I have a pair of paired end fastq files (lets say forward.fq and reverse.fq) from which I clipped for the adapters, trimmed for quality, and removed barcodes and now have the individual (balanced) files. Off these, I took one of the pairs, lets say, "pe1" and "pe2" and converted to a .SAM file using bwa tool (after indexing corresponding genomic reference etc..).
Then I used ViewSam module of Picard to write "Aligned" and "Unaligned" output files separately. After that when I tried to convert the Unaligned (or Aligned for that matter) file back to fastq (paired end) with "SamToFastq" module of picard, it spits out this error:
I tried converting the sam file generated from bwa tool back to fastq and that works!! So this means the ISSUE is with the PICARD ViewSam? I tried validating the Unaligned sam file and got the error log file which consisted of entries like the one shown below 185855 times, which I guess is what the number in the first error represents. I understand what it says, maybe. But I don't understand how or why.
How do I fix this error or how did this error occur? I also tried "FixMateInformation" (module from Picard) for both Aligned and Unaligned reads separately and also tried to "MarkDuplicates" (module from Picard).
I am using bwa 0.5.9 and Picard 1.4.1 (both latest from their download pages).
I would appreciate any ideas on fixing this.
Thank you.
I have a pair of paired end fastq files (lets say forward.fq and reverse.fq) from which I clipped for the adapters, trimmed for quality, and removed barcodes and now have the individual (balanced) files. Off these, I took one of the pairs, lets say, "pe1" and "pe2" and converted to a .SAM file using bwa tool (after indexing corresponding genomic reference etc..).
Then I used ViewSam module of Picard to write "Aligned" and "Unaligned" output files separately. After that when I tried to convert the Unaligned (or Aligned for that matter) file back to fastq (paired end) with "SamToFastq" module of picard, it spits out this error:
Exception in thread "main" net.sf.picard.PicardException: Found 185855 unpaired mates at net.sf.picard.sam.SamToFastq.doWork(SamToFastq.java:153) at net.sf.picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(CommandLineProgram.java:156) at net.sf.picard.sam.SamToFastq.main(SamToFastq.java:112)
ERROR: Read name SOLEXA1_0503:5:25:1600:20006#0, Mate not found for paired read
I am using bwa 0.5.9 and Picard 1.4.1 (both latest from their download pages).
I would appreciate any ideas on fixing this.
Thank you.