Hi all,
I'm trying to analyze RNA-seq data (mouse, multiplexed Nextera XT libraries) using STAR and I'm having the problem that I'm getting mostly "no feature" and hardly any annotated reads downstream.
I trimmed reads with cutadapt, ran fastqc for QC and STAR using UCSC mm10 (from illumina ftp) and the associated gtf, running STAR with default parameters. I'm getting on average 85-95% uniquely aligned reads so I was assuming things work. However in the "gene counts" output of STAR (when using quantMode GeneCounts), I'm getting more than 50% of reads as "no feature". When running the STAR output bam files through either htseq-count or featureCounts, I'm getting mostly zeros.
I've included some published (from the Linnarson group) fastq files as positive controls and I'm getting the same results with those files also, suggesting it's not our libraries but the pipeline that's the problem. Would be grateful for any suggestions!
Best Wishes
I'm trying to analyze RNA-seq data (mouse, multiplexed Nextera XT libraries) using STAR and I'm having the problem that I'm getting mostly "no feature" and hardly any annotated reads downstream.
I trimmed reads with cutadapt, ran fastqc for QC and STAR using UCSC mm10 (from illumina ftp) and the associated gtf, running STAR with default parameters. I'm getting on average 85-95% uniquely aligned reads so I was assuming things work. However in the "gene counts" output of STAR (when using quantMode GeneCounts), I'm getting more than 50% of reads as "no feature". When running the STAR output bam files through either htseq-count or featureCounts, I'm getting mostly zeros.
I've included some published (from the Linnarson group) fastq files as positive controls and I'm getting the same results with those files also, suggesting it's not our libraries but the pipeline that's the problem. Would be grateful for any suggestions!
Best Wishes