I am using HTSeq-count to count paired end reads (2 samples with 3 replicates in each) . But I am getting the warning message which says "some reads with missing mates encountered". Am I doing something wrong? Following are the missing mates in all 6 reads.
I am using the following command
HTML Code:
Warning: 29572652 reads with missing mate encountered. 79486404 SAM alignment pairs processed. Warning: 29467379 reads with missing mate encountered. 74028848 SAM alignment pairs processed. Warning: 41994492 reads with missing mate encountered. 108334368 SAM alignment pairs processed. Warning: 31994985 reads with missing mate encountered. 81980266 SAM alignment pairs processed. Warning: 145791964 reads with missing mate encountered. 150324577 SAM alignment pairs processed. Warning: 128675855 reads with missing mate encountered. 132292695 SAM alignment pairs processed.
HTML Code:
htseq-count -r name -m intersection-strict -s no -i gene_id <sorted_by_name.sam> <GTF File> > <Count File>