I can't solve a problem with my cufflinks/cuffnorm output.
I'm using gencode v19 GTF file. Read were aligned to genome using STAR.
I have problems with the output in isoforms.fpkm_tracking file.
While I have a correct genes.fpkm_tracking output where only the genes are listed, in isoforms.fpkm_tracking I have both the transcripts (ENST*) AND the genes (ENSG*) listed and quantified.
But fpkm values of the genes are not the sum of the single isoforms, and in some cases transcripts have higher fpkm values then the associated genes.
Why do you think this happens?
Thank you
I can't solve a problem with my cufflinks/cuffnorm output.
I'm using gencode v19 GTF file. Read were aligned to genome using STAR.
I have problems with the output in isoforms.fpkm_tracking file.
While I have a correct genes.fpkm_tracking output where only the genes are listed, in isoforms.fpkm_tracking I have both the transcripts (ENST*) AND the genes (ENSG*) listed and quantified.
But fpkm values of the genes are not the sum of the single isoforms, and in some cases transcripts have higher fpkm values then the associated genes.
Why do you think this happens?
Thank you