Looking at the graphs at
the cost for 2012 has actually gone UP a bit near the end of the year (very little, to be sure, but it's effectively flat for the entire year, after plummeting in the previous 4 years). I'd expected that when the cost got low enough, more emphasis would be placed on accuracy, slowing the drop. I suppose it's also possible that when the cost gets low enough that insurance pays for it, there would be no further incentive to cut price. Can someone more knowledgeable explain what's likely going on here?
the cost for 2012 has actually gone UP a bit near the end of the year (very little, to be sure, but it's effectively flat for the entire year, after plummeting in the previous 4 years). I'd expected that when the cost got low enough, more emphasis would be placed on accuracy, slowing the drop. I suppose it's also possible that when the cost gets low enough that insurance pays for it, there would be no further incentive to cut price. Can someone more knowledgeable explain what's likely going on here?