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  • #46
    Cuffdiff out put

    I will be curious to understand have you solved the following issues:
    1. Combined GTF has both TSS_id and P_ids
    2. Cuffdiff out put gives a one gene per row

    If so please share how you solved these issues.



    • #47
      great thread!


      • #48

        I'll go with eveyone else here and say brilliant post starting this thread and great thread with very useful tips!!
        I am one of those biologists who recently got a load of RNA-seq data to handle with no experience from programming at all. Been scratching my head for three weeks now and tried Avadis and on the way to try CLCBio.
        If I get the Nobel at any point, I will acknowledge internet, google, SeqAnswers, and Jon Keats


        • #49
          I have used the beta version of Avadis and will be willing to know how it work. However I have not found toll as user friendly as Gene Spring. The level of customer support has alos declined...


          • #50
            Joining the Circos

            I've recently been working on finalizing one of my old post-doc papers and decided a Circos ( plot would be a nice way to show the results of WGS, RNAseq, and copy number datasets. Unlike most applications there is a great tutorial on the website that will take you through all the steps but it is great/long and I suspect 90% of the people on this forum will be generating the same plots that doesn't seem to be covered as a single tutorial example. So here is my version:

            Step 1 - Download the Circos distribution (

            -Currently, download "circos-0.52.tgz" which is the main distribution
            -Also, download "circos-0.52-4.tgz" which contains two updates
            -Move both to /ngs/applications and unpack
            *Replace the old "circos" binary in circos-0.52/bin with the one in the circos-0.52-4.tgz download
            *Replace the old "" file in circos-0.52/lib with the one is the circos-0.52-4.tgz download

            Step 2 - Setup the Circos perl binary and update your perl distribution

            1) Open up terminal
            2) type "which perl"
            - On a Mac it should return: /usr/bin/perl
            3) Open up the updated "circos" binary in circos-0.52/bin
            Should look like this
            #!/bin/env perl
            =head1 NAME
                                                ____ _
                                               / ___(_)_ __ ___ ___  ___
                                              | |   | | '__/ __/ _ \/ __|
                                              | |___| | | | (_| (_) \__ \
                                               \____|_|_|  \___\___/|___/
                                                            round is good
            circos - generate publication-quality, circularly-composited plots 
                of data and annotations layered on chromosome ideograms
            4) Update the first line so it indicates the location of your perl distribution we just identified (ie. /usr/bin/perl)
            Should now look like
            =head1 NAME
            5) Update your perl distribution so it has all the required packages that circos will use to make pretty pictures for you

            - In terminal type "sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell"
            : I found things didn't work correctly unless I used sudo
            - Answer the prompts
            - Install the following modules by typing "install module" (ie. install Clone or install GD::Polyline)
            NOTE: I retyped the each install command after each install to confirm the install, plus you will likely see an error about YLIM? (sorry can't remember exactly) but you can disregard. Also for some reason the "Clone" install only worked for me after I install all the others so I've moved it to the bottom of the list. Last I needed to install one final package not directly suggested by the circos website (Config::General).

            Modules to install: (You will need to manually install GD from here:
            Params::Validate (must update Module::Build before properly running, so install Module::Build)

            Okay you are now ready to run the tutorials listed on the website. I'm going to update this post in the coming days will a setup file that most people could use but right now I have to finish this paper first.


            Step 3 - Test the circos install

            1) In terminal navigate to the circos directory (ex. cd ngs/applications/circos-0.52)
            2) Make a temporary directory by typing "mkdir temp"
            3) Run the 2/2 tutorial as a test by typing "bin/circos -conf tutorials/2/2/circos.conf -outputdir temp -outputfile test1.png"
            **This should only take a couple of seconds, maybe a minute on a slow system and generate a plot of each human chromosome in different colors**

            ***My Setup***

            1) Copy the binary and library files to your path directory so you can just type "circos" instead of "bin/circos" each time
            **In case you follow this thread as follows**
            cd ngs/applications/circos-0.52/bin
            cp circos $HOME/local/bin
            cd ../lib
            cp $HOME/local/lib
            2) In the circos-0.52 directory create a couple of directories for your usage
            cd ngs/applications/circos-0.52
            mkdir my_plots
            mkdir my_reference_files
            mkdir my_config_files
            mkdir my_data_files
            3) Populate your reference files. Most of what I'm listing are just modified versions of ones in the tutorials and I built the hg19 karyotype following the website suggestions.

