Hi all,
Minor question regarding how to visualize features from a custom track (gff3) into the Genome Browser. So I work with the Generic Genome Browser (version 2.40) from an external server (collaboration work), and when I upload my custom track, gff3 file, like this:
it is showed in the browser like this:

But instead of showing transposable_element:RepeatMasker (2nd and 3rd columns from gff file) I want to see the ID when you place the mouse close to the feature. I've bee looking at the GBrowser documentation and the config files without succeed. Any help from the GMOD gurus, please??
Minor question regarding how to visualize features from a custom track (gff3) into the Genome Browser. So I work with the Generic Genome Browser (version 2.40) from an external server (collaboration work), and when I upload my custom track, gff3 file, like this:
##gff-version 3 scaffold_1 RepeatMasker transposable_element 21377 21447 18.3 + . ID=TE1 scaffold_1 RepeatMasker transposable_element 66377 66437 11.7 - . ID=TE2 scaffold_1 RepeatMasker transposable_element 68947 68978 12.5 - . ID=TE3

But instead of showing transposable_element:RepeatMasker (2nd and 3rd columns from gff file) I want to see the ID when you place the mouse close to the feature. I've bee looking at the GBrowser documentation and the config files without succeed. Any help from the GMOD gurus, please??