I am developing a toolbox with collection of source codes of efficient bioinformatics programs.
They are available under the condition that you cite the individual authors and not Pandora's toolbox.
My goal is to develop additional code so that we can mix and match them to solve various problems efficiently.
github page -
Blog posts -
Introducing ‘Pandora’s Toolbox’ and ‘Pandora’s Modules’
An Update on Pandora’s Toolbox
The following programs are currently included in the collection.
1. KMC2
2. bwa (included BWAMEM)
5. bcalm – de Bruijn graph compressor
6. Minia – assembler
7. samtools – NGS data handling
8. SOAPdenovo2 – genome assembler
9. SOAPdenovo-trans – transcriptome assembler
10. SPAdes – genome assembler
11. Trinity – transcriptome assembler
12. sailfish – RNAseq expression analysis
13. RAPSearch2
14. Tophat
15. Cufflinks
I would appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.
I am developing a toolbox with collection of source codes of efficient bioinformatics programs.
They are available under the condition that you cite the individual authors and not Pandora's toolbox.
My goal is to develop additional code so that we can mix and match them to solve various problems efficiently.
github page -
Blog posts -
Introducing ‘Pandora’s Toolbox’ and ‘Pandora’s Modules’
An Update on Pandora’s Toolbox
The following programs are currently included in the collection.
1. KMC2
2. bwa (included BWAMEM)
5. bcalm – de Bruijn graph compressor
6. Minia – assembler
7. samtools – NGS data handling
8. SOAPdenovo2 – genome assembler
9. SOAPdenovo-trans – transcriptome assembler
10. SPAdes – genome assembler
11. Trinity – transcriptome assembler
12. sailfish – RNAseq expression analysis
13. RAPSearch2
14. Tophat
15. Cufflinks
I would appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.