Hello everyone, I am very new to RNA-seq and trinity and command line, please bear with me!
I have successfully assembled my runs and am now trying to perform a differential expression between two samples using the edgeR method (described in the trinity manual). However, I keep erroring, and could use some insight on how to fix it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have successfully assembled my runs and am now trying to perform a differential expression between two samples using the edgeR method (described in the trinity manual). However, I keep erroring, and could use some insight on how to fix it.
[sjeschon@login001 ~]$ /gpfs/runtime/opt/trinity/2013-08-14/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/run_DE_analysis.pl --matrix /gpfs/data/kmowry/sjescho n/RNASeqResults/2transcripts.counts.matrix --method edgeR --output /gpfs/data/kmowry/sjeschon/RNASeqResults/edger0 Got 2 samples, and got: 3 data fields. Header: assembly_trinity_15443687.isoforms.results assembly_trinity_17707296.isoforms.results Next: agalma/gene:21261.0/isoform:4 489.05 NA $VAR1 = { 'assembly_trinity_17707296' => 2, 'assembly_trinity_15443687' => 1 }; $VAR1 = { 'assembly_trinity_17707296' => [ 'assembly_trinity_17707296' ], 'assembly_trinity_15443687' => [ 'assembly_trinity_15443687' ] }; Samples to compare: $VAR1 = [ 'assembly_trinity_17707296', 'assembly_trinity_15443687' ]; CMD: R --vanilla -q < 2transcripts.counts.matrix.assembly_trinity_15443687_vs_assembly_trinity_17707296.assembly_trinity_15443687.vs.assembly_tri nity_17707296.EdgeR.Rscript > library(edgeR) Loading required package: limma > > data = read.table("/gpfs/data/kmowry/sjeschon/RNASeqResults/2transcripts.counts.matrix", header=T, row.names=1, com='') > col_ordering = c(1,2) > rnaseqMatrix = data[,col_ordering] > rnaseqMatrix = round(rnaseqMatrix) > rnaseqMatrix = rnaseqMatrix[rowSums(rnaseqMatrix)>=10,] > conditions = factor(c(rep("assembly_trinity_15443687", 1), rep("assembly_trinity_17707296", 1))) > > exp_study = DGEList(counts=rnaseqMatrix, group=conditions) > exp_study = calcNormFactors(exp_study) Error in if (any(allzero)) x <- x[!allzero, , drop = FALSE] : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Calls: calcNormFactors Execution halted Error, cmd: R --vanilla -q < 2transcripts.counts.matrix.assembly_trinity_15443687_vs_assembly_trinity_17707296.assembly_trinity_15443687.vs.assem bly_trinity_17707296.EdgeR.Rscript died with ret (256) at /gpfs/runtime/opt/trinity/2013-08-14/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/run_DE_analysis.p l line 439. WARNING: This EdgeR comparison failed...