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  • gff/bed/anything to .wig conversion?


    To save me some time, does anyone have a conversion to .wig script or know of a resource? I have gff and bed formats. Thanks!


  • #2
    ah- nevermind- found a possible resource called 'CARPET'. I will post a follow-up:


    • #3
      Originally posted by JohnK View Post
      ah- nevermind- found a possible resource called 'CARPET'. I will post a follow-up:

      forget it. I'm not installing galaxy. any ideas, anyone?


      • #4
        Originally posted by JohnK View Post
        forget it. I'm not installing galaxy. any ideas, anyone?
        Nice! I'm one of the CARPET developers...
        BTW, if you haven't figured this out, you may install BEDTools and do something like this:

        $ sortBed -i filein.bed | slopBed -i stdin -s -r XXX -l YYY |genomeCoverageBed | genomeCoverageBed -bg -i stdin -g > fileout.bdg
        and, since I've just answered to a wig to bigWig post by you, you can add wigToBigWig to your pipeline:

        $ sortBed -i filein.bed | slopBed -i stdin -s -r XXX -l YYY |genomeCoverageBed -bg -i stdin -g | wigToBigWig -clip stdin
        • filein.bed is your bed file (this can be piped from awk + gff to extract intervals
        • is a tab file with chromosome sizes
        • XXX and YYY are sizes you should extend each interval to cover the fragment you sequenced (i.e. if you use Illumina and fragmented 200bp and read 36bp you should set XXX=180 YYY=0)



        • #5
          Originally posted by dawe View Post
          Nice! I'm one of the CARPET developers...
          BTW, if you haven't figured this out, you may install BEDTools and do something like this:

          $ sortBed -i filein.bed | slopBed -i stdin -s -r XXX -l YYY |genomeCoverageBed | genomeCoverageBed -bg -i stdin -g > fileout.bdg
          and, since I've just answered to a wig to bigWig post by you, you can add wigToBigWig to your pipeline:

          $ sortBed -i filein.bed | slopBed -i stdin -s -r XXX -l YYY |genomeCoverageBed -bg -i stdin -g | wigToBigWig -clip stdin
          • filein.bed is your bed file (this can be piped from awk + gff to extract intervals
          • is a tab file with chromosome sizes
          • XXX and YYY are sizes you should extend each interval to cover the fragment you sequenced (i.e. if you use Illumina and fragmented 200bp and read 36bp you should set XXX=180 YYY=0)

          That's awesome. I had no idea you could pipe to bed tools programs and use them as filters with the -i option. still trying to crack wigToBigWig. I really need this so i can use the bloody genome browser without my hair turning grey.


          • #6
            'Sam to bed' and 'bed to wig'

            I use a couple of perl scripts to first convert sam files (produced in bowtie) to bed, then to convert the bed files to wig (in 2 steps):

            1) Sam to bed:

            #!/usr/bin/perl -w
            use strict;

            my $input = $ARGV[0];

            # open input file
            open IN, "$input" || die "can't open .sam file";
            open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";

            print "Do you want to keep strand information? (y/n):";
            my $keep_strand = <STDIN>;
            chomp $keep_strand;

            my $lines = 0;

            if ($keep_strand eq "n")

            chomp $_;

            my @bits = split /\t/;
            my $chr = $bits[2];
            #print "chr = $chr\n";
            my $start = $bits[3];
            #print "start = $start\n";
            my $strand = $bits[1];
            #print "strand = $strand\n";
            my ($start_new, $end_new);

            # correct for alignments off the chromosome ends
            if( $start =~ m/^\-/ )
            $start = 0;

            if($strand eq "-") #reverse
            $start_new = $start - 200;
            if ($start_new =~ m/^\-/)
            $start_new = 0;
            $end_new = $start;
            else #forward
            $start_new = $start;
            $end_new = $start + 200;

            print OUT "$chr\t$start_new\t$end_new\n";
            # give some feedback
            print STDERR "$lines processed\n" if(!($lines % 100000));

            elsif ($keep_strand eq "y")
            chomp $_;

            my @bits = split /\t/;
            my $chr = $bits[2];
            #print "chr = $chr\n";
            my $start = $bits[3];
            #print "start = $start\n";
            my $strand = $bits[1];
            #print "strand = $strand\n";
            my ($start_new, $end_new);

