Hi all,
I try to use soap2 to align PE reads from HiSeq2000. Each read file is about 25GB. I have had very little luck with soap aligner.
I used 2twt-builder to build the index files first on hg19.fa, which took quote a while, then called:
soap -a s_5_1_testN.fq -b s_5_2_testN.fq -D /genomes/human/hg19/soap/hg19.fa.index -o mapped.soap -2 se.soap -m 140 -x 400 -p 2
Begin Program SOAPaligner/soap2
Fri Feb 25 16:30:06 2011
Reference: /genomes/human/hg19/soap/hg19.fa.index
Query File a: s_5_1_testN.fq
Query File b: s_5_2_testN.fq
Output File: mapped.soap
Load Index Table ...
Segmentation fault
The machine has sufficient available memory. Did I build the index files incorrectly? Anyone had the same kind of problem? Thanks a lot for any insight on this.
I try to use soap2 to align PE reads from HiSeq2000. Each read file is about 25GB. I have had very little luck with soap aligner.
I used 2twt-builder to build the index files first on hg19.fa, which took quote a while, then called:
soap -a s_5_1_testN.fq -b s_5_2_testN.fq -D /genomes/human/hg19/soap/hg19.fa.index -o mapped.soap -2 se.soap -m 140 -x 400 -p 2
Begin Program SOAPaligner/soap2
Fri Feb 25 16:30:06 2011
Reference: /genomes/human/hg19/soap/hg19.fa.index
Query File a: s_5_1_testN.fq
Query File b: s_5_2_testN.fq
Output File: mapped.soap
Load Index Table ...
Segmentation fault
The machine has sufficient available memory. Did I build the index files incorrectly? Anyone had the same kind of problem? Thanks a lot for any insight on this.