Does any one know how to convert SAM to cufflinks SAM format ?
Even manual is fine I can write a simple code that converts manual to command line.
All I want to know is is the first sequence is really SAM or not (It should be). If it is what coulmn actually represents original SAM format?
Even manual is fine I can write a simple code that converts manual to command line.
All I want to know is is the first sequence is really SAM or not (It should be). If it is what coulmn actually represents original SAM format?
IL26_1184:1:109:734:594 67 clone::AL662826.11:1:145431:1 27827 0 36M * 0 80 GGCCGCTGTGCGCGCCCCGCCTGCTGGACCACTTCA >>>>>>><<>>>>>>>>>>>>8<<>8,,<<3<<8<3 MF:i:18 Aq:i:0 NM:i:0 UQ:i:0 H0:i:3 H1:i:0 IL26_1184:1:109:734:594 147 clone::AL662826.11:1:145431:1 27871 0 36M * 0 -80 CTGCCGGCGTTGCTCAAGCTGGCCTGCGGAGGCGAC 7.6<4667<64<<47<<<<.<<<<2<<<<<<<<<<< MF:i:18 Aq:i:0 NM:i:0 UQ:i:0 H0:i:3 H1:i:0
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