Hi There!
I am currently a graduate biochemistry student working in wine grapes, with a focus on abiotic stress (particularly drought). Long have I been a casual lurker in the shadows of these pages. This behavior has changed dramatically with our recent start of a genome sequencing project in the laboratory (illumina & pacbio), and I find myself scouring the threads of seqanswers on a daily basis. If anything, I have found it a humbling experience of realizing how much I do not know about the field. Ever so slowly, I have realized the command line is indeed my friend, and I have high hopes to tame python, in due time. Thank you all for your enlightening posts, and particularly to the posts of Jon Keats and Simon Anders. I look forward to contributing something of value to this community in the coming years.
I am currently a graduate biochemistry student working in wine grapes, with a focus on abiotic stress (particularly drought). Long have I been a casual lurker in the shadows of these pages. This behavior has changed dramatically with our recent start of a genome sequencing project in the laboratory (illumina & pacbio), and I find myself scouring the threads of seqanswers on a daily basis. If anything, I have found it a humbling experience of realizing how much I do not know about the field. Ever so slowly, I have realized the command line is indeed my friend, and I have high hopes to tame python, in due time. Thank you all for your enlightening posts, and particularly to the posts of Jon Keats and Simon Anders. I look forward to contributing something of value to this community in the coming years.