Hi everybody,
I use samtools and bcftools 1.4.1 for variant calling. However, I cannot detect deletions for a specific position. In fact, when I visualize my data in IGV (by Broad Institute) I can see an obvious heterozygous deletion from T to no nucleotide (52% T, 45% - , 3% others) at 3294155th position of chr16 (hg19). However, samtools and bcftools cannot detect this deletion. What could be the reason for that? How can I modify my code shown below to call this deletion?
samtools mpileup -ABuvf ~/Desktop/Analysis/hg19/hg19.fa ${outpath}/sortedBowtieOut.sam -o ${outpath}/mpileup.vcf
bcftools call -v -c -O v -o ${outpath}/sortedBowtieOut_samtools_raw_variants.vcf ${outpath}/mpileup.vcf
Thanks, Kind Regards,
I use samtools and bcftools 1.4.1 for variant calling. However, I cannot detect deletions for a specific position. In fact, when I visualize my data in IGV (by Broad Institute) I can see an obvious heterozygous deletion from T to no nucleotide (52% T, 45% - , 3% others) at 3294155th position of chr16 (hg19). However, samtools and bcftools cannot detect this deletion. What could be the reason for that? How can I modify my code shown below to call this deletion?
samtools mpileup -ABuvf ~/Desktop/Analysis/hg19/hg19.fa ${outpath}/sortedBowtieOut.sam -o ${outpath}/mpileup.vcf
bcftools call -v -c -O v -o ${outpath}/sortedBowtieOut_samtools_raw_variants.vcf ${outpath}/mpileup.vcf
Thanks, Kind Regards,