I did RIP-seq and used bwa to align the reads following this script
bwa index genome.fasta
bwa aln -n 0 file.sai genome.fasta file.fastq
bwa samse file.sam genome.fasta file.sai file.fastq
samtools view -bt genome.fasta -o file.bam file.sam
samtools sort file.bam filesort.bam
samtools index filesort.bam
Strangely enough, I can see that all the reads map antisense to the coding sequence.. How is that possible? where is the mistake? is in the alignment or in the sequencing?
I did RIP-seq and used bwa to align the reads following this script
bwa index genome.fasta
bwa aln -n 0 file.sai genome.fasta file.fastq
bwa samse file.sam genome.fasta file.sai file.fastq
samtools view -bt genome.fasta -o file.bam file.sam
samtools sort file.bam filesort.bam
samtools index filesort.bam
Strangely enough, I can see that all the reads map antisense to the coding sequence.. How is that possible? where is the mistake? is in the alignment or in the sequencing?