I am trying to align paired end reads (Illumina) to a reference genome using BWA. I have 10 reads files, 5 for each direction.
In this old post 'totalnew' says to align the files separately:
I have been reading for quite a while now so sorry if I missed something totally obvious but how do I run sampe from there on? Can I just say
or do I need to run sampe for each file separately?
What if I concatenate all reads files into s_1_sequence.txt and s_2_sequences.txt and then run bwa aln twice and bwa samse once?
ps (offtopic) @lh3: I tried downloading bwa 0.5.8a but it seems as though there are files missing. Here what I get:
I downloaded 0.5.7 and it runs fine.
I am trying to align paired end reads (Illumina) to a reference genome using BWA. I have 10 reads files, 5 for each direction.
In this old post 'totalnew' says to align the files separately:
bwa aln database.fasta 4_1.fq > 1_1.fq.sai bwa aln database.fasta 4_2.fq > 1_2.fq.sai bwa aln database.fasta 5_1.fq > 2_1.fq.sai bwa aln database.fasta 5_2.fq > 2_2.fq.sai [...]
bwa sampe database.fa 1_1.fq.sai 2_1.fq.sai 3_1... 1_2.fq.sai 2_2.fq.sai 3_2... 1_1.fq 2_1.fq 3_1... 1_2.fq 2_2.fq 3_2... > alignment.sam
What if I concatenate all reads files into s_1_sequence.txt and s_2_sequences.txt and then run bwa aln twice and bwa samse once?
ps (offtopic) @lh3: I tried downloading bwa 0.5.8a but it seems as though there are files missing. Here what I get:
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files/bwa-0.5.8a.tar.bz2/download bunzip2 bwa-0.5.8a.tar.bz2 tar -xf bwa-0.5.8a.tar ls bwa-0.5.8a bntseq.c bwase.c bwtaln.c bwtgap.h bwtio.c bwtsw2_aux.c bwtsw2_main.c is.c kstring.c main.h simple_dp.c utils.c bntseq.h bwase.h bwtaln.h bwt_gen bwt_lite.c bwtsw2_chain.c ChangeLog khash.h kstring.h Makefile solid2fastq.pl utils.h bwa.1 bwaseqio.c bwt.c bwt.h bwt_lite.h bwtsw2_core.c COPYING kseq.h kvec.h NEWS stdaln.c bwape.c bwa.txt bwtgap.c bwtindex.c bwtmisc.c bwtsw2.h cs2nt.c ksort.h main.c qualfa2fq.pl stdaln.h