            # Human chromsome sizes and cytogenetic band position.
            # Data based on hg18 assembly.
            chr - hs1 1 0 247249719 white
            chr - hs2 2 0 242951149 white
            chr - hs3 3 0 199501827 white
            chr - hs4 4 0 191273063 white
            chr - hs5 5 0 180857866 white
            chr - hs6 6 0 170899992 white
            chr - hs7 7 0 158821424 white
            chr - hs8 8 0 146274826 white
            chr - hs9 9 0 140273252 white
            chr - hs10 10 0 135374737 white
            chr - hs11 11 0 134452384 white
            chr - hs12 12 0 132349534 white
            chr - hs13 13 0 114142980 white
            chr - hs14 14 0 106368585 white
            chr - hs15 15 0 100338915 white
            chr - hs16 16 0 88827254 white
            chr - hs17 17 0 78774742 white
            chr - hs18 18 0 76117153 white
            chr - hs19 19 0 63811651 white
            chr - hs20 20 0 62435964 white
            chr - hs21 21 0 46944323 white
            chr - hs22 22 0 49691432 white
            chr - hsX X 0 154913754 white
            chr - hsY Y 0 57772954 white
            band hs1 p36.33 p36.33 0 2300000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.32 p36.32 2300000 5300000 gpos25
            band hs1 p36.31 p36.31 5300000 7100000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.23 p36.23 7100000 9200000 gpos25
            band hs1 p36.22 p36.22 9200000 12600000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.21 p36.21 12600000 16100000 gpos50
            band hs1 p36.13 p36.13 16100000 20300000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.12 p36.12 20300000 23800000 gpos25
            band hs1 p36.11 p36.11 23800000 27800000 gneg
            band hs1 p35.3 p35.3 27800000 30000000 gpos25
            band hs1 p35.2 p35.2 30000000 32200000 gneg
            band hs1 p35.1 p35.1 32200000 34400000 gpos25
            band hs1 p34.3 p34.3 34400000 39600000 gneg
            band hs1 p34.2 p34.2 39600000 43900000 gpos25
            band hs1 p34.1 p34.1 43900000 46500000 gneg
            band hs1 p33 p33 46500000 51300000 gpos75
            band hs1 p32.3 p32.3 51300000 56200000 gneg
            band hs1 p32.2 p32.2 56200000 58700000 gpos50
            band hs1 p32.1 p32.1 58700000 60900000 gneg
            band hs1 p31.3 p31.3 60900000 68700000 gpos50
            band hs1 p31.2 p31.2 68700000 69500000 gneg
            band hs1 p31.1 p31.1 69500000 84700000 gpos100
            band hs1 p22.3 p22.3 84700000 88100000 gneg
            band hs1 p22.2 p22.2 88100000 92000000 gpos75
            band hs1 p22.1 p22.1 92000000 94500000 gneg
            band hs1 p21.3 p21.3 94500000 99400000 gpos75
            band hs1 p21.2 p21.2 99400000 102000000 gneg
            band hs1 p21.1 p21.1 102000000 107000000 gpos100
            band hs1 p13.3 p13.3 107000000 111600000 gneg
            band hs1 p13.2 p13.2 111600000 115900000 gpos50
            band hs1 p13.1 p13.1 115900000 117600000 gneg
            band hs1 p12 p12 117600000 120700000 gpos50
            band hs1 p11.2 p11.2 120700000 121100000 gneg
            band hs1 p11.1 p11.1 121100000 124300000 acen
            band hs1 q11 q11 124300000 128000000 acen
            band hs1 q12 q12 128000000 142400000 gvar
            band hs1 q21.1 q21.1 142400000 148000000 gneg
            band hs1 q21.2 q21.2 148000000 149600000 gpos50
            band hs1 q21.3 q21.3 149600000 153300000 gneg
            band hs1 q22 q22 153300000 154800000 gpos50
            band hs1 q23.1 q23.1 154800000 157300000 gneg
            band hs1 q23.2 q23.2 157300000 158800000 gpos50
            band hs1 q23.3 q23.3 158800000 163800000 gneg
            band hs1 q24.1 q24.1 163800000 165500000 gpos50
            band hs1 q24.2 q24.2 165500000 169100000 gneg
            band hs1 q24.3 q24.3 169100000 171200000 gpos75
            band hs1 q25.1 q25.1 171200000 174300000 gneg
            band hs1 q25.2 q25.2 174300000 178600000 gpos50
            band hs1 q25.3 q25.3 178600000 184000000 gneg
            band hs1 q31.1 q31.1 184000000 189000000 gpos100
            band hs1 q31.2 q31.2 189000000 192100000 gneg
            band hs1 q31.3 q31.3 192100000 197500000 gpos100
            band hs1 q32.1 q32.1 197500000 205300000 gneg
            band hs1 q32.2 q32.2 205300000 209500000 gpos25
            band hs1 q32.3 q32.3 209500000 212100000 gneg
            band hs1 q41 q41 212100000 222100000 gpos100
            band hs1 q42.11 q42.11 222100000 222700000 gneg
            band hs1 q42.12 q42.12 222700000 225100000 gpos25
            band hs1 q42.13 q42.13 225100000 228800000 gneg
            band hs1 q42.2 q42.2 228800000 232700000 gpos50
            band hs1 q42.3 q42.3 232700000 234600000 gneg
            band hs1 q43 q43 234600000 241700000 gpos75
            band hs1 q44 q44 241700000 247249719 gneg
            band hs2 p25.3 p25.3 0 4300000 gneg
            band hs2 p25.2 p25.2 4300000 7000000 gpos50
            band hs2 p25.1 p25.1 7000000 12800000 gneg
            band hs2 p24.3 p24.3 12800000 17000000 gpos75
            band hs2 p24.2 p24.2 17000000 19100000 gneg
            band hs2 p24.1 p24.1 19100000 23900000 gpos75
            band hs2 p23.3 p23.3 23900000 27700000 gneg
            band hs2 p23.2 p23.2 27700000 29800000 gpos25
            band hs2 p23.1 p23.1 29800000 31900000 gneg
            band hs2 p22.3 p22.3 31900000 36400000 gpos75
            band hs2 p22.2 p22.2 36400000 38400000 gneg
            band hs2 p22.1 p22.1 38400000 41600000 gpos50
            band hs2 p21 p21 41600000 47600000 gneg
            band hs2 p16.3 p16.3 47600000 52700000 gpos100
            band hs2 p16.2 p16.2 52700000 54800000 gneg
            band hs2 p16.1 p16.1 54800000 61100000 gpos100
            band hs2 p15 p15 61100000 64000000 gneg
            band hs2 p14 p14 64000000 70500000 gpos50
            band hs2 p13.3 p13.3 70500000 72600000 gneg
            band hs2 p13.2 p13.2 72600000 73900000 gpos50
            band hs2 p13.1 p13.1 73900000 75400000 gneg
            band hs2 p12 p12 75400000 83700000 gpos100
            band hs2 p11.2 p11.2 83700000 91000000 gneg
            band hs2 p11.1 p11.1 91000000 93300000 acen
            band hs2 q11.1 q11.1 93300000 95700000 acen
            band hs2 q11.2 q11.2 95700000 102100000 gneg
            band hs2 q12.1 q12.1 102100000 105300000 gpos50
            band hs2 q12.2 q12.2 105300000 106700000 gneg
            band hs2 q12.3 q12.3 106700000 108600000 gpos25
            band hs2 q13 q13 108600000 113800000 gneg
            band hs2 q14.1 q14.1 113800000 118600000 gpos50
            band hs2 q14.2 q14.2 118600000 122100000 gneg
            band hs2 q14.3 q14.3 122100000 129600000 gpos50
            band hs2 q21.1 q21.1 129600000 132200000 gneg
            band hs2 q21.2 q21.2 132200000 134800000 gpos25
            band hs2 q21.3 q21.3 134800000 136600000 gneg
            band hs2 q22.1 q22.1 136600000 142400000 gpos100
            band hs2 q22.2 q22.2 142400000 144700000 gneg
            band hs2 q22.3 q22.3 144700000 148400000 gpos100
            band hs2 q23.1 q23.1 148400000 149600000 gneg
            band hs2 q23.2 q23.2 149600000 150300000 gpos25
            band hs2 q23.3 q23.3 150300000 154600000 gneg
            band hs2 q24.1 q24.1 154600000 159600000 gpos75
            band hs2 q24.2 q24.2 159600000 163500000 gneg
            band hs2 q24.3 q24.3 163500000 169500000 gpos75
            band hs2 q31.1 q31.1 169500000 177700000 gneg
            band hs2 q31.2 q31.2 177700000 180400000 gpos50
            band hs2 q31.3 q31.3 180400000 182700000 gneg
            band hs2 q32.1 q32.1 182700000 189100000 gpos75
            band hs2 q32.2 q32.2 189100000 191600000 gneg
            band hs2 q32.3 q32.3 191600000 197100000 gpos75
            band hs2 q33.1 q33.1 197100000 203500000 gneg
            band hs2 q33.2 q33.2 203500000 205600000 gpos50
            band hs2 q33.3 q33.3 205600000 209100000 gneg
            band hs2 q34 q34 209100000 215100000 gpos100
            band hs2 q35 q35 215100000 221300000 gneg
            band hs2 q36.1 q36.1 221300000 224900000 gpos75
            band hs2 q36.2 q36.2 224900000 225800000 gneg
            band hs2 q36.3 q36.3 225800000 230700000 gpos100
            band hs2 q37.1 q37.1 230700000 235300000 gneg
            band hs2 q37.2 q37.2 235300000 237000000 gpos50
            band hs2 q37.3 q37.3 237000000 242951149 gneg
            band hs3 p26.3 p26.3 0 3500000 gpos50
            band hs3 p26.2 p26.2 3500000 5500000 gneg
            band hs3 p26.1 p26.1 5500000 8700000 gpos50
            band hs3 p25.3 p25.3 8700000 11500000 gneg
            band hs3 p25.2 p25.2 11500000 12400000 gpos25
            band hs3 p25.1 p25.1 12400000 14700000 gneg
            band hs3 p24.3 p24.3 14700000 23800000 gpos100
            band hs3 p24.2 p24.2 23800000 26400000 gneg
            band hs3 p24.1 p24.1 26400000 30800000 gpos75
            band hs3 p23 p23 30800000 32100000 gneg
            band hs3 p22.3 p22.3 32100000 36500000 gpos50
            band hs3 p22.2 p22.2 36500000 39300000 gneg
            band hs3 p22.1 p22.1 39300000 43600000 gpos75
            band hs3 p21.33 p21.33 43600000 44400000 gneg
