Dear all,
I have a question concerning a multiple factor analysis with a batch effect reflecting the day of the library preparation (2 dates). I am using the likrlihood ratio test in DESeq2. My variable of interest is a continious variable indicating how much a person is exposed. Further I want to control for possible confounders sex, age and BMI.
My first question would be if the design makes sense:
or would I need to do something like this:
And the second question concerning the results:
Why are so many NAs among the adjusted pvalues? and why are many of them equal?
res<-results(dds,name = "" ,pAdjustMethod = "fdr")
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
gene1 13009.48564 -0.0005561894 0.001880162 25.89735 0.0002326616 0.01561069
gene2 163.28590 -0.0043968404 0.003520945 25.21172 0.0003119647 0.01561069
gene4 88.93107 -0.0074868961 0.006939026 26.88819 0.0001519605 0.01561069
gene5 121.15589 -0.0092059826 0.004727699 25.50741 0.0002749380 0.01561069
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
genex 24.22494 -0.0117729650 0.011910591 5.048386 0.5376224 NA
geney 23.03576 0.0070158920 0.010191693 5.260325 0.5108840 NA
Many thanks for your help!
I have a question concerning a multiple factor analysis with a batch effect reflecting the day of the library preparation (2 dates). I am using the likrlihood ratio test in DESeq2. My variable of interest is a continious variable indicating how much a person is exposed. Further I want to control for possible confounders sex, age and BMI.
My first question would be if the design makes sense:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = MyCounts, colData = MyData, design = ~libbatch + sex + age + BMI + Exposure) dds<-DESeq(dds,test= "LRT",full = design(dds),reduced = ~libbatch) res<-results(dds,name = "Exposure" ,pAdjustMethod = "fdr")
dds<-DESeq(dds,test= "LRT",full = design(dds),reduced = ~libbatch + sex + age + BMI +)
Why are so many NAs among the adjusted pvalues? and why are many of them equal?
res<-results(dds,name = "" ,pAdjustMethod = "fdr")
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
gene1 13009.48564 -0.0005561894 0.001880162 25.89735 0.0002326616 0.01561069
gene2 163.28590 -0.0043968404 0.003520945 25.21172 0.0003119647 0.01561069
gene4 88.93107 -0.0074868961 0.006939026 26.88819 0.0001519605 0.01561069
gene5 121.15589 -0.0092059826 0.004727699 25.50741 0.0002749380 0.01561069
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
genex 24.22494 -0.0117729650 0.011910591 5.048386 0.5376224 NA
geney 23.03576 0.0070158920 0.010191693 5.260325 0.5108840 NA
Many thanks for your help!