            # correct for alignments off the chromosome ends
            if( $start =~ m/^\-/ )
            $start = 0;

            if($strand eq "-") #reverse
            $start_new = $start - 200;
            if ($start_new =~ m/^\-/)
            $start_new = 0;
            $end_new = $start;
            else #forward
            $start_new = $start;
            $end_new = $start + 200;

            print OUT "$chr\t$start_new\t$end_new\t$strand\n";
            # give some feedback
            print STDERR "$lines processed\n" if(!($lines % 100000));

            close IN;
            close OUT;

            2) bed to intermediate file (coverage) for wig:

            # Program to calculate steps across genome prior to creating a density plot.

            use strict;
            my ( $j, $d, $e, $f ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); my $chr; my %steps = (); my $output = $ARGV[1]; my $user_input = $ARGV[2];
            open OUT, ">$output";

            if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) { print "\nPlease provide: <Input> <Output> <Species(m/h)>\n"; exit; }
            #print "Human (h) or Mouse (m) ?\n\n";
            #my $user_input = <STDIN>;
            chomp $user_input;
            if ( $user_input eq "h" ) { $j = 24; $d = 23; $e = 24; $f = 22; }
            elsif ( $user_input eq "m" ) { $j = 21; $d = 20; $e = 21; $f = 19; }
            else { print "Error.\n\n"; exit; }

            for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++ ) {
            %steps = ();
            if ( $i <= $f ) {$chr = "chr$i";}
            elsif ( $i == $d ) {$chr = "chrX";}
            elsif ( $i == $e ) {$chr = "chrY";}

            open FILE, "<$ARGV[0]"; my $j = 0;
            while ( <FILE> ) {
            my $line = $_;

            chomp $line;

            if ($line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/){
            #if ($line =~ /^(chr\S+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)/){

            my ( $chromo, $start, $end ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
            #print "\$chromo, \$start, \$end = $chromo, $start, $end\n";
            if ( $start < 0 ) { $start = 0; }
            if ( $chromo eq $chr ) {
            if ( $j == 1 ) { print "Checking $chromo\n"; }
            $steps{$chr}{$start}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$start}{'sum'} + 1;

            $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} - 1;
            close ( FILE );
            my $l = 0; my $k1 = 0; my $k2 = 0;

            for $k1 (keys %steps){

            for $k2 (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{%steps->{$k1}}){
            if ( $l == 1 ) { print "Printing lines for $chr.\n"; }

            print OUT "$k1\t$k2\t$steps{$k1}{$k2}{'sum'}\n";

            print "Chr$i Processed.\n";
            close OUT;

            3) Intermediate 'steps' file to wig:

            #!/usr/bin/perl -w
            # Program to take the steps information and create a density wig file.

            use strict;

            my $sum = 0;

            my $oldsum = 0;

            my $oldpos = 0;

            if ( $#ARGV != 3 ) { print "Please provide: a) Input file\nb) Output file\nc)Track Name\nd) Colour pref.\n"; exit; }

            open FILE, "$ARGV[0]";#removed <
            open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";#changed from >>

            my $header ="track type=bedGraph name=\"".$ARGV[2]."\" visibility=full color=".$ARGV[3]." priority=20\n";

            print OUT $header;

            while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {

            chomp $line;

            if ( $line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/ ){

            if ( $oldpos ne 0 && $oldsum ne 0){

            print OUT "$1\t$oldpos\t$2\t$oldsum\n";


            $oldpos = $2;

            $oldsum = $oldsum + $3;



            close FILE;
            close OUT;


            Then use the UCSC wigToBigWig binary to convert to bigwig!



            • #7
              I feel like I'm the only person in genomics who isn't using BEDTools yet. I guess I should really start.