            band hs3 p21.32 p21.32 44400000 44700000 gpos50
            band hs3 p21.31 p21.31 44700000 51400000 gneg
            band hs3 p21.2 p21.2 51400000 51700000 gpos25
            band hs3 p21.1 p21.1 51700000 54400000 gneg
            band hs3 p14.3 p14.3 54400000 58500000 gpos50
            band hs3 p14.2 p14.2 58500000 63700000 gneg
            band hs3 p14.1 p14.1 63700000 71800000 gpos50
            band hs3 p13 p13 71800000 74200000 gneg
            band hs3 p12.3 p12.3 74200000 81800000 gpos75
            band hs3 p12.2 p12.2 81800000 83700000 gneg
            band hs3 p12.1 p12.1 83700000 87200000 gpos75
            band hs3 p11.2 p11.2 87200000 89400000 gneg
            band hs3 p11.1 p11.1 89400000 91700000 acen
            band hs3 q11.1 q11.1 91700000 93200000 acen
            band hs3 q11.2 q11.2 93200000 99800000 gvar
            band hs3 q12.1 q12.1 99800000 101500000 gneg
            band hs3 q12.2 q12.2 101500000 102500000 gpos25
            band hs3 q12.3 q12.3 102500000 104400000 gneg
            band hs3 q13.11 q13.11 104400000 107800000 gpos75
            band hs3 q13.12 q13.12 107800000 109500000 gneg
            band hs3 q13.13 q13.13 109500000 112800000 gpos50
            band hs3 q13.2 q13.2 112800000 115000000 gneg
            band hs3 q13.31 q13.31 115000000 118800000 gpos75
            band hs3 q13.32 q13.32 118800000 120500000 gneg
            band hs3 q13.33 q13.33 120500000 123400000 gpos75
            band hs3 q21.1 q21.1 123400000 125400000 gneg
            band hs3 q21.2 q21.2 125400000 127700000 gpos25
            band hs3 q21.3 q21.3 127700000 131500000 gneg
            band hs3 q22.1 q22.1 131500000 135700000 gpos25
            band hs3 q22.2 q22.2 135700000 137400000 gneg
            band hs3 q22.3 q22.3 137400000 140400000 gpos25
            band hs3 q23 q23 140400000 144400000 gneg
            band hs3 q24 q24 144400000 150400000 gpos100
            band hs3 q25.1 q25.1 150400000 153500000 gneg
            band hs3 q25.2 q25.2 153500000 156300000 gpos50
            band hs3 q25.31 q25.31 156300000 158100000 gneg
            band hs3 q25.32 q25.32 158100000 159900000 gpos50
            band hs3 q25.33 q25.33 159900000 161200000 gneg
            band hs3 q26.1 q26.1 161200000 169200000 gpos100
            band hs3 q26.2 q26.2 169200000 172500000 gneg
            band hs3 q26.31 q26.31 172500000 177300000 gpos75
            band hs3 q26.32 q26.32 177300000 180600000 gneg
            band hs3 q26.33 q26.33 180600000 184200000 gpos75
            band hs3 q27.1 q27.1 184200000 186000000 gneg
            band hs3 q27.2 q27.2 186000000 187500000 gpos25
            band hs3 q27.3 q27.3 187500000 189400000 gneg
            band hs3 q28 q28 189400000 193800000 gpos75
            band hs3 q29 q29 193800000 199501827 gneg
            band hs4 p16.3 p16.3 0 3100000 gneg
            band hs4 p16.2 p16.2 3100000 5200000 gpos25
            band hs4 p16.1 p16.1 5200000 10900000 gneg
            band hs4 p15.33 p15.33 10900000 15300000 gpos50
            band hs4 p15.32 p15.32 15300000 18500000 gneg
            band hs4 p15.31 p15.31 18500000 23100000 gpos75
            band hs4 p15.2 p15.2 23100000 27900000 gneg
            band hs4 p15.1 p15.1 27900000 35500000 gpos100
            band hs4 p14 p14 35500000 40900000 gneg
            band hs4 p13 p13 40900000 45600000 gpos50
            band hs4 p12 p12 45600000 48700000 gneg
            band hs4 p11 p11 48700000 50700000 acen
            band hs4 q11 q11 50700000 52400000 acen
            band hs4 q12 q12 52400000 59200000 gneg
            band hs4 q13.1 q13.1 59200000 66300000 gpos100
            band hs4 q13.2 q13.2 66300000 70400000 gneg
            band hs4 q13.3 q13.3 70400000 76500000 gpos75
            band hs4 q21.1 q21.1 76500000 79200000 gneg
            band hs4 q21.21 q21.21 79200000 82600000 gpos50
            band hs4 q21.22 q21.22 82600000 84300000 gneg
            band hs4 q21.23 q21.23 84300000 87100000 gpos25
            band hs4 q21.3 q21.3 87100000 88200000 gneg
            band hs4 q22.1 q22.1 88200000 94000000 gpos75
            band hs4 q22.2 q22.2 94000000 95400000 gneg
            band hs4 q22.3 q22.3 95400000 99100000 gpos75
            band hs4 q23 q23 99100000 102500000 gneg
            band hs4 q24 q24 102500000 107900000 gpos50
            band hs4 q25 q25 107900000 114100000 gneg
            band hs4 q26 q26 114100000 120600000 gpos75
            band hs4 q27 q27 120600000 124000000 gneg
            band hs4 q28.1 q28.1 124000000 129100000 gpos50
            band hs4 q28.2 q28.2 129100000 131300000 gneg
            band hs4 q28.3 q28.3 131300000 139500000 gpos100
            band hs4 q31.1 q31.1 139500000 141700000 gneg
            band hs4 q31.21 q31.21 141700000 145000000 gpos25
            band hs4 q31.22 q31.22 145000000 147700000 gneg
            band hs4 q31.23 q31.23 147700000 151000000 gpos25
            band hs4 q31.3 q31.3 151000000 155100000 gneg
            band hs4 q32.1 q32.1 155100000 161500000 gpos100
            band hs4 q32.2 q32.2 161500000 164500000 gneg
            band hs4 q32.3 q32.3 164500000 170400000 gpos100
            band hs4 q33 q33 170400000 172200000 gneg
            band hs4 q34.1 q34.1 172200000 176600000 gpos75
            band hs4 q34.2 q34.2 176600000 177800000 gneg
            band hs4 q34.3 q34.3 177800000 182600000 gpos100
            band hs4 q35.1 q35.1 182600000 187300000 gneg
            band hs4 q35.2 q35.2 187300000 191273063 gpos25
            band hs5 p15.33 p15.33 0 4400000 gneg
            band hs5 p15.32 p15.32 4400000 6000000 gpos25
            band hs5 p15.31 p15.31 6000000 8200000 gneg
            band hs5 p15.2 p15.2 8200000 15100000 gpos50
            band hs5 p15.1 p15.1 15100000 18500000 gneg
            band hs5 p14.3 p14.3 18500000 23300000 gpos100
            band hs5 p14.2 p14.2 23300000 24700000 gneg
            band hs5 p14.1 p14.1 24700000 29300000 gpos100
            band hs5 p13.3 p13.3 29300000 34400000 gneg
            band hs5 p13.2 p13.2 34400000 38500000 gpos25
            band hs5 p13.1 p13.1 38500000 42400000 gneg
            band hs5 p12 p12 42400000 45800000 gpos50
            band hs5 p11 p11 45800000 47700000 acen
            band hs5 q11.1 q11.1 47700000 50500000 acen
            band hs5 q11.2 q11.2 50500000 58900000 gneg
            band hs5 q12.1 q12.1 58900000 63000000 gpos75
            band hs5 q12.2 q12.2 63000000 63700000 gneg
            band hs5 q12.3 q12.3 63700000 66500000 gpos75
            band hs5 q13.1 q13.1 66500000 68400000 gneg
            band hs5 q13.2 q13.2 68400000 73300000 gpos50
            band hs5 q13.3 q13.3 73300000 76400000 gneg
            band hs5 q14.1 q14.1 76400000 81300000 gpos50
            band hs5 q14.2 q14.2 81300000 82800000 gneg
            band hs5 q14.3 q14.3 82800000 91900000 gpos100
            band hs5 q15 q15 91900000 97300000 gneg
            band hs5 q21.1 q21.1 97300000 102800000 gpos100
            band hs5 q21.2 q21.2 102800000 104500000 gneg
            band hs5 q21.3 q21.3 104500000 109600000 gpos100
            band hs5 q22.1 q22.1 109600000 111500000 gneg
            band hs5 q22.2 q22.2 111500000 113100000 gpos50
            band hs5 q22.3 q22.3 113100000 115200000 gneg
            band hs5 q23.1 q23.1 115200000 121500000 gpos100
            band hs5 q23.2 q23.2 121500000 127300000 gneg
            band hs5 q23.3 q23.3 127300000 130400000 gpos100
            band hs5 q31.1 q31.1 130400000 135400000 gneg
            band hs5 q31.2 q31.2 135400000 139000000 gpos25
            band hs5 q31.3 q31.3 139000000 143100000 gneg
            band hs5 q32 q32 143100000 147200000 gpos75
            band hs5 q33.1 q33.1 147200000 152100000 gneg
            band hs5 q33.2 q33.2 152100000 155600000 gpos50
            band hs5 q33.3 q33.3 155600000 159900000 gneg
            band hs5 q34 q34 159900000 167400000 gpos100
            band hs5 q35.1 q35.1 167400000 172200000 gneg
            band hs5 q35.2 q35.2 172200000 176500000 gpos25
            band hs5 q35.3 q35.3 176500000 180857866 gneg
            band hs6 p25.3 p25.3 0 2300000 gneg
            band hs6 p25.2 p25.2 2300000 4100000 gpos25
            band hs6 p25.1 p25.1 4100000 7000000 gneg
            band hs6 p24.3 p24.3 7000000 10600000 gpos50
            band hs6 p24.2 p24.2 10600000 11200000 gneg
            band hs6 p24.1 p24.1 11200000 13500000 gpos25
            band hs6 p23 p23 13500000 15500000 gneg
            band hs6 p22.3 p22.3 15500000 23500000 gpos75
            band hs6 p22.2 p22.2 23500000 26100000 gneg
            band hs6 p22.1 p22.1 26100000 29900000 gpos50
            band hs6 p21.33 p21.33 29900000 31900000 gneg
            band hs6 p21.32 p21.32 31900000 33600000 gpos25
            band hs6 p21.31 p21.31 33600000 36800000 gneg
            band hs6 p21.2 p21.2 36800000 40600000 gpos25
            band hs6 p21.1 p21.1 40600000 45200000 gneg
            band hs6 p12.3 p12.3 45200000 51100000 gpos100
            band hs6 p12.2 p12.2 51100000 52600000 gneg
            band hs6 p12.1 p12.1 52600000 57200000 gpos100
            band hs6 p11.2 p11.2 57200000 58400000 gneg
            band hs6 p11.1 p11.1 58400000 60500000 acen
