Hi All,
I just found out that bcl2fastq2 also handles adapter trimming and UMI extraction right at the level of basecall to fastq conversion. If that is available, why would anyone use UMI_tools software?
Also, if we used bcl2fastq2 in the right way, is there a need to deduplicate using Picard or UMI_tools post alignment?
Please share your experience as I am new to UMI processing. (Illumina NextSeq 500 miRNA single-end reads of length 75 bp)
Thank you,
I just found out that bcl2fastq2 also handles adapter trimming and UMI extraction right at the level of basecall to fastq conversion. If that is available, why would anyone use UMI_tools software?
Also, if we used bcl2fastq2 in the right way, is there a need to deduplicate using Picard or UMI_tools post alignment?
Please share your experience as I am new to UMI processing. (Illumina NextSeq 500 miRNA single-end reads of length 75 bp)
Thank you,