I am looking at the data from my pilot Miseq Nano run performed on ATAC-seq libraries.
I wanted to see whether the fragment size distribution pattern corresponds to the one normally observed in ATAC libraries (nucleosome-free regions followed by nucleosomes), and ran Picard InsertSizeMetrics. I'm struggling with the interpretation of its output: what's he difference between FR count and RF count? Why am I getting distributions that are so different? Please see the plots attached. Thanks!
I am looking at the data from my pilot Miseq Nano run performed on ATAC-seq libraries.
I wanted to see whether the fragment size distribution pattern corresponds to the one normally observed in ATAC libraries (nucleosome-free regions followed by nucleosomes), and ran Picard InsertSizeMetrics. I'm struggling with the interpretation of its output: what's he difference between FR count and RF count? Why am I getting distributions that are so different? Please see the plots attached. Thanks!