I am totally new to all this stuff and promptly ran into problems using Tophat for aligning RNAseq-data.
I have an invertebrate draft genome around 100megabases in 7000 scaffolds and I wanted to align PE RNAseq-data to the genome with Tophat. I wanted to use the output in Maker for annotation of the genome, because I have not yet done a de-novo-assembly.
Tophat finished without any errors but the results have been a tiny accepted_hits.bam and a huge unmapped.bam.
So what I did was:
- build the genome index with bowtie2-build
- trimmed the 76 bp paired-end reads with Trimmomatic (leading: 20 trailing: 20 minlen: 50)
- ran Tophat with default parameters, except: -r 150 (insert size 250 - 300bp)
I am not sure which of the many logs are important, some also seem to contain redundant information, but here are:
- tophat.log:
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Beginning TopHat run (v2.0.0)
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for Samtools
Samtools version:
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for Bowtie index files
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for reference FASTA file
Warning: Could not find FASTA file H2genome.fa
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Reconstituting reference FASTA file from Bowtie index
Executing: /local64/usr_local/bin/bowtie2-inspect H2genome > ./tophat_out/tmp/H2genome.fa
[2015-02-06 17:50:15] Generating SAM header for H2genome
format: fastq
quality scale: phred33 (default)
[2015-02-06 17:50:17] Preparing reads
left reads: min. length=50, count=31002899
right reads: min. length=50, count=31002899
[2015-02-06 18:15:30] Mapping left_kept_reads against H2genome with Bowtie2
[2015-02-06 18:39:35] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg1 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 18:44:16] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg2 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 18:49:13] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg3 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 18:56:30] Mapping right_kept_reads against H2genome with Bowtie2
[2015-02-06 19:20:49] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg1 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 19:25:54] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg2 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 19:31:06] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg3 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 19:36:59] Searching for junctions via segment mapping
[2015-02-06 19:41:42] Retrieving sequences for splices
[2015-02-06 19:41:48] Indexing splices
[2015-02-06 19:43:16] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg1 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 19:45:25] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg2 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 19:47:56] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg3 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 19:50:27] Joining segment hits
[2015-02-06 20:06:22] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg1 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 20:08:41] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg2 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 20:11:01] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg3 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 20:13:48] Joining segment hits
[2015-02-06 20:28:45] Reporting output tracks
- reports.log:
[samopen] SAM header is present: 6973 sequences.
Loaded 7 junctions
Reporting final accepted alignments...done.
Printing junction BED track...done
Printing insertions...done
Printing deletions...done
Found 5 junctions from happy spliced reads
- bowtie.left_kept_reads.fixmap.log:
49466 out of 31052365 reads have been filtered out
31002899 reads; of these:
31002899 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
5185062 (16.72%) aligned 0 times
23947202 (77.24%) aligned exactly 1 time
1870635 (6.03%) aligned >1 times
83.28% overall alignment rate
- bowtie.right_kept_reads.fixmap.log:
31002899 reads; of these:
31002899 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
5185062 (16.72%) aligned 0 times
23947202 (77.24%) aligned exactly 1 time
1870635 (6.03%) aligned >1 times
83.28% overall alignment rate
So it seems that most of the reads align to the genome, right (>80%)? Although, to me, it looks a little bit odd that the right reads have exactly the same values as the left reads?
Also, in any of the "bowtie.right/left_kept_reads_seg.fixmap.log" files, the alignment rate is much lower.
e.g. bowtie.right_kept_reads_seg2.fixmap.log:
9740245 reads; of these:
9740245 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
6453402 (66.26%) aligned 0 times
2647488 (27.18%) aligned exactly 1 time
639355 (6.56%) aligned >1 times
33.74% overall alignment rate
So I am really interested to understand what has happened in my run and why Tophat has found almost no accepted hits and junctions?
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
I am totally new to all this stuff and promptly ran into problems using Tophat for aligning RNAseq-data.