            band hs6 q11.1 q11.1 60500000 63400000 acen
            band hs6 q11.2 q11.2 63400000 63500000 gneg
            band hs6 q12 q12 63500000 70000000 gpos100
            band hs6 q13 q13 70000000 75900000 gneg
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            band hs6 q14.2 q14.2 83900000 84700000 gneg
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            band hs6 q16.2 q16.2 98700000 99900000 gneg
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            band hs7 p15.1 p15.1 28000000 31800000 gneg
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            band hs7 p14.1 p14.1 37500000 43300000 gpos75
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            band hs9 p13.1 p13.1 38000000 40200000 gneg
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            band hsX q27.3 q27.3 141900000 146900000 gpos100
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            band hs10 q24.33 q24.33 104900000 105700000 gneg
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            band hs14 q32.31 q32.31 100400000 102200000 gneg
            band hs14 q32.32 q32.32 102200000 103000000 gpos50
            band hs14 q32.33 q32.33 103000000 106368585 gneg
            band hs15 p13 p13 0 3500000 gvar
            band hs15 p12 p12 3500000 7900000 stalk
            band hs15 p11.2 p11.2 7900000 14100000 gvar
            band hs15 p11.1 p11.1 14100000 17000000 acen
            band hs15 q11.1 q11.1 17000000 18400000 acen
            band hs15 q11.2 q11.2 18400000 23300000 gneg
            band hs15 q12 q12 23300000 25700000 gpos50
            band hs15 q13.1 q13.1 25700000 28000000 gneg
            band hs15 q13.2 q13.2 28000000 29000000 gpos50
            band hs15 q13.3 q13.3 29000000 31400000 gneg
            band hs15 q14 q14 31400000 37900000 gpos75
            band hs15 q15.1 q15.1 37900000 40700000 gneg
            band hs15 q15.2 q15.2 40700000 41400000 gpos25
            band hs15 q15.3 q15.3 41400000 42700000 gneg
            band hs15 q21.1 q21.1 42700000 47600000 gpos75
            band hs15 q21.2 q21.2 47600000 51100000 gneg
            band hs15 q21.3 q21.3 51100000 55800000 gpos75
            band hs15 q22.1 q22.1 55800000 57100000 gneg
            band hs15 q22.2 q22.2 57100000 61500000 gpos25
            band hs15 q22.31 q22.31 61500000 64900000 gneg
            band hs15 q22.32 q22.32 64900000 65000000 gpos25
            band hs15 q22.33 q22.33 65000000 65300000 gneg
            band hs15 q23 q23 65300000 70400000 gpos25
            band hs15 q24.1 q24.1 70400000 73100000 gneg
            band hs15 q24.2 q24.2 73100000 74400000 gpos25
            band hs15 q24.3 q24.3 74400000 76100000 gneg
            band hs15 q25.1 q25.1 76100000 79500000 gpos50
            band hs15 q25.2 q25.2 79500000 83000000 gneg
            band hs15 q25.3 q25.3 83000000 86900000 gpos50
            band hs15 q26.1 q26.1 86900000 92100000 gneg
            band hs15 q26.2 q26.2 92100000 96300000 gpos50
            band hs15 q26.3 q26.3 96300000 100338915 gneg
            band hs16 p13.3 p13.3 0 6300000 gneg
            band hs16 p13.2 p13.2 6300000 10300000 gpos50
            band hs16 p13.13 p13.13 10300000 12500000 gneg
            band hs16 p13.12 p13.12 12500000 14700000 gpos50
            band hs16 p13.11 p13.11 14700000 16700000 gneg
            band hs16 p12.3 p12.3 16700000 20500000 gpos50
            band hs16 p12.2 p12.2 20500000 21700000 gneg
            band hs16 p12.1 p12.1 21700000 27600000 gpos50
            band hs16 p11.2 p11.2 27600000 34400000 gneg
            band hs16 p11.1 p11.1 34400000 38200000 acen
            band hs16 q11.1 q11.1 38200000 40700000 acen
            band hs16 q11.2 q11.2 40700000 45500000 gvar
            band hs16 q12.1 q12.1 45500000 51200000 gneg
            band hs16 q12.2 q12.2 51200000 54500000 gpos50
            band hs16 q13 q13 54500000 56700000 gneg
            band hs16 q21 q21 56700000 65200000 gpos100
            band hs16 q22.1 q22.1 65200000 69400000 gneg
            band hs16 q22.2 q22.2 69400000 69800000 gpos50
            band hs16 q22.3 q22.3 69800000 73300000 gneg
            band hs16 q23.1 q23.1 73300000 78200000 gpos75
            band hs16 q23.2 q23.2 78200000 80500000 gneg
            band hs16 q23.3 q23.3 80500000 82700000 gpos50
            band hs16 q24.1 q24.1 82700000 85600000 gneg
            band hs16 q24.2 q24.2 85600000 87200000 gpos25
            band hs16 q24.3 q24.3 87200000 88827254 gneg
            band hs17 p13.3 p13.3 0 3600000 gneg
            band hs17 p13.2 p13.2 3600000 6800000 gpos50
            band hs17 p13.1 p13.1 6800000 11200000 gneg
            band hs17 p12 p12 11200000 15900000 gpos75
            band hs17 p11.2 p11.2 15900000 22100000 gneg
            band hs17 p11.1 p11.1 22100000 22200000 acen
            band hs17 q11.1 q11.1 22200000 23200000 acen
            band hs17 q11.2 q11.2 23200000 28800000 gneg
            band hs17 q12 q12 28800000 35400000 gpos50
            band hs17 q21.1 q21.1 35400000 35600000 gneg
            band hs17 q21.2 q21.2 35600000 37800000 gpos25
            band hs17 q21.31 q21.31 37800000 41900000 gneg
            band hs17 q21.32 q21.32 41900000 44800000 gpos25
            band hs17 q21.33 q21.33 44800000 47600000 gneg
            band hs17 q22 q22 47600000 54900000 gpos75
            band hs17 q23.1 q23.1 54900000 55600000 gneg
            band hs17 q23.2 q23.2 55600000 58400000 gpos75
            band hs17 q23.3 q23.3 58400000 59900000 gneg
            band hs17 q24.1 q24.1 59900000 61600000 gpos50
            band hs17 q24.2 q24.2 61600000 64600000 gneg
            band hs17 q24.3 q24.3 64600000 68400000 gpos75
            band hs17 q25.1 q25.1 68400000 72200000 gneg
            band hs17 q25.2 q25.2 72200000 72900000 gpos25
            band hs17 q25.3 q25.3 72900000 78774742 gneg
            band hs18 p11.32 p11.32 0 2900000 gneg
            band hs18 p11.31 p11.31 2900000 7200000 gpos50
            band hs18 p11.23 p11.23 7200000 8500000 gneg
            band hs18 p11.22 p11.22 8500000 10900000 gpos25
            band hs18 p11.21 p11.21 10900000 15400000 gneg
            band hs18 p11.1 p11.1 15400000 16100000 acen
            band hs18 q11.1 q11.1 16100000 17300000 acen
            band hs18 q11.2 q11.2 17300000 23300000 gneg
            band hs18 q12.1 q12.1 23300000 31000000 gpos100
            band hs18 q12.2 q12.2 31000000 35500000 gneg
            band hs18 q12.3 q12.3 35500000 41800000 gpos75
            band hs18 q21.1 q21.1 41800000 46400000 gneg
            band hs18 q21.2 q21.2 46400000 52000000 gpos75
            band hs18 q21.31 q21.31 52000000 54400000 gneg
            band hs18 q21.32 q21.32 54400000 57100000 gpos50
            band hs18 q21.33 q21.33 57100000 59800000 gneg
            band hs18 q22.1 q22.1 59800000 64900000 gpos100
            band hs18 q22.2 q22.2 64900000 66900000 gneg
            band hs18 q22.3 q22.3 66900000 71300000 gpos25
            band hs18 q23 q23 71300000 76117153 gneg
            band hs19 p13.3 p13.3 0 6900000 gneg
            band hs19 p13.2 p13.2 6900000 12600000 gpos25
            band hs19 p13.13 p13.13 12600000 13800000 gneg
            band hs19 p13.12 p13.12 13800000 16100000 gpos25
            band hs19 p13.11 p13.11 16100000 19800000 gneg
            band hs19 p12 p12 19800000 26700000 gvar
            band hs19 p11 p11 26700000 28500000 acen
            band hs19 q11 q11 28500000 30200000 acen
            band hs19 q12 q12 30200000 37100000 gvar
            band hs19 q13.11 q13.11 37100000 40300000 gneg
            band hs19 q13.12 q13.12 40300000 43000000 gpos25
            band hs19 q13.13 q13.13 43000000 43400000 gneg
            band hs19 q13.2 q13.2 43400000 47800000 gpos25
            band hs19 q13.31 q13.31 47800000 50000000 gneg
            band hs19 q13.32 q13.32 50000000 53800000 gpos25
            band hs19 q13.33 q13.33 53800000 57600000 gneg
            band hs19 q13.41 q13.41 57600000 59100000 gpos25
            band hs19 q13.42 q13.42 59100000 61400000 gneg
            band hs19 q13.43 q13.43 61400000 63811651 gpos25
            band hs20 p13 p13 0 5000000 gneg
            band hs20 p12.3 p12.3 5000000 9000000 gpos75
            band hs20 p12.2 p12.2 9000000 11900000 gneg
            band hs20 p12.1 p12.1 11900000 17800000 gpos75
            band hs20 p11.23 p11.23 17800000 21200000 gneg
            band hs20 p11.22 p11.22 21200000 22300000 gpos25
            band hs20 p11.21 p11.21 22300000 25700000 gneg
            band hs20 p11.1 p11.1 25700000 27100000 acen
            band hs20 q11.1 q11.1 27100000 28400000 acen
            band hs20 q11.21 q11.21 28400000 31500000 gneg
            band hs20 q11.22 q11.22 31500000 33900000 gpos25
            band hs20 q11.23 q11.23 33900000 37100000 gneg
            band hs20 q12 q12 37100000 41100000 gpos75
            band hs20 q13.11 q13.11 41100000 41600000 gneg
            band hs20 q13.12 q13.12 41600000 45800000 gpos25
            band hs20 q13.13 q13.13 45800000 49200000 gneg
            band hs20 q13.2 q13.2 49200000 54400000 gpos75
            band hs20 q13.31 q13.31 54400000 55900000 gneg
            band hs20 q13.32 q13.32 55900000 57900000 gpos50
