I have exome data (single end reads from SoLiD). I am trying to call SNPs using bcftools with the following command
>bcftools view -vcG *.bcf >*.vcf
The *.vcf file only has indels and no SNPs
When I repeat it with just -c option, then the output file does not contain the alternate alleles?
>bcftools view -c *.bcf >*.vcf
Does anyone else have this problem?
Thank you.
I have exome data (single end reads from SoLiD). I am trying to call SNPs using bcftools with the following command
>bcftools view -vcG *.bcf >*.vcf
The *.vcf file only has indels and no SNPs
When I repeat it with just -c option, then the output file does not contain the alternate alleles?
>bcftools view -c *.bcf >*.vcf
Does anyone else have this problem?
Thank you.