I've been working with tophat for a while pretty successfully, but for some reason this one data set will not cooperate. Using the .gff file I downloaded for the corresponding genome I get:
I've tried making several adjustments to the file to make it fit the prescribed format. I've also double checked that the first column matches whats in the bowtie index using bowtie-inspect. Maybe someone else has had a similar experience? I've tried several variants on the following format and nothing helps, which makes me thing is probably something I've overlooked and I am out of ideas.
Thanks in advance.
I've been working with tophat for a while pretty successfully, but for some reason this one data set will not cooperate. Using the .gff file I downloaded for the corresponding genome I get:
[Fri Jul 9 15:45:42 2010] Reading known junctions from GFF file
Warning: TopHat did not find any junctions in GFF file
Warning: TopHat did not find any junctions in GFF file
Chr01 glean gene 47206323 47208329 . - . ID=BGIOSGA000006;Name=BGIOSGA000006;
Chr01 glean mRNA 47206323 47208329 0.999993 - . ID=BGIOSGA000006;Name=BGIOSGA000006-TA;Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.50;Name=BGIOSGA000006-TA;ID=BGIOSGA000006;
Chr01 glean exon 47208026 47208329 . - 0 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.51;
Chr01 glean exon 47207590 47207951 . - 2 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.52;
Chr01 glean exon 47207158 47207394 . - 0 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.53;
Chr01 glean exon 47206323 47206556 . - 0 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.54;
Chr01 glean mRNA 47206323 47208329 0.999993 - . ID=BGIOSGA000006;Name=BGIOSGA000006-TA;Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.50;Name=BGIOSGA000006-TA;ID=BGIOSGA000006;
Chr01 glean exon 47208026 47208329 . - 0 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.51;
Chr01 glean exon 47207590 47207951 . - 2 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.52;
Chr01 glean exon 47207158 47207394 . - 0 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.53;
Chr01 glean exon 47206323 47206556 . - 0 Parent=BGIOSGA000006;ID=BGIOSGA000006.54;