            band hs20 q13.33 q13.33 57900000 62435964 gneg
            band hs21 p13 p13 0 2900000 gvar
            band hs21 p12 p12 2900000 6300000 stalk
            band hs21 p11.2 p11.2 6300000 10000000 gvar
            band hs21 p11.1 p11.1 10000000 12300000 acen
            band hs21 q11.1 q11.1 12300000 13200000 acen
            band hs21 q11.2 q11.2 13200000 15300000 gneg
            band hs21 q21.1 q21.1 15300000 22900000 gpos100
            band hs21 q21.2 q21.2 22900000 25800000 gneg
            band hs21 q21.3 q21.3 25800000 30500000 gpos75
            band hs21 q22.11 q22.11 30500000 34700000 gneg
            band hs21 q22.12 q22.12 34700000 36700000 gpos50
            band hs21 q22.13 q22.13 36700000 38600000 gneg
            band hs21 q22.2 q22.2 38600000 41400000 gpos50
            band hs21 q22.3 q22.3 41400000 46944323 gneg
            band hs22 p13 p13 0 3000000 gvar
            band hs22 p12 p12 3000000 6600000 stalk
            band hs22 p11.2 p11.2 6600000 9600000 gvar
            band hs22 p11.1 p11.1 9600000 11800000 acen
            band hs22 q11.1 q11.1 11800000 16300000 acen
            band hs22 q11.21 q11.21 16300000 20500000 gneg
            band hs22 q11.22 q11.22 20500000 21800000 gpos25
            band hs22 q11.23 q11.23 21800000 24300000 gneg
            band hs22 q12.1 q12.1 24300000 27900000 gpos50
            band hs22 q12.2 q12.2 27900000 30500000 gneg
            band hs22 q12.3 q12.3 30500000 35900000 gpos50
            band hs22 q13.1 q13.1 35900000 39300000 gneg
            band hs22 q13.2 q13.2 39300000 42600000 gpos50
            band hs22 q13.31 q13.31 42600000 47000000 gneg
            band hs22 q13.32 q13.32 47000000 48200000 gpos50
            band hs22 q13.33 q13.33 48200000 49691432 gneg
            # Human chromsome sizes and cytogenetic band position.
            # Data based on hg19/GRCh37 assembly.
            chr - hs1 1 0 249250621 white
            chr - hs2 2 0 243199373 white
            chr - hs3 3 0 198022430 white
            chr - hs4 4 0 191154276 white
            chr - hs5 5 0 180915260 white
            chr - hs6 6 0 171115067 white
            chr - hs7 7 0 159138663 white
            chr - hs8 8 0 146364022 white
            chr - hs9 9 0 141213431 white
            chr - hs10 10 0 135534747 white
            chr - hs11 11 0 135006516 white
            chr - hs12 12 0 133851895 white
            chr - hs13 13 0 115169878 white
            chr - hs14 14 0 107349540 white
            chr - hs15 15 0 102531392 white
            chr - hs16 16 0 90354753 white
            chr - hs17 17 0 81195210 white
            chr - hs18 18 0 78077248 white
            chr - hs19 19 0 59128983 white
            chr - hs20 20 0 63025520 white
            chr - hs21 21 0 48129895 white
            chr - hs22 22 0 51304566 white
            chr - hsX X 0 155270560 white
            chr - hsY Y 0 59373566 white
            band hs1 p36.33 p36.33 0 2300000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.32 p36.32 2300000 5400000 gpos25
            band hs1 p36.31 p36.31 5400000 7200000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.23 p36.23 7200000 9200000 gpos25
            band hs1 p36.22 p36.22 9200000 12700000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.21 p36.21 12700000 16200000 gpos50
            band hs1 p36.13 p36.13 16200000 20400000 gneg
            band hs1 p36.12 p36.12 20400000 23900000 gpos25
            band hs1 p36.11 p36.11 23900000 28000000 gneg
            band hs1 p35.3 p35.3 28000000 30200000 gpos25
            band hs1 p35.2 p35.2 30200000 32400000 gneg
            band hs1 p35.1 p35.1 32400000 34600000 gpos25
            band hs1 p34.3 p34.3 34600000 40100000 gneg
            band hs1 p34.2 p34.2 40100000 44100000 gpos25
            band hs1 p34.1 p34.1 44100000 46800000 gneg
            band hs1 p33 p33 46800000 50700000 gpos75
            band hs1 p32.3 p32.3 50700000 56100000 gneg
            band hs1 p32.2 p32.2 56100000 59000000 gpos50
            band hs1 p32.1 p32.1 59000000 61300000 gneg
            band hs1 p31.3 p31.3 61300000 68900000 gpos50
            band hs1 p31.2 p31.2 68900000 69700000 gneg
            band hs1 p31.1 p31.1 69700000 84900000 gpos100
            band hs1 p22.3 p22.3 84900000 88400000 gneg
            band hs1 p22.2 p22.2 88400000 92000000 gpos75
            band hs1 p22.1 p22.1 92000000 94700000 gneg
            band hs1 p21.3 p21.3 94700000 99700000 gpos75
            band hs1 p21.2 p21.2 99700000 102200000 gneg
            band hs1 p21.1 p21.1 102200000 107200000 gpos100
            band hs1 p13.3 p13.3 107200000 111800000 gneg
            band hs1 p13.2 p13.2 111800000 116100000 gpos50
            band hs1 p13.1 p13.1 116100000 117800000 gneg
            band hs1 p12 p12 117800000 120600000 gpos50
            band hs1 p11.2 p11.2 120600000 121500000 gneg
            band hs1 p11.1 p11.1 121500000 125000000 acen
            band hs1 q11 q11 125000000 128900000 acen
            band hs1 q12 q12 128900000 142600000 gvar
            band hs1 q21.1 q21.1 142600000 147000000 gneg
            band hs1 q21.2 q21.2 147000000 150300000 gpos50
            band hs1 q21.3 q21.3 150300000 155000000 gneg
            band hs1 q22 q22 155000000 156500000 gpos50
            band hs1 q23.1 q23.1 156500000 159100000 gneg
            band hs1 q23.2 q23.2 159100000 160500000 gpos50
            band hs1 q23.3 q23.3 160500000 165500000 gneg
            band hs1 q24.1 q24.1 165500000 167200000 gpos50
            band hs1 q24.2 q24.2 167200000 170900000 gneg
            band hs1 q24.3 q24.3 170900000 172900000 gpos75
            band hs1 q25.1 q25.1 172900000 176000000 gneg
            band hs1 q25.2 q25.2 176000000 180300000 gpos50
            band hs1 q25.3 q25.3 180300000 185800000 gneg
            band hs1 q31.1 q31.1 185800000 190800000 gpos100
            band hs1 q31.2 q31.2 190800000 193800000 gneg
            band hs1 q31.3 q31.3 193800000 198700000 gpos100
            band hs1 q32.1 q32.1 198700000 207200000 gneg
            band hs1 q32.2 q32.2 207200000 211500000 gpos25
            band hs1 q32.3 q32.3 211500000 214500000 gneg
            band hs1 q41 q41 214500000 224100000 gpos100
            band hs1 q42.11 q42.11 224100000 224600000 gneg
            band hs1 q42.12 q42.12 224600000 227000000 gpos25
            band hs1 q42.13 q42.13 227000000 230700000 gneg
            band hs1 q42.2 q42.2 230700000 234700000 gpos50
            band hs1 q42.3 q42.3 234700000 236600000 gneg
            band hs1 q43 q43 236600000 243700000 gpos75
            band hs1 q44 q44 243700000 249250621 gneg
            band hs10 p15.3 p15.3 0 3000000 gneg
            band hs10 p15.2 p15.2 3000000 3800000 gpos25
            band hs10 p15.1 p15.1 3800000 6600000 gneg
            band hs10 p14 p14 6600000 12200000 gpos75
            band hs10 p13 p13 12200000 17300000 gneg
            band hs10 p12.33 p12.33 17300000 18600000 gpos75
            band hs10 p12.32 p12.32 18600000 18700000 gneg
            band hs10 p12.31 p12.31 18700000 22600000 gpos75
            band hs10 p12.2 p12.2 22600000 24600000 gneg
            band hs10 p12.1 p12.1 24600000 29600000 gpos50
            band hs10 p11.23 p11.23 29600000 31300000 gneg
            band hs10 p11.22 p11.22 31300000 34400000 gpos25
            band hs10 p11.21 p11.21 34400000 38000000 gneg
            band hs10 p11.1 p11.1 38000000 40200000 acen
            band hs10 q11.1 q11.1 40200000 42300000 acen
            band hs10 q11.21 q11.21 42300000 46100000 gneg
            band hs10 q11.22 q11.22 46100000 49900000 gpos25
            band hs10 q11.23 q11.23 49900000 52900000 gneg
            band hs10 q21.1 q21.1 52900000 61200000 gpos100
            band hs10 q21.2 q21.2 61200000 64500000 gneg
            band hs10 q21.3 q21.3 64500000 70600000 gpos100
            band hs10 q22.1 q22.1 70600000 74900000 gneg
            band hs10 q22.2 q22.2 74900000 77700000 gpos50
            band hs10 q22.3 q22.3 77700000 82000000 gneg
            band hs10 q23.1 q23.1 82000000 87900000 gpos100
            band hs10 q23.2 q23.2 87900000 89500000 gneg
            band hs10 q23.31 q23.31 89500000 92900000 gpos75
            band hs10 q23.32 q23.32 92900000 94100000 gneg
            band hs10 q23.33 q23.33 94100000 97000000 gpos50
            band hs10 q24.1 q24.1 97000000 99300000 gneg
            band hs10 q24.2 q24.2 99300000 101900000 gpos50
            band hs10 q24.31 q24.31 101900000 103000000 gneg
            band hs10 q24.32 q24.32 103000000 104900000 gpos25
            band hs10 q24.33 q24.33 104900000 105800000 gneg
            band hs10 q25.1 q25.1 105800000 111900000 gpos100
            band hs10 q25.2 q25.2 111900000 114900000 gneg
            band hs10 q25.3 q25.3 114900000 119100000 gpos75
            band hs10 q26.11 q26.11 119100000 121700000 gneg
            band hs10 q26.12 q26.12 121700000 123100000 gpos50
            band hs10 q26.13 q26.13 123100000 127500000 gneg
            band hs10 q26.2 q26.2 127500000 130600000 gpos50
            band hs10 q26.3 q26.3 130600000 135534747 gneg
            band hs11 p15.5 p15.5 0 2800000 gneg
            band hs11 p15.4 p15.4 2800000 10700000 gpos50
            band hs11 p15.3 p15.3 10700000 12700000 gneg