              I did what Beccy did--wrote my own scripts for this. However, rather than going from bed to wig, I go directly from pileup to wig, cutting out that middleman.
              Mendelian Disorder: A blogshare of random useful information for general public consumption. [Blog]
              Breakway: A Program to Identify Structural Variations in Genomic Data [Website] [Forum Post]
              Projects: U87MG whole genome sequence [Website] [Paper]


              • #8
                I'm also not using BEDTools, and thinking I should look in to it...

                But in the meantime, I've been using Perl to convert bowtie output (.map) to either fixedStep wig or bedgraph. Anyways, I don't think bedtools can do everything I want.
                Last edited by biznatch; 02-01-2011, 11:06 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rlh60 View Post
                  I use a couple of perl scripts to first convert sam files (produced in bowtie) to bed, then to convert the bed files to wig (in 2 steps):

                  1) Sam to bed:

                  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
                  use strict;

                  my $input = $ARGV[0];

                  # open input file
                  open IN, "$input" || die "can't open .sam file";
                  open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";

                  print "Do you want to keep strand information? (y/n):";
                  my $keep_strand = <STDIN>;
                  chomp $keep_strand;

                  my $lines = 0;

                  if ($keep_strand eq "n")

                  chomp $_;

                  my @bits = split /\t/;
                  my $chr = $bits[2];
                  #print "chr = $chr\n";
                  my $start = $bits[3];
                  #print "start = $start\n";
                  my $strand = $bits[1];
                  #print "strand = $strand\n";
                  my ($start_new, $end_new);

                  # correct for alignments off the chromosome ends
                  if( $start =~ m/^\-/ )
                  $start = 0;

                  if($strand eq "-") #reverse
                  $start_new = $start - 200;
                  if ($start_new =~ m/^\-/)
                  $start_new = 0;
                  $end_new = $start;
                  else #forward
                  $start_new = $start;
                  $end_new = $start + 200;

                  print OUT "$chr\t$start_new\t$end_new\n";
                  # give some feedback
                  print STDERR "$lines processed\n" if(!($lines % 100000));

                  elsif ($keep_strand eq "y")
                  chomp $_;

                  my @bits = split /\t/;
                  my $chr = $bits[2];
                  #print "chr = $chr\n";
                  my $start = $bits[3];
                  #print "start = $start\n";
                  my $strand = $bits[1];
                  #print "strand = $strand\n";
                  my ($start_new, $end_new);

                  # correct for alignments off the chromosome ends
                  if( $start =~ m/^\-/ )
                  $start = 0;

                  if($strand eq "-") #reverse
                  $start_new = $start - 200;
                  if ($start_new =~ m/^\-/)
                  $start_new = 0;
                  $end_new = $start;
                  else #forward
                  $start_new = $start;
                  $end_new = $start + 200;

                  print OUT "$chr\t$start_new\t$end_new\t$strand\n";
                  # give some feedback
                  print STDERR "$lines processed\n" if(!($lines % 100000));

                  close IN;
                  close OUT;

                  2) bed to intermediate file (coverage) for wig:

                  # Program to calculate steps across genome prior to creating a density plot.

                  use strict;
                  my ( $j, $d, $e, $f ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); my $chr; my %steps = (); my $output = $ARGV[1]; my $user_input = $ARGV[2];
                  open OUT, ">$output";

                  if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) { print "\nPlease provide: <Input> <Output> <Species(m/h)>\n"; exit; }
                  #print "Human (h) or Mouse (m) ?\n\n";
                  #my $user_input = <STDIN>;
                  chomp $user_input;
                  if ( $user_input eq "h" ) { $j = 24; $d = 23; $e = 24; $f = 22; }
                  elsif ( $user_input eq "m" ) { $j = 21; $d = 20; $e = 21; $f = 19; }
                  else { print "Error.\n\n"; exit; }

                  for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++ ) {
                  %steps = ();
                  if ( $i <= $f ) {$chr = "chr$i";}
                  elsif ( $i == $d ) {$chr = "chrX";}
                  elsif ( $i == $e ) {$chr = "chrY";}

                  open FILE, "<$ARGV[0]"; my $j = 0;
                  while ( <FILE> ) {
                  my $line = $_;

                  chomp $line;

                  if ($line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/){
                  #if ($line =~ /^(chr\S+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)/){

                  my ( $chromo, $start, $end ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
                  #print "\$chromo, \$start, \$end = $chromo, $start, $end\n";
                  if ( $start < 0 ) { $start = 0; }
                  if ( $chromo eq $chr ) {
                  if ( $j == 1 ) { print "Checking $chromo\n"; }
                  $steps{$chr}{$start}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$start}{'sum'} + 1;

