Hi Guys
I want to do coverage analysis for the exome data (downloaded from NCBI SRR1299147). In this regard, I want to know what exome capture kit they have used, but i could not find any information in meta data as well. Is there any way to find that? if not what should i do and how should i proceed?
what i am interested in, is to have bed file containing the target and probes, so that i can use bedtools(coverage command) to find the sequencing depth.
A general question is, if some one gives a data set with no information about the exome capture kit. how should one proceed with the coverage analysis using bed tools? Any help in the right direction is highly appreciated. Thank you.
I want to do coverage analysis for the exome data (downloaded from NCBI SRR1299147). In this regard, I want to know what exome capture kit they have used, but i could not find any information in meta data as well. Is there any way to find that? if not what should i do and how should i proceed?
what i am interested in, is to have bed file containing the target and probes, so that i can use bedtools(coverage command) to find the sequencing depth.
A general question is, if some one gives a data set with no information about the exome capture kit. how should one proceed with the coverage analysis using bed tools? Any help in the right direction is highly appreciated. Thank you.