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  • Deseq using replicates and time-matched controls

    Hi All,

    I have a question regarding Deseq and have the following miRNA dataset (4 timepoints, 2 conditions with 6 biological replicates each; 42 samples in total):

    Control (C) t=0 (n=6)
    Control (C) t=6h (n=6)
    Control (C) t=24h (n=6)
    Control (C) t=48h (n=6)

    Treated (T) t=6h (n=6)
    Treated (T) t=24h (n=6)
    Treated (T) t=48h (n=6)

    I would like to find differential miRNA expression as a result of the treatment at each time point using the time-matched controls. Would this be possible using Deseq?

    To identify differences in miRNA expression as a result of the treatment after 6h, I created the attached file (see below).

    I followed the vignette (2012-05-02) and used the following script:

    library( "DESeq" )
    countTable<- read.table("./test_deseq.txt",row.names=1, header=TRUE,)
    mirnaDesign <- data.frame( row.names = colnames( countTable ), condition = c( "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T" ), libType = c( "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end" ) )

    singleSamples <- mirnaDesign$libType == "single-end"
    countTable <- countTable[ , singleSamples ]
    conds <- mirnaDesign$condition[ singleSamples ]

    library( "DESeq" )
    cds <- newCountDataSet( countTable, conds )
    head( counts(cds) )
    cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds )
    sizeFactors( cds )

    head( counts( cds, normalized=TRUE ) )
    cds <- estimateDispersions( cds )
    str( fitInfo(cds) )
    # plotDispEsts( cds ) <-- for some reason this did not work!!!

    res <- nbinomTest( cds, "C", "T" )

    plotDE <- function( res )
    plot(res$baseMean, res$log2FoldChange, log="x", pch=20, cex=.3, col = ifelse( res$padj < .1, "red", "black" ) )
    plotDE( res )

    hist(res$pval, breaks=100, col="skyblue", border="slateblue", main="")
    resSig <- res[ res$padj < 0.1, ]

    head( resSig[ order( resSig$foldChange, -resSig$baseMean ), ] )
    head( resSig[ order( -resSig$foldChange, -resSig$baseMean ), ] )
    write.table( res, file="results_sample_data.txt" )

    Unfortunately, it didn't find any significantly altered miRNAs and I'm wondering if I'm doing anything wrong? I would appreciate if someone could send in me in the right direction!

    Many thanks in advance,
    Attached Files

  • #2
    You code has a certain baroque complexity. All you would have been supposed to write is

    library( DESeq )
    tbl <- read.table( "sample_data.txt", header=TRUE, row.names=1 )
    conds <- c( "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T" )
    # or, shorter: conds <- rep( c( "C", "T" ), each=6 )
    cds <- newCountDataSet( tbl, conds )
    cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
    cds <- estimateDispersions( cds )
    res <- nbinomTest( cds, "C", "T" )
    However, this does not change anything. There is nothing significant in your data.

    To see, have a look at your five "best" miRNAs

    > # which are the five lowest p values?
    > res[ head( order( res$pval ), 5 ), ]
               id     baseMean    baseMeanA    baseMeanB foldChange log2FoldChange       pval padj
    237   miR-993 2.452984e+00 4.166098e+00 7.398694e-01  0.1775929     -2.4933542 0.02405918    1
    204    miR-67 1.165563e+02 1.381480e+02 9.496464e+01  0.6874124     -0.5407522 0.04087454    1
    113 miR-281-2 1.611593e+05 2.044279e+05 1.178907e+05  0.5766861     -0.7941418 0.05051547    1
    115   miR-283 3.586856e+01 4.908510e+01 2.265203e+01  0.4614848     -1.1156451 0.07412905    1
    54    miR-193 2.891413e+02 2.177138e+02 3.605689e+02  1.6561603      0.7278423 0.08299859    1
    > # what are the normalized counts?
    > counts( cds, normalized=TRUE )[ head( order( res$pval ), 5 ), ]
                       C61          C62          C63          C64          C65          C66          T61          T62          T63          T64          T65          T66
    miR-993   9.796406e+00      0.00000 7.723074e-01 6.227026e+00 5.816508e+00 2.384339e+00      0.00000     0.000000 1.775529e+00 2.663688e+00      0.00000     0.000000
    miR-67    1.737229e+02    131.36554 3.552614e+01 1.307676e+02 1.900059e+02 1.674998e+02    125.68614   176.704522 5.149033e+01 1.083233e+02     54.67499    52.908566
    miR-281-2 2.646349e+05 341244.96963 2.011668e+05 1.287514e+05 1.432063e+05 1.475632e+05 104422.73840 82969.569595 1.720328e+05 1.984048e+05 100890.08972 48624.528183
    miR-283   4.441037e+01     45.13172 8.495382e+00 4.912432e+01 5.137915e+01 9.596965e+01     52.36923     6.796328 7.102115e+00 4.794638e+01     12.36130     9.336806
    miR-193   2.867081e+02    161.18472 2.618122e+02 1.536000e+02 2.927642e+02 1.502134e+02    142.14504   414.575995 5.220055e+02 4.679211e+02    236.29103   380.474834
    It does not seem that these change in any clear direction, sorry.



    • #3
      Dear Simon,

      Many thanks for your very quick reply! I think it is obvious that I'm new to this... Just a follow-up question: for the dataset I described earllier, should I work out differential gene expression between the treated and control samples at each timepoint using the scripts you provided above or is there a way to analyse the samples at the 3 different timepoints (treated vs controls at 6h, 24h and 48h) in one go?

      Best wishes,


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