                  $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} - 1;
                  close ( FILE );
                  my $l = 0; my $k1 = 0; my $k2 = 0;

                  for $k1 (keys %steps){

                  for $k2 (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{%steps->{$k1}}){
                  if ( $l == 1 ) { print "Printing lines for $chr.\n"; }

                  print OUT "$k1\t$k2\t$steps{$k1}{$k2}{'sum'}\n";

                  print "Chr$i Processed.\n";
                  close OUT;

                  3) Intermediate 'steps' file to wig:

                  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
                  # Program to take the steps information and create a density wig file.

                  use strict;

                  my $sum = 0;

                  my $oldsum = 0;

                  my $oldpos = 0;

                  if ( $#ARGV != 3 ) { print "Please provide: a) Input file\nb) Output file\nc)Track Name\nd) Colour pref.\n"; exit; }

                  open FILE, "$ARGV[0]";#removed <
                  open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";#changed from >>

                  my $header ="track type=bedGraph name=\"".$ARGV[2]."\" visibility=full color=".$ARGV[3]." priority=20\n";

                  print OUT $header;

                  while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {

                  chomp $line;

                  if ( $line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/ ){

                  if ( $oldpos ne 0 && $oldsum ne 0){

                  print OUT "$1\t$oldpos\t$2\t$oldsum\n";


                  $oldpos = $2;

                  $oldsum = $oldsum + $3;



                  close FILE;
                  close OUT;


                  Then use the UCSC wigToBigWig binary to convert to bigwig!

                  hey rlh60,,, could you help me out with implementing the perl script.. im afraid im very new to programming... i saved the code in a .pl file and am implementing it though command prompt in windows,,, how do i get the script to take my input file,,,


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rlh60 View Post
                    I use a couple of perl scripts to first convert sam files (produced in bowtie) to bed, then to convert the bed files to wig (in 2 steps):

                    1) Sam to bed:

                    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
                    use strict;

                    my $input = $ARGV[0];

                    # open input file
                    open IN, "$input" || die "can't open .sam file";
                    open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";

                    print "Do you want to keep strand information? (y/n):";
                    my $keep_strand = <STDIN>;
                    chomp $keep_strand;

                    my $lines = 0;

                    if ($keep_strand eq "n")

                    chomp $_;

                    my @bits = split /\t/;
                    my $chr = $bits[2];
                    #print "chr = $chr\n";
                    my $start = $bits[3];
                    #print "start = $start\n";
                    my $strand = $bits[1];
                    #print "strand = $strand\n";
                    my ($start_new, $end_new);

                    # correct for alignments off the chromosome ends
                    if( $start =~ m/^\-/ )
                    $start = 0;

                    if($strand eq "-") #reverse
                    $start_new = $start - 200;
                    if ($start_new =~ m/^\-/)
                    $start_new = 0;
                    $end_new = $start;
                    else #forward
                    $start_new = $start;
                    $end_new = $start + 200;

                    print OUT "$chr\t$start_new\t$end_new\n";
                    # give some feedback
                    print STDERR "$lines processed\n" if(!($lines % 100000));

                    elsif ($keep_strand eq "y")
                    chomp $_;

                    my @bits = split /\t/;
                    my $chr = $bits[2];
                    #print "chr = $chr\n";
                    my $start = $bits[3];
                    #print "start = $start\n";
                    my $strand = $bits[1];
                    #print "strand = $strand\n";
                    my ($start_new, $end_new);

