Hello all,
I was wondering if there's a way to deal with donor/batch effect if one wants to use cufflinks/cuffdiff pipeline. I have some human RNA-seq data, and using cuffdiff as is basically generates no differenitally expressed genes.
However if you use design ~ donor + condition in DESeq2, there are quite a few differentially expressed genes. PCA suggests there is a strong donor effect also.
So is there a way to address it with cuffdiff?
Thank you in advance.
I was wondering if there's a way to deal with donor/batch effect if one wants to use cufflinks/cuffdiff pipeline. I have some human RNA-seq data, and using cuffdiff as is basically generates no differenitally expressed genes.
However if you use design ~ donor + condition in DESeq2, there are quite a few differentially expressed genes. PCA suggests there is a strong donor effect also.
So is there a way to address it with cuffdiff?
Thank you in advance.