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  • Hi Simon,

    Thanks! I'll get our version upgraded and try it out. I appreciate the support!



    • The program is very efficient in memory usage to make it run on any system. I have one concern for some applications that contain large number of sequence reads which require obviously larger system to analyze. In the "Duplicate Sequences" it says "To cut down on the memory requirements for this module only sequences which occur in the first 200,000 sequences in each file are analysed, but this should be enough to get a good impression for the duplication levels in the whole file." can you provide option to analyze entire file. Some applications such as exome sequencing has around 40million sequence reads. I like to see more like 90% of my entire sequence set 200k is around .5%. I know this may take longer time to process but its worth it for me. Is it possible to allow processing entire file or 90% of file depending on its size not a hard cut off value like 200k? do you think this would be better representative of my entire set. This applies to the "Overrepresented sequences" and "Overrepresented Kmers" analysis as well I think.
      Last edited by husamia; 07-14-2011, 04:47 AM.


      • Originally posted by husamia View Post
        Some applications such as exome sequencing has around 40million sequence reads. I like to see more like 90% of my entire sequence set 200k is around .5%. I know this may take longer time to process but its worth it for me. Is it possible to allow processing entire file or 90% of file depending on its size not a hard cut off value like 200k? do you think this would be better representative of my entire set. This applies to the "Overrepresented sequences" and "Overrepresented Kmers" analysis as well I think.
        You raise a few points which I'll try to cover:

        Firstly, the sampled coverage only applies to the Overrepresented sequences and duplicate sequences modules. The Kmer analysis always uses everything.

        For the other two modules, it's not that the program only analyses the first 200k sequences, it's that it analyses the first 200k *different* sequences it finds, and then it tracks these to the end of the file. Any new copies of those same sequences which are seen later will be counted into the analysis, but new sequences not seen within the first 200k different sequences will not be tracked. The duplicate plot then extrapolates from these results to what it would have been likely to see if it had been able to analyse all sequences.

        For the duplicate sequence plot this gives a perfectly fair view of your data since you're only trying to measure the relative number of unique, duplicated, triplicated etc sequences so it's not necessary to see every sequence.

        For the overrepresented sequence list it's theoretically possible that there are sequences which make up a significant proportion of the total yet don't appear at all within the first 200k. However in your example even if every sequence were different you'd have to be fairly unlucky not to see an overrepresented sequence in the first 200k - you'd have a 50% chance of seeing something which made up 0.5% of your data, and the odds get better for more enriched sequences.

        The problem with not analysing more (or even all) of the sequences isn't the time to process, since all sequences are examined, it's the amount of RAM this could consume. If every sequence in a file were different then you could have to store them all in memory to construct the plot. For a 40million read file this could equate to 10GB+ for these modules alone, which isn't going to be feasible for most people.

        The one significant problem which could occur in these modules is that they assume that sequences which arrive in a random order. If however your file isn't random (such as a sorted BAM file for example), then the first sequences you see may not be representative of the whole file - however I can't see an easy way around this if I want to be able to analyse the whole dataset in a single pass with reasonable memory usage (any suggestions are welcome!).


        • If it's straightforward to implement, then it seems like it could be a useful option to specify the maximum number of distinct sequences to keep in memory, with the default being 200k. This would be similar to the MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM option in Picard.

          A few GB of RAM per sample is feasible for me, and I suspect a few others, so if this were available I might set the limit to a couple million rather than 200k, just to get as accurate results as possible. (Though I wouldn't set it to infinity...) It's not a feature I'm dying for, however, so I'm not too concerned either way.


          • Hi Simon,

            Have you published FastQC anywhere yet? Any idea how I should make a reference to it?


            • Originally posted by simonandrews View Post
              It looks like you're trying to use a file which isn't in FastQ format. I'd guess from the name of your file that it's a fastA file? FastQC is designed to work with file formats which include both sequence and quality data, which fastA doesn't have. You could, I suppose, make up a fake FastQ format from your fastA file if you really wanted to, but it would probably be better to find your raw sequence output and run that through the program, rather than trying to analyse your assembled contigs directly.

              If you let us know what kind of data you have and what you're trying to find out we may be able to offer other suggestions.
              I used "csfasta" file of solid data and got the same error, fastqc didn't support this format?

              Any solution


              • I downloaded latest FastQC version to analyze fastq generated by CASAVA1.8 pipeline.
                But running it on PhiX data returned message :
                Approx 95% complete for PhiX_NoIndex_L008_R1.fastq.gz
                Analysis complete for PhiX_NoIndex_L008_R1.fastq.gz
                Failed to process file PhiX_NoIndex_L008_R1.fastq.gz
                at java.awt.dnd.DropTarget.<init>(
                at java.awt.dnd.DropTarget.<init>(
                at javax.swing.JComponent.<init>(
                at javax.swing.JPanel.<init>(
                at javax.swing.JPanel.<init>(

                java is installed and version is 1.5.0
                Command line was : fastqc --casava Sample_PhiX/PhiX_NoIndex_L008_R1_00*

                I have no idea what gone wrong.
                Any help appreciated.


