Dear all,
I have two different problems related to samtools.
1. When I try to create a pileup using pileup option in samtools and sorted bam file, I get segmentation fault. I'm using following command.
samtools pileup -cv -f all_chr.fa bamfile.sorted.bam
2. when I use pysam to find different variations at particular coordinates of the human genome I get following errors.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in <module>
samfile = pysam.Samfile("Brain_DNA.sorted.bam","rb")
File "csamtools.pyx", line 266, in csamtools.Samfile.__cinit__ (pysam/csamtools.c:2759)
File "csamtools.pyx", line 376, in csamtools.Samfile._open (pysam/csamtools.c:3871)
ValueError: invalid BAM binary header (is this a BAM file?)
This problem is only related to files which are more than 10 GBs in size. I have tested with smaller files and it works.
I have two different problems related to samtools.
1. When I try to create a pileup using pileup option in samtools and sorted bam file, I get segmentation fault. I'm using following command.
samtools pileup -cv -f all_chr.fa bamfile.sorted.bam
2. when I use pysam to find different variations at particular coordinates of the human genome I get following errors.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in <module>
samfile = pysam.Samfile("Brain_DNA.sorted.bam","rb")
File "csamtools.pyx", line 266, in csamtools.Samfile.__cinit__ (pysam/csamtools.c:2759)
File "csamtools.pyx", line 376, in csamtools.Samfile._open (pysam/csamtools.c:3871)
ValueError: invalid BAM binary header (is this a BAM file?)
This problem is only related to files which are more than 10 GBs in size. I have tested with smaller files and it works.