Hi all, I'm hoping you can help me with an issue I'm having. I get a java exception as follows:
The command I ran was:
The version of Trimmomatic I am running is 0.30.
The rest of the log can be found in the attached text file. Thanks so much. If there's anything else you need, let me know.
Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 900000
java -jar /data/illumina/Trimmomatic-0.30/trimmomatic-0.30.jar PE -threads 12 -phred33 -trimlog r.log 110908_SN388_0270_BC0265ACXX_DNA_1_CGATGT_L003.ft.R1_1.fastq.bz2 110908_SN388_0270_BC0265ACXX_DNA_1_CGATGT_L003.ft.R2_2.fastq.bz2 110908_SN388_0270_BC0265ACXX_DNA_1_CGATGT_L003.ft.R1_1.Qscore.paired.fastq.bz2 110908_SN388_0270_BC0265ACXX_DNA_1_CGATGT_L003.ft.R1_1.Qscore.unpaired.fastq.bz2 110908_SN388_0270_BC0265ACXX_DNA_1_CGATGT_L003.ft.R2_2.Qscore.paired.fastq.bz2 110908_SN388_0270_BC0265ACXX_DNA_1_CGATGT_L003.ft.R2_2.Qscore.unpaired.fastq.bz2 ILLUMINACLIP:/data/illumina/Trimmomatic-0.30/adapters/adapters_list.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:36
The rest of the log can be found in the attached text file. Thanks so much. If there's anything else you need, let me know.