                • Originally posted by jeny View Post
                  We've seen this error for some older JREs, (particularly some versions of GCJ) which have a bug where they fail to work with offscreen displays even if the awt.headless flag is set to indicate there is no locally connected display.

                  The simple fix is to install the latest Oracle JRE onto the machine and use that to run FastQC. As it's a bug in java itself there's nothing we can do within the FastQC code to fix this.

                  This assumes that you're using the fastqc wrapper to launch the program - if you've constructed your own command then try running through the wrapper which will set these kinds of flags for you.


                  • ok, thanks for your quick reply.
                    I will install latest jre.


                    • I have a question about the contaminants list.

                      Is there a limit to the length of the sequence I can add to the file, or a length at which the tool may have a problem?


                      • Originally posted by mnkyboy View Post
                        I have a question about the contaminants list.

                        Is there a limit to the length of the sequence I can add to the file, or a length at which the tool may have a problem?
                        There isn't an intrinsic limit (other than the amount of RAM you have), but I don't think it would make sense to include sequences more than a few hundred bases. The search algorithm is very simplistic, doing a pretty inefficient search for linear matches with the sequences in the file. Also, since the matches reported are a simple yes/no (with percentages, but without any positional information), I'm not sure how useful they'd be if you put in a really long sequence.

                        Having said all of this we've never tried using long sequences so have a go and let us know if it's actually useful, or if there are simple changes we could make which would make it more usable.


                        • Hi Simon,

                          About duplicates. For PE run, I obtained duplicates results for reads 1 and reads 2. For me it's therefore a single read evaluation. Is it possible to get the real PE duplicates ?
                          About the result, I understood that the proportion is calculated from unique reads. Would it be possible to obtain duplicates proportion from the total reads ? For exome sequencing, it's what interests us but we need a (time-consuming) alignment to get that QC.

                          However I'm a new user of your really usefull tool, sorry if I misunderstood some features...


                          • Hi Simon,

                            First off, this is an excellent piece of software I have only recently started to use. I was trying to analyze some of our old HiSeq data that are all outputted as huge gzip Fastq files (10-15gb each). Because of the size, they take a long time to load in FastQC and I can't easily split the files unless I unzip them first. Any chance you could put in FastQC a way to only read a certain number of reads or percentage of reads? That way I should be able to have a file with 100m reads but only read, say, 1m - which is sufficient for the analysis and much faster.

                            Thanks for the great program once again.


                            • Originally posted by marcaill View Post
                              Hi Simon,
                              About duplicates. For PE run, I obtained duplicates results for reads 1 and reads 2. For me it's therefore a single read evaluation. Is it possible to get the real PE duplicates ?
                              We've actually been thinking about how to handle paired end data better. This is particularly problematic for paired end BAM files where the results of the two ends are just merged together in a single report at the moment. What I guess we'd need would be a combined report where most of the graphs are duplicated, but things like the summary and duplicate plot could account for both ends. At the moment we're just limited on the amount of time we can put into this kind of development.

                              Originally posted by marcaill View Post
                              About the result, I understood that the proportion is calculated from unique reads. Would it be possible to obtain duplicates proportion from the total reads ? For exome sequencing, it's what interests us but we need a (time-consuming) alignment to get that QC.
                              Doing an exhaustive duplicate calculation is problematic only because of the potential memory usage. We have people putting hundreds of millions of reads through the program, and in the worst case (every read is different) we'd need to hold all of those reads in memory (in an non-hugely efficient data structure) to calculate duplicate levels. This would either mean reserving huge amounts of RAM at startup (and making the program not work on most desktop machines), or having the program fail part way through (ironically, only if you have really good data).

                              Thinking about what you asked, I'm sure it's possible to work out a way to extrapolate to real numbers from the data we have, but I don't think the conversion is entirely trivial. If anyone wants to help working out the correct way to convert from the proportion tracking we currently have to working back to real numbers then please contact me directly and I'd be happy to have a chat about this.


                              • Originally posted by kga1978 View Post
                                Hi Simon,

                                First off, this is an excellent piece of software I have only recently started to use. I was trying to analyze some of our old HiSeq data that are all outputted as huge gzip Fastq files (10-15gb each). Because of the size, they take a long time to load in FastQC and I can't easily split the files unless I unzip them first. Any chance you could put in FastQC a way to only read a certain number of reads or percentage of reads? That way I should be able to have a file with 100m reads but only read, say, 1m - which is sufficient for the analysis and much faster.

                                Thanks for the great program once again.
                                As long as you're not interested in getting correct summary information for the total number of sequences etc then this should be simple enough to do. I'll look at adding this as an option to the next release. The limit would have to be an absolute number of sequences, or a percentage of the file (not the number of sequences). I guess setting a sequence number limit would be easiest since the program would naturally stop if the file finished.

                                Limiting the analysis in this way would also mean that the duplicate sequence plot wouldn't be correct since it would underestimate duplication levels and would show the duplication you actually got within the subset of the file you analysed.


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