                    # correct for alignments off the chromosome ends
                    if( $start =~ m/^\-/ )
                    $start = 0;

                    if($strand eq "-") #reverse
                    $start_new = $start - 200;
                    if ($start_new =~ m/^\-/)
                    $start_new = 0;
                    $end_new = $start;
                    else #forward
                    $start_new = $start;
                    $end_new = $start + 200;

                    print OUT "$chr\t$start_new\t$end_new\t$strand\n";
                    # give some feedback
                    print STDERR "$lines processed\n" if(!($lines % 100000));

                    close IN;
                    close OUT;

                    2) bed to intermediate file (coverage) for wig:

                    # Program to calculate steps across genome prior to creating a density plot.

                    use strict;
                    my ( $j, $d, $e, $f ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); my $chr; my %steps = (); my $output = $ARGV[1]; my $user_input = $ARGV[2];
                    open OUT, ">$output";

                    if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) { print "\nPlease provide: <Input> <Output> <Species(m/h)>\n"; exit; }
                    #print "Human (h) or Mouse (m) ?\n\n";
                    #my $user_input = <STDIN>;
                    chomp $user_input;
                    if ( $user_input eq "h" ) { $j = 24; $d = 23; $e = 24; $f = 22; }
                    elsif ( $user_input eq "m" ) { $j = 21; $d = 20; $e = 21; $f = 19; }
                    else { print "Error.\n\n"; exit; }

                    for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++ ) {
                    %steps = ();
                    if ( $i <= $f ) {$chr = "chr$i";}
                    elsif ( $i == $d ) {$chr = "chrX";}
                    elsif ( $i == $e ) {$chr = "chrY";}

                    open FILE, "<$ARGV[0]"; my $j = 0;
                    while ( <FILE> ) {
                    my $line = $_;

                    chomp $line;

                    if ($line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/){
                    #if ($line =~ /^(chr\S+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)/){

                    my ( $chromo, $start, $end ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
                    #print "\$chromo, \$start, \$end = $chromo, $start, $end\n";
                    if ( $start < 0 ) { $start = 0; }
                    if ( $chromo eq $chr ) {
                    if ( $j == 1 ) { print "Checking $chromo\n"; }
                    $steps{$chr}{$start}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$start}{'sum'} + 1;

                    $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} - 1;
                    close ( FILE );
                    my $l = 0; my $k1 = 0; my $k2 = 0;

                    for $k1 (keys %steps){

                    for $k2 (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{%steps->{$k1}}){
                    if ( $l == 1 ) { print "Printing lines for $chr.\n"; }

                    print OUT "$k1\t$k2\t$steps{$k1}{$k2}{'sum'}\n";

                    print "Chr$i Processed.\n";
                    close OUT;

                    3) Intermediate 'steps' file to wig:

                    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
                    # Program to take the steps information and create a density wig file.

                    use strict;

                    my $sum = 0;

                    my $oldsum = 0;

                    my $oldpos = 0;

                    if ( $#ARGV != 3 ) { print "Please provide: a) Input file\nb) Output file\nc)Track Name\nd) Colour pref.\n"; exit; }

                    open FILE, "$ARGV[0]";#removed <
                    open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";#changed from >>

                    my $header ="track type=bedGraph name=\"".$ARGV[2]."\" visibility=full color=".$ARGV[3]." priority=20\n";

                    print OUT $header;

                    while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {

                    chomp $line;

                    if ( $line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/ ){

                    if ( $oldpos ne 0 && $oldsum ne 0){

                    print OUT "$1\t$oldpos\t$2\t$oldsum\n";


                    $oldpos = $2;

                    $oldsum = $oldsum + $3;



                    close FILE;
                    close OUT;


                    Then use the UCSC wigToBigWig binary to convert to bigwig!

                    Hi rlh60, could you please explain why use minus to the stop point :$steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} = $steps{$chr}{$end}{'sum'} - 1;


                    • #11
                      @rlh60 (and for anyone else interested), FWIW, I'm trying out your scripts (starting with #2) and when I run it I get this error (YMMV):

                      Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at ./ line 48.
                      Line 48 is:
                      for $k2 (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{%steps->{$k1}}){
                      Correcting that to:
                      for $k2 (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$steps{$k1}}){
                      ...and it now works fine. That hash was causing the problem for me.


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