I am trying to download some fastq data from ENA.
Using the ftp links with the wget command in Linux. Something like:
wget ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/E...229_2.fastq.gz
This works, but download is rather slow - about 10G/hr or slower.
The machine I'm using is a AWS cloud instance with very good network. Downloading from the right source, I can get as high as 300G/hr on this machine, so I don't think there is anything wrong with my system.
I am a bit concerned about this rate, because I plan to download quite a lot of data this way. So my questions are:
1. Has anyone here tried downloading lately? What download speed did you get?
2. Is there maybe another way to access the data which would be faster? Some other platform that I'm not aware of?
Thanks a lot!
Using the ftp links with the wget command in Linux. Something like:
wget ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/E...229_2.fastq.gz
This works, but download is rather slow - about 10G/hr or slower.
The machine I'm using is a AWS cloud instance with very good network. Downloading from the right source, I can get as high as 300G/hr on this machine, so I don't think there is anything wrong with my system.
I am a bit concerned about this rate, because I plan to download quite a lot of data this way. So my questions are:
1. Has anyone here tried downloading lately? What download speed did you get?
2. Is there maybe another way to access the data which would be faster? Some other platform that I'm not aware of?
Thanks a lot!