I am trying to run a command that will give me a list of all gi's given a specific tax id. The idea is to eventually use the ouput.txt as an exclusion list for a blastn procedure.
I am basing this off of the documentation cookbook found here.
I reproduce the interesting cookbook command here below:
Let us suppose I want to find all the gi's associated with from the nt database? I have something like the following:
I began the job on my local cluster, but I cannot help that perhaps I might be making a mistake? My hope is the above command will give me all the gi's associated with Drosophila with taxid = 7227. Does this look right to you all?
I am basing this off of the documentation cookbook found here.
I reproduce the interesting cookbook command here below:
blastdbcmd -entry all -db ecoli -dbtype nucl -outfmt %g | head -1 | \ tee exclude_me
blastdbcmd -db nr -entry all -outfmt "%g %T" | awk '{ if ($2 == 7227) {print $1} }'