            band hs11 p15.2 p15.2 12700000 16200000 gpos50
            band hs11 p15.1 p15.1 16200000 21700000 gneg
            band hs11 p14.3 p14.3 21700000 26100000 gpos100
            band hs11 p14.2 p14.2 26100000 27200000 gneg
            band hs11 p14.1 p14.1 27200000 31000000 gpos75
            band hs11 p13 p13 31000000 36400000 gneg
            band hs11 p12 p12 36400000 43500000 gpos100
            band hs11 p11.2 p11.2 43500000 48800000 gneg
            band hs11 p11.12 p11.12 48800000 51600000 gpos75
            band hs11 p11.11 p11.11 51600000 53700000 acen
            band hs11 q11 q11 53700000 55700000 acen
            band hs11 q12.1 q12.1 55700000 59900000 gpos75
            band hs11 q12.2 q12.2 59900000 61700000 gneg
            band hs11 q12.3 q12.3 61700000 63400000 gpos25
            band hs11 q13.1 q13.1 63400000 65900000 gneg
            band hs11 q13.2 q13.2 65900000 68400000 gpos25
            band hs11 q13.3 q13.3 68400000 70400000 gneg
            band hs11 q13.4 q13.4 70400000 75200000 gpos50
            band hs11 q13.5 q13.5 75200000 77100000 gneg
            band hs11 q14.1 q14.1 77100000 85600000 gpos100
            band hs11 q14.2 q14.2 85600000 88300000 gneg
            band hs11 q14.3 q14.3 88300000 92800000 gpos100
            band hs11 q21 q21 92800000 97200000 gneg
            band hs11 q22.1 q22.1 97200000 102100000 gpos100
            band hs11 q22.2 q22.2 102100000 102900000 gneg
            band hs11 q22.3 q22.3 102900000 110400000 gpos100
            band hs11 q23.1 q23.1 110400000 112500000 gneg
            band hs11 q23.2 q23.2 112500000 114500000 gpos50
            band hs11 q23.3 q23.3 114500000 121200000 gneg
            band hs11 q24.1 q24.1 121200000 123900000 gpos50
            band hs11 q24.2 q24.2 123900000 127800000 gneg
            band hs11 q24.3 q24.3 127800000 130800000 gpos50
            band hs11 q25 q25 130800000 135006516 gneg
            band hs12 p13.33 p13.33 0 3300000 gneg
            band hs12 p13.32 p13.32 3300000 5400000 gpos25
            band hs12 p13.31 p13.31 5400000 10100000 gneg
            band hs12 p13.2 p13.2 10100000 12800000 gpos75
            band hs12 p13.1 p13.1 12800000 14800000 gneg
            band hs12 p12.3 p12.3 14800000 20000000 gpos100
            band hs12 p12.2 p12.2 20000000 21300000 gneg
            band hs12 p12.1 p12.1 21300000 26500000 gpos100
            band hs12 p11.23 p11.23 26500000 27800000 gneg
            band hs12 p11.22 p11.22 27800000 30700000 gpos50
            band hs12 p11.21 p11.21 30700000 33300000 gneg
            band hs12 p11.1 p11.1 33300000 35800000 acen
            band hs12 q11 q11 35800000 38200000 acen
            band hs12 q12 q12 38200000 46400000 gpos100
            band hs12 q13.11 q13.11 46400000 49100000 gneg
            band hs12 q13.12 q13.12 49100000 51500000 gpos25
            band hs12 q13.13 q13.13 51500000 54900000 gneg
            band hs12 q13.2 q13.2 54900000 56600000 gpos25
            band hs12 q13.3 q13.3 56600000 58100000 gneg
            band hs12 q14.1 q14.1 58100000 63100000 gpos75
            band hs12 q14.2 q14.2 63100000 65100000 gneg
            band hs12 q14.3 q14.3 65100000 67700000 gpos50
            band hs12 q15 q15 67700000 71500000 gneg
            band hs12 q21.1 q21.1 71500000 75700000 gpos75
            band hs12 q21.2 q21.2 75700000 80300000 gneg
            band hs12 q21.31 q21.31 80300000 86700000 gpos100
            band hs12 q21.32 q21.32 86700000 89000000 gneg
            band hs12 q21.33 q21.33 89000000 92600000 gpos100
            band hs12 q22 q22 92600000 96200000 gneg
            band hs12 q23.1 q23.1 96200000 101600000 gpos75
            band hs12 q23.2 q23.2 101600000 103800000 gneg
            band hs12 q23.3 q23.3 103800000 109000000 gpos50
            band hs12 q24.11 q24.11 109000000 111700000 gneg
            band hs12 q24.12 q24.12 111700000 112300000 gpos25
            band hs12 q24.13 q24.13 112300000 114300000 gneg
            band hs12 q24.21 q24.21 114300000 116800000 gpos50
            band hs12 q24.22 q24.22 116800000 118100000 gneg
            band hs12 q24.23 q24.23 118100000 120700000 gpos50
            band hs12 q24.31 q24.31 120700000 125900000 gneg
            band hs12 q24.32 q24.32 125900000 129300000 gpos50
            band hs12 q24.33 q24.33 129300000 133851895 gneg
            band hs13 p13 p13 0 4500000 gvar
            band hs13 p12 p12 4500000 10000000 stalk
            band hs13 p11.2 p11.2 10000000 16300000 gvar
            band hs13 p11.1 p11.1 16300000 17900000 acen
            band hs13 q11 q11 17900000 19500000 acen
            band hs13 q12.11 q12.11 19500000 23300000 gneg
            band hs13 q12.12 q12.12 23300000 25500000 gpos25
            band hs13 q12.13 q12.13 25500000 27800000 gneg
            band hs13 q12.2 q12.2 27800000 28900000 gpos25
            band hs13 q12.3 q12.3 28900000 32200000 gneg
            band hs13 q13.1 q13.1 32200000 34000000 gpos50
            band hs13 q13.2 q13.2 34000000 35500000 gneg
            band hs13 q13.3 q13.3 35500000 40100000 gpos75
            band hs13 q14.11 q14.11 40100000 45200000 gneg
            band hs13 q14.12 q14.12 45200000 45800000 gpos25
            band hs13 q14.13 q14.13 45800000 47300000 gneg
            band hs13 q14.2 q14.2 47300000 50900000 gpos50
            band hs13 q14.3 q14.3 50900000 55300000 gneg
            band hs13 q21.1 q21.1 55300000 59600000 gpos100
            band hs13 q21.2 q21.2 59600000 62300000 gneg
            band hs13 q21.31 q21.31 62300000 65700000 gpos75
            band hs13 q21.32 q21.32 65700000 68600000 gneg
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            band hs18 q21.33 q21.33 59000000 61600000 gneg
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            band hs19 q13.33 q13.33 48000000 51400000 gneg
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            band hs5 p15.2 p15.2 9800000 15000000 gpos50
            band hs5 p15.1 p15.1 15000000 18400000 gneg
            band hs5 p14.3 p14.3 18400000 23300000 gpos100
            band hs5 p14.2 p14.2 23300000 24600000 gneg
            band hs5 p14.1 p14.1 24600000 28900000 gpos100
            band hs5 p13.3 p13.3 28900000 33800000 gneg
            band hs5 p13.2 p13.2 33800000 38400000 gpos25
            band hs5 p13.1 p13.1 38400000 42500000 gneg
            band hs5 p12 p12 42500000 46100000 gpos50
            band hs5 p11 p11 46100000 48400000 acen
            band hs5 q11.1 q11.1 48400000 50700000 acen
            band hs5 q11.2 q11.2 50700000 58900000 gneg
            band hs5 q12.1 q12.1 58900000 62900000 gpos75
            band hs5 q12.2 q12.2 62900000 63200000 gneg
            band hs5 q12.3 q12.3 63200000 66700000 gpos75
            band hs5 q13.1 q13.1 66700000 68400000 gneg
            band hs5 q13.2 q13.2 68400000 73300000 gpos50
            band hs5 q13.3 q13.3 73300000 76900000 gneg
            band hs5 q14.1 q14.1 76900000 81400000 gpos50
            band hs5 q14.2 q14.2 81400000 82800000 gneg
            band hs5 q14.3 q14.3 82800000 92300000 gpos100
            band hs5 q15 q15 92300000 98200000 gneg
            band hs5 q21.1 q21.1 98200000 102800000 gpos100
            band hs5 q21.2 q21.2 102800000 104500000 gneg
            band hs5 q21.3 q21.3 104500000 109600000 gpos100
            band hs5 q22.1 q22.1 109600000 111500000 gneg
            band hs5 q22.2 q22.2 111500000 113100000 gpos50
            band hs5 q22.3 q22.3 113100000 115200000 gneg
            band hs5 q23.1 q23.1 115200000 121400000 gpos100
            band hs5 q23.2 q23.2 121400000 127300000 gneg
            band hs5 q23.3 q23.3 127300000 130600000 gpos100
            band hs5 q31.1 q31.1 130600000 136200000 gneg
            band hs5 q31.2 q31.2 136200000 139500000 gpos25
            band hs5 q31.3 q31.3 139500000 144500000 gneg
            band hs5 q32 q32 144500000 149800000 gpos75
            band hs5 q33.1 q33.1 149800000 152700000 gneg
            band hs5 q33.2 q33.2 152700000 155700000 gpos50
            band hs5 q33.3 q33.3 155700000 159900000 gneg
            band hs5 q34 q34 159900000 168500000 gpos100
            band hs5 q35.1 q35.1 168500000 172800000 gneg
            band hs5 q35.2 q35.2 172800000 176600000 gpos25
            band hs5 q35.3 q35.3 176600000 180915260 gneg
            band hs6 p25.3 p25.3 0 2300000 gneg
            band hs6 p25.2 p25.2 2300000 4200000 gpos25
            band hs6 p25.1 p25.1 4200000 7100000 gneg
            band hs6 p24.3 p24.3 7100000 10600000 gpos50
            band hs6 p24.2 p24.2 10600000 11600000 gneg
            band hs6 p24.1 p24.1 11600000 13400000 gpos25
            band hs6 p23 p23 13400000 15200000 gneg
            band hs6 p22.3 p22.3 15200000 25200000 gpos75
            band hs6 p22.2 p22.2 25200000 27000000 gneg
            band hs6 p22.1 p22.1 27000000 30400000 gpos50
            band hs6 p21.33 p21.33 30400000 32100000 gneg
            band hs6 p21.32 p21.32 32100000 33500000 gpos25
            band hs6 p21.31 p21.31 33500000 36600000 gneg
            band hs6 p21.2 p21.2 36600000 40500000 gpos25
            band hs6 p21.1 p21.1 40500000 46200000 gneg
            band hs6 p12.3 p12.3 46200000 51800000 gpos100
