all dbSNPs and to select only the SNPs that are in coding exons. Now I would like to determine whether the each SNP is synonymous or nonsynonymous. Is there an automated way of doing this? It will take me a long time if I need to enter each SNP into the UCSC browser to see whether it changes the amino acid.
I have aligned my Illumina reads to hg19 and used SAMtools to give me a list of SNPs. I uploaded the list of SNPs to Galaxy and used tools there to filter out all dbSNPs and to select only the SNPs that are in coding exons. Now I would like to determine whether the each SNP is synonymous or nonsynonymous. Is there an automated way of doing this? It will take me a long time if I need to enter each SNP into the UCSC browser to see whether it changes the amino acid.