I ran TopHat on a SOLiD paired-end dataset using the following command:
From flagstat I get:
However when I view accepted_hits.bam in IGV browser many, if not most, reads are paired.
What is the distinction between a paired read and a 'properly paired' read, as designated in the flag field, and why don't these match up for my reads? Will this affect any of my downstream analysis?
(using Tophat 1.2.0, Bowtie 0.12.7)
tophat --color --quals --library-type fr-secondstrand -r 125 -p 7 -o /home/me/data/raw_reads/bowtie_out/sample_secstrand -G /home/me/data/gtf_ref/Rattus_norvegicus.RGSC3.4.59.tophat.gtf rn4_c /home/me/data/raw_reads/for_bowtie/sample/sample_1.csfasta /home/me/data/raw_reads/for_bowtie/sample/sample_2.csfasta /home/me/data/raw_reads/for_bowtie/sample/sample_nh_1.qual /home/me/data/raw_reads/for_bowtie/sample/sample_nh_2.qual
samtools flagstat accepted_hits.bam 18837270 in total 0 QC failure 0 duplicates 18837270 mapped (100.00%) 18837270 paired in sequencing 5917586 read1 12919684 read2 [b]4926 properly paired (0.03%)[/b] 565148 with itself and mate mapped 18272122 singletons (97.00%) 0 with mate mapped to a different chr 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)
What is the distinction between a paired read and a 'properly paired' read, as designated in the flag field, and why don't these match up for my reads? Will this affect any of my downstream analysis?
(using Tophat 1.2.0, Bowtie 0.12.7)