            band hs6 p12.2 p12.2 51800000 52900000 gneg
            band hs6 p12.1 p12.1 52900000 57000000 gpos100
            band hs6 p11.2 p11.2 57000000 58700000 gneg
            band hs6 p11.1 p11.1 58700000 61000000 acen
            band hs6 q11.1 q11.1 61000000 63300000 acen
            band hs6 q11.2 q11.2 63300000 63400000 gneg
            band hs6 q12 q12 63400000 70000000 gpos100
            band hs6 q13 q13 70000000 75900000 gneg
            band hs6 q14.1 q14.1 75900000 83900000 gpos50
            band hs6 q14.2 q14.2 83900000 84900000 gneg
            band hs6 q14.3 q14.3 84900000 88000000 gpos50
            band hs6 q15 q15 88000000 93100000 gneg
            band hs6 q16.1 q16.1 93100000 99500000 gpos100
            band hs6 q16.2 q16.2 99500000 100600000 gneg
            band hs6 q16.3 q16.3 100600000 105500000 gpos100
            band hs6 q21 q21 105500000 114600000 gneg
            band hs6 q22.1 q22.1 114600000 118300000 gpos75
            band hs6 q22.2 q22.2 118300000 118500000 gneg
            band hs6 q22.31 q22.31 118500000 126100000 gpos100
            band hs6 q22.32 q22.32 126100000 127100000 gneg
            band hs6 q22.33 q22.33 127100000 130300000 gpos75
            band hs6 q23.1 q23.1 130300000 131200000 gneg
            band hs6 q23.2 q23.2 131200000 135200000 gpos50
            band hs6 q23.3 q23.3 135200000 139000000 gneg
            band hs6 q24.1 q24.1 139000000 142800000 gpos75
            band hs6 q24.2 q24.2 142800000 145600000 gneg
            band hs6 q24.3 q24.3 145600000 149000000 gpos75
            band hs6 q25.1 q25.1 149000000 152500000 gneg
            band hs6 q25.2 q25.2 152500000 155500000 gpos50
            band hs6 q25.3 q25.3 155500000 161000000 gneg
            band hs6 q26 q26 161000000 164500000 gpos50
            band hs6 q27 q27 164500000 171115067 gneg
            band hs7 p22.3 p22.3 0 2800000 gneg
            band hs7 p22.2 p22.2 2800000 4500000 gpos25
            band hs7 p22.1 p22.1 4500000 7300000 gneg
            band hs7 p21.3 p21.3 7300000 13800000 gpos100
            band hs7 p21.2 p21.2 13800000 16500000 gneg
            band hs7 p21.1 p21.1 16500000 20900000 gpos100
            band hs7 p15.3 p15.3 20900000 25500000 gneg
            band hs7 p15.2 p15.2 25500000 28000000 gpos50
            band hs7 p15.1 p15.1 28000000 28800000 gneg
            band hs7 p14.3 p14.3 28800000 35000000 gpos75
            band hs7 p14.2 p14.2 35000000 37200000 gneg
            band hs7 p14.1 p14.1 37200000 43300000 gpos75
            band hs7 p13 p13 43300000 45400000 gneg
            band hs7 p12.3 p12.3 45400000 49000000 gpos75
            band hs7 p12.2 p12.2 49000000 50500000 gneg
            band hs7 p12.1 p12.1 50500000 54000000 gpos75
            band hs7 p11.2 p11.2 54000000 58000000 gneg
            band hs7 p11.1 p11.1 58000000 59900000 acen
            band hs7 q11.1 q11.1 59900000 61700000 acen
            band hs7 q11.21 q11.21 61700000 67000000 gneg
            band hs7 q11.22 q11.22 67000000 72200000 gpos50
            band hs7 q11.23 q11.23 72200000 77500000 gneg
            band hs7 q21.11 q21.11 77500000 86400000 gpos100
            band hs7 q21.12 q21.12 86400000 88200000 gneg
            band hs7 q21.13 q21.13 88200000 91100000 gpos75
            band hs7 q21.2 q21.2 91100000 92800000 gneg
            band hs7 q21.3 q21.3 92800000 98000000 gpos75
            band hs7 q22.1 q22.1 98000000 103800000 gneg
            band hs7 q22.2 q22.2 103800000 104500000 gpos50
            band hs7 q22.3 q22.3 104500000 107400000 gneg
            band hs7 q31.1 q31.1 107400000 114600000 gpos75
            band hs7 q31.2 q31.2 114600000 117400000 gneg
            band hs7 q31.31 q31.31 117400000 121100000 gpos75
            band hs7 q31.32 q31.32 121100000 123800000 gneg
            band hs7 q31.33 q31.33 123800000 127100000 gpos75
            band hs7 q32.1 q32.1 127100000 129200000 gneg
            band hs7 q32.2 q32.2 129200000 130400000 gpos25
            band hs7 q32.3 q32.3 130400000 132600000 gneg
            band hs7 q33 q33 132600000 138200000 gpos50
            band hs7 q34 q34 138200000 143100000 gneg
            band hs7 q35 q35 143100000 147900000 gpos75
            band hs7 q36.1 q36.1 147900000 152600000 gneg
            band hs7 q36.2 q36.2 152600000 155100000 gpos25
            band hs7 q36.3 q36.3 155100000 159138663 gneg
            band hs8 p23.3 p23.3 0 2200000 gneg
            band hs8 p23.2 p23.2 2200000 6200000 gpos75
            band hs8 p23.1 p23.1 6200000 12700000 gneg
            band hs8 p22 p22 12700000 19000000 gpos100
            band hs8 p21.3 p21.3 19000000 23300000 gneg
            band hs8 p21.2 p21.2 23300000 27400000 gpos50
            band hs8 p21.1 p21.1 27400000 28800000 gneg
            band hs8 p12 p12 28800000 36500000 gpos75
            band hs8 p11.23 p11.23 36500000 38300000 gneg
            band hs8 p11.22 p11.22 38300000 39700000 gpos25
            band hs8 p11.21 p11.21 39700000 43100000 gneg
            band hs8 p11.1 p11.1 43100000 45600000 acen
            band hs8 q11.1 q11.1 45600000 48100000 acen
            band hs8 q11.21 q11.21 48100000 52200000 gneg
            band hs8 q11.22 q11.22 52200000 52600000 gpos75
            band hs8 q11.23 q11.23 52600000 55500000 gneg
            band hs8 q12.1 q12.1 55500000 61600000 gpos50
            band hs8 q12.2 q12.2 61600000 62200000 gneg
            band hs8 q12.3 q12.3 62200000 66000000 gpos50
            band hs8 q13.1 q13.1 66000000 68000000 gneg
            band hs8 q13.2 q13.2 68000000 70500000 gpos50
            band hs8 q13.3 q13.3 70500000 73900000 gneg
            band hs8 q21.11 q21.11 73900000 78300000 gpos100
            band hs8 q21.12 q21.12 78300000 80100000 gneg
            band hs8 q21.13 q21.13 80100000 84600000 gpos75
            band hs8 q21.2 q21.2 84600000 86900000 gneg
            band hs8 q21.3 q21.3 86900000 93300000 gpos100
            band hs8 q22.1 q22.1 93300000 99000000 gneg
            band hs8 q22.2 q22.2 99000000 101600000 gpos25
            band hs8 q22.3 q22.3 101600000 106200000 gneg
            band hs8 q23.1 q23.1 106200000 110500000 gpos75
            band hs8 q23.2 q23.2 110500000 112100000 gneg
            band hs8 q23.3 q23.3 112100000 117700000 gpos100
            band hs8 q24.11 q24.11 117700000 119200000 gneg
            band hs8 q24.12 q24.12 119200000 122500000 gpos50
            band hs8 q24.13 q24.13 122500000 127300000 gneg
            band hs8 q24.21 q24.21 127300000 131500000 gpos50
            band hs8 q24.22 q24.22 131500000 136400000 gneg
            band hs8 q24.23 q24.23 136400000 139900000 gpos75
            band hs8 q24.3 q24.3 139900000 146364022 gneg
            band hs9 p24.3 p24.3 0 2200000 gneg
            band hs9 p24.2 p24.2 2200000 4600000 gpos25
            band hs9 p24.1 p24.1 4600000 9000000 gneg
            band hs9 p23 p23 9000000 14200000 gpos75
            band hs9 p22.3 p22.3 14200000 16600000 gneg
            band hs9 p22.2 p22.2 16600000 18500000 gpos25
            band hs9 p22.1 p22.1 18500000 19900000 gneg
            band hs9 p21.3 p21.3 19900000 25600000 gpos100
            band hs9 p21.2 p21.2 25600000 28000000 gneg
            band hs9 p21.1 p21.1 28000000 33200000 gpos100
            band hs9 p13.3 p13.3 33200000 36300000 gneg
            band hs9 p13.2 p13.2 36300000 38400000 gpos25
            band hs9 p13.1 p13.1 38400000 41000000 gneg
            band hs9 p12 p12 41000000 43600000 gpos50
            band hs9 p11.2 p11.2 43600000 47300000 gneg
            band hs9 p11.1 p11.1 47300000 49000000 acen
            band hs9 q11 q11 49000000 50700000 acen
            band hs9 q12 q12 50700000 65900000 gvar
            band hs9 q13 q13 65900000 68700000 gneg
            band hs9 q21.11 q21.11 68700000 72200000 gpos25
            band hs9 q21.12 q21.12 72200000 74000000 gneg
            band hs9 q21.13 q21.13 74000000 79200000 gpos50
            band hs9 q21.2 q21.2 79200000 81100000 gneg
            band hs9 q21.31 q21.31 81100000 84100000 gpos50
            band hs9 q21.32 q21.32 84100000 86900000 gneg
            band hs9 q21.33 q21.33 86900000 90400000 gpos50
            band hs9 q22.1 q22.1 90400000 91800000 gneg
            band hs9 q22.2 q22.2 91800000 93900000 gpos25
            band hs9 q22.31 q22.31 93900000 96600000 gneg
            band hs9 q22.32 q22.32 96600000 99300000 gpos25
            band hs9 q22.33 q22.33 99300000 102600000 gneg
            band hs9 q31.1 q31.1 102600000 108200000 gpos100
            band hs9 q31.2 q31.2 108200000 111300000 gneg
            band hs9 q31.3 q31.3 111300000 114900000 gpos25
            band hs9 q32 q32 114900000 117700000 gneg
            band hs9 q33.1 q33.1 117700000 122500000 gpos75
            band hs9 q33.2 q33.2 122500000 125800000 gneg
            band hs9 q33.3 q33.3 125800000 130300000 gpos25
            band hs9 q34.11 q34.11 130300000 133500000 gneg
            band hs9 q34.12 q34.12 133500000 134000000 gpos25
            band hs9 q34.13 q34.13 134000000 135900000 gneg
            band hs9 q34.2 q34.2 135900000 137400000 gpos25
            band hs9 q34.3 q34.3 137400000 141213431 gneg
            band hsX p22.33 p22.33 0 4300000 gneg
