Hi all,
Quick question, I am doing some whole genome and am using the GATK haplotypecaller. To speed things up, I would like to break the genome into smaller chuncks and run each chromosome separately on its own thread (using -L options with a bed file for each chromosome). This will produce multiple gvcf files for 1 sample. If I use the genotypeGVCFs function, will it treat the gvcf's with the same sample name as a single file? Would the combineGVCFs do the same thing and that should be done first?
Quick question, I am doing some whole genome and am using the GATK haplotypecaller. To speed things up, I would like to break the genome into smaller chuncks and run each chromosome separately on its own thread (using -L options with a bed file for each chromosome). This will produce multiple gvcf files for 1 sample. If I use the genotypeGVCFs function, will it treat the gvcf's with the same sample name as a single file? Would the combineGVCFs do the same thing and that should be done first?