I have an invertebrate draft genome around 100megabases in 7000 scaffolds and I wanted to align PE RNAseq-data to the genome with Tophat. I wanted to use the output in Maker for annotation of the genome, because I have not yet done a de-novo-assembly.
Tophat finished without any errors but the results have been a tiny accepted_hits.bam and a huge unmapped.bam.
So what I did was:
- build the genome index with bowtie2-build
- trimmed the 76 bp paired-end reads with Trimmomatic (leading: 20 trailing: 20 minlen: 50)
- ran Tophat with default parameters, except: -r 150 (insert size 250 - 300bp)
I am not sure which of the many logs are important, some also seem to contain redundant information, but here are:
- tophat.log:
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Beginning TopHat run (v2.0.0)
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for Samtools
Samtools version:
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for Bowtie index files
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Checking for reference FASTA file
Warning: Could not find FASTA file H2genome.fa
[2015-02-06 17:50:08] Reconstituting reference FASTA file from Bowtie index
Executing: /local64/usr_local/bin/bowtie2-inspect H2genome > ./tophat_out/tmp/H2genome.fa
[2015-02-06 17:50:15] Generating SAM header for H2genome
format: fastq
quality scale: phred33 (default)
[2015-02-06 17:50:17] Preparing reads
left reads: min. length=50, count=31002899
right reads: min. length=50, count=31002899
[2015-02-06 18:15:30] Mapping left_kept_reads against H2genome with Bowtie2
[2015-02-06 18:39:35] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg1 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 18:44:16] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg2 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 18:49:13] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg3 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 18:56:30] Mapping right_kept_reads against H2genome with Bowtie2
[2015-02-06 19:20:49] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg1 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 19:25:54] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg2 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 19:31:06] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg3 against H2genome with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 19:36:59] Searching for junctions via segment mapping
[2015-02-06 19:41:42] Retrieving sequences for splices
[2015-02-06 19:41:48] Indexing splices
[2015-02-06 19:43:16] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg1 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 19:45:25] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg2 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 19:47:56] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg3 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 19:50:27] Joining segment hits
[2015-02-06 20:06:22] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg1 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (1/3)
[2015-02-06 20:08:41] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg2 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (2/3)
[2015-02-06 20:11:01] Mapping right_kept_reads_seg3 against segment_juncs with Bowtie2 (3/3)
[2015-02-06 20:13:48] Joining segment hits
[2015-02-06 20:28:45] Reporting output tracks
- reports.log:
[samopen] SAM header is present: 6973 sequences.
Loaded 7 junctions
Reporting final accepted alignments...done.
Printing junction BED track...done
Printing insertions...done
Printing deletions...done
Found 5 junctions from happy spliced reads
- bowtie.left_kept_reads.fixmap.log:
49466 out of 31052365 reads have been filtered out
31002899 reads; of these:
31002899 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
5185062 (16.72%) aligned 0 times
23947202 (77.24%) aligned exactly 1 time
1870635 (6.03%) aligned >1 times
83.28% overall alignment rate
- bowtie.right_kept_reads.fixmap.log:
31002899 reads; of these:
31002899 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
5185062 (16.72%) aligned 0 times
23947202 (77.24%) aligned exactly 1 time
1870635 (6.03%) aligned >1 times
83.28% overall alignment rate
So it seems that most of the reads align to the genome, right (>80%)? Although, to me, it looks a little bit odd that the right reads have exactly the same values as the left reads?
Also, in any of the "bowtie.right/left_kept_reads_seg.fixmap.log" files, the alignment rate is much lower.
e.g. bowtie.right_kept_reads_seg2.fixmap.log:
9740245 reads; of these:
9740245 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
6453402 (66.26%) aligned 0 times
2647488 (27.18%) aligned exactly 1 time
639355 (6.56%) aligned >1 times
33.74% overall alignment rate
So I am really interested to understand what has happened in my run and why Tophat has found almost no accepted hits and junctions?
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!