Short question: Can I use FTP to "put" a file onto Galaxy rather than using the Upload File interface? See below for my specific problem.
I've found the Galaxy web interface to be a great resource for analyzing Illumina sequence files. However, upload of these files (>4 GB) from my desktop to Galaxy's servers is painfully slow. Using FTP from our main campus bioinformatics computers would be much faster and take the load off of my desktop and the Galaxy webpage states, "TIP: For NGS and other large files (>~2GB), uploading via HTTP/FTP URL (below) is the most reliable method".
However, our campus computing policies states, "FTP connections from remote systems are not allowed. Remote file transfer connections must be initiated using a secure FTP (SFTP) client program that authenticates to the server using SSH version 2".
Rather than having Galaxy GET the file via FTP, can I use the PUT command to upload the file onto Galaxy's servers?
Thanks in advance,
Short question: Can I use FTP to "put" a file onto Galaxy rather than using the Upload File interface? See below for my specific problem.
I've found the Galaxy web interface to be a great resource for analyzing Illumina sequence files. However, upload of these files (>4 GB) from my desktop to Galaxy's servers is painfully slow. Using FTP from our main campus bioinformatics computers would be much faster and take the load off of my desktop and the Galaxy webpage states, "TIP: For NGS and other large files (>~2GB), uploading via HTTP/FTP URL (below) is the most reliable method".
However, our campus computing policies states, "FTP connections from remote systems are not allowed. Remote file transfer connections must be initiated using a secure FTP (SFTP) client program that authenticates to the server using SSH version 2".
Rather than having Galaxy GET the file via FTP, can I use the PUT command to upload the file onto Galaxy's servers?
Thanks in advance,