hello, i'm trying to do denovo assembly for a prokaryote strain, using different software ( Abyss, Dnastar, CLC) and i got good results, 27 contigs a hight N50, and the right size of my genome, what i don't understand is when i blast all my contigs to the reference at once they cover only 50 % or less, but when i blast them one by one it seems that they cover pretty much all the reference,
i did try mauve but it align only few of my contigs, as shown, can anyone please help me to interpret the results.
should i do the assembly again
i have also did a mapping to the reference using reads and got 85 identity
i did try mauve but it align only few of my contigs, as shown, can anyone please help me to interpret the results.
should i do the assembly again

i have also did a mapping to the reference using reads and got 85 identity