            band hsX p22.32 p22.32 4300000 6000000 gpos50
            band hsX p22.31 p22.31 6000000 9500000 gneg
            band hsX p22.2 p22.2 9500000 17100000 gpos50
            band hsX p22.13 p22.13 17100000 19300000 gneg
            band hsX p22.12 p22.12 19300000 21900000 gpos50
            band hsX p22.11 p22.11 21900000 24900000 gneg
            band hsX p21.3 p21.3 24900000 29300000 gpos100
            band hsX p21.2 p21.2 29300000 31500000 gneg
            band hsX p21.1 p21.1 31500000 37600000 gpos100
            band hsX p11.4 p11.4 37600000 42400000 gneg
            band hsX p11.3 p11.3 42400000 46400000 gpos75
            band hsX p11.23 p11.23 46400000 49800000 gneg
            band hsX p11.22 p11.22 49800000 54800000 gpos25
            band hsX p11.21 p11.21 54800000 58100000 gneg
            band hsX p11.1 p11.1 58100000 60600000 acen
            band hsX q11.1 q11.1 60600000 63000000 acen
            band hsX q11.2 q11.2 63000000 64600000 gneg
            band hsX q12 q12 64600000 67800000 gpos50
            band hsX q13.1 q13.1 67800000 71800000 gneg
            band hsX q13.2 q13.2 71800000 73900000 gpos50
            band hsX q13.3 q13.3 73900000 76000000 gneg
            band hsX q21.1 q21.1 76000000 84600000 gpos100
            band hsX q21.2 q21.2 84600000 86200000 gneg
            band hsX q21.31 q21.31 86200000 91800000 gpos100
            band hsX q21.32 q21.32 91800000 93500000 gneg
            band hsX q21.33 q21.33 93500000 98300000 gpos75
            band hsX q22.1 q22.1 98300000 102600000 gneg
            band hsX q22.2 q22.2 102600000 103700000 gpos50
            band hsX q22.3 q22.3 103700000 108700000 gneg
            band hsX q23 q23 108700000 116500000 gpos75
            band hsX q24 q24 116500000 120900000 gneg
            band hsX q25 q25 120900000 128700000 gpos100
            band hsX q26.1 q26.1 128700000 130400000 gneg
            band hsX q26.2 q26.2 130400000 133600000 gpos25
            band hsX q26.3 q26.3 133600000 138000000 gneg
            band hsX q27.1 q27.1 138000000 140300000 gpos75
            band hsX q27.2 q27.2 140300000 142100000 gneg
            band hsX q27.3 q27.3 142100000 147100000 gpos100
            band hsX q28 q28 147100000 155270560 gneg
            band hsY p11.32 p11.32 0 2500000 gneg
            band hsY p11.31 p11.31 2500000 3000000 gpos50
            band hsY p11.2 p11.2 3000000 11600000 gneg
            band hsY p11.1 p11.1 11600000 12500000 acen
            band hsY q11.1 q11.1 12500000 13400000 acen
            band hsY q11.21 q11.21 13400000 15100000 gneg
            band hsY q11.221 q11.221 15100000 19800000 gpos50
            band hsY q11.222 q11.222 19800000 22100000 gneg
            band hsY q11.223 q11.223 22100000 26200000 gpos50
            band hsY q11.23 q11.23 26200000 28800000 gneg
            band hsY q12 q12 28800000 59373566 gvar
            # RGB color definition. Colors are refered to within configuration files
            # by their name. In order to use a color, you must define it here. 
            # e.g. if you really must use 'bisque', then add
            # bisque = 255,228,196
            # Many useful colors are already defined. In general, given a HUE, these
            # colors are defined
            # vlHUE (very light HUE, e.g. vlred)
            # lHUE  (light HUE, e.g. red)
            # HUE   (e.g. red)
            # dHUE  (dark HUE, e.g. dred)
            # In addition to hues, two other color groups are defined. 
            # - cytogenetic band colors (e.g. gposNNN, acen, stalk, etc.) which
            #   correspond to colors on ideogram bands
            # - UCSC chromosome color palette (e.g. chrNN, chrUn, chrNA)
            optblue   = 55,133,221
            optgreen  = 55,221,125
            optyellow = 221,215,55
            optorange = 221,164,55
            optred    = 221,55,55
            optviolet = 145,55,221
            optpurple = 219,55,221
            white     = 255,255,255
            vvvvlgrey = 250,250,250
            vvvlgrey  = 240,240,240
            vvlgrey   = 230,230,230
            vlgrey    = 220,220,220
            lgrey     = 210,210,210
            grey      = 200,200,200
            dgrey     = 170,170,170
            vdgrey    = 140,140,140
            vvdgrey   = 100,100,100
            vvvdgrey  = 70,70,70
            vvvvdgrey = 40,40,40
            black     = 0,0,0
            vlred   = 255,193,200
            lred    = 255,122,137
            red     = 247,42,66
            pred	= 255,0.0
            dred    = 205,51,69
            vlgreen = 204,255,218
            lgreen  = 128,255,164
            green   = 51,204,94
            pgreen	= 0,255,0
            dgreen  = 38,153,71
            vlblue  = 128,176,255
            lblue   = 64,137,255
            blue    = 54,116,217
            pblue	= 0,0,255
            dblue   = 38,82,153
            vlpurple= 242,128,255
            lpurple = 236,64,255
            purple  = 189,51,204
            dpurple = 118,32,128
            vlyellow = 255,253,202
            lyellow  = 255,252,150
            yellow   = 255,255,0
            dyellow  = 191,186,48
            lime     = 186,255,0
            vlorange = 255,228,193
            lorange  = 255,187,110
            orange   = 255,136,0
            dorange  = 221,143,55
            # karyotype colors
            gpos100 = 0,0,0
            gpos    = 0,0,0
            gpos75  = 130,130,130
            gpos66  = 160,160,160
            gpos50  = 200,200,200
            gpos33  = 210,210,210
            gpos25  = 200,200,200
            gvar    = 220,220,220
            gneg    = 255,255,255
            acen    = 217,47,39
            stalk   = 100,127,164
            # others
            select = 135,177,255
            # new york times cmyk-safe
            # roygbiv - normal
            nyt_blue   = 104,152,178
            nyt_green  = 137,129,96
            nyt_yellow = 241,221,117
            nyt_orange = 230,146,57
            nyt_red    = 217,47,39
            # chromosome color map (UCSC) 
            chr1 = 153,102,0
            chr2 = 102,102,0
            chr3 = 153,153,30
            chr4 = 204,0,0
            chr5 = 255,0,0
            chr6 = 255,0,204
            chr7 = 255,204,204
            chr8 = 255,153,0
            chr9 = 255,204,0
            chr10 = 255,255,0
            chr11 = 204,255,0
            chr12 = 0,255,0
            chr13 = 53,128,0
            chr14 = 0,0,204
            chr15 = 102,153,255
            chr16 = 153,204,255
            chr17 = 0,255,255
            chr18 = 204,255,255
            chr19 = 153,0,204
            chr20 = 204,51,255
            chr21 = 204,153,255
            chr22 = 102,102,102
            chr23 = 153,153,153
            chrX  = 153,153,153
            chr24 = 204,204,204
            chrY = 204,204,204
            chrM = 204,204,153
            chr0 = 204,204,153
            chrUn = 121,204,61
            chrNA = 255,255,255
            # 11 intensity range three color palette defined from used for heatmaps
            jk1 = 0,104,55
            jk2 = 26,152,80
            jk3 = 102,189,99
            jk4 = 166,217,106
            jk5 = 217,239,139
            jk6 = 255,255,191
            jk7 = 254,224,139
            jk8 = 253,174,97
            jk9 = 244,109,67
            jk10 = 213,62,79
            jk11 = 158,1,66
            default = 10u
            # thickness (px) of chromosome ideogram
            thickness        = 100p
            stroke_thickness = 2
            # ideogram border color
            stroke_color     = black
            fill             = yes
            # the default chromosome color is set here and any value
            # defined in the karyotype file overrides it
            fill_color       = black
            # fractional radius position of chromosome ideogram within image
            radius         = 0.85r
            show_label     = yes
            label_font     = condensedbold
            label_radius   = dims(ideogram,radius) + 0.03r
            # Original label_radius   = dims(ideogram,radius) + 0.05r
            label_size     = 28
            # Original label_size     = 16
            label_parallel = no
            # cytogenetic bands
            band_stroke_thickness = 1
            # show_bands determines whether the outline of cytogenetic bands
            # will be seen
            show_bands            = yes
            # in order to fill the bands with the color defined in the karyotype
            # file you must set fill_bands
            fill_bands            = yes
            band_transparency     = 1

            show_ticks          = yes
            show_tick_labels    = yes
            grid_start         = dims(ideogram,radius_inner)-0.5r
            grid_end           = dims(ideogram,radius_outer)+100
            skip_first_label     = no
            skip_last_label      = no
            radius               = dims(ideogram,radius_outer)
            tick_separation      = 2p
            min_label_distance_to_edge = 0p
            label_separation = 5p
            label_offset     = 2p
            label_size = 8p
            multiplier = 1e-6
            color = black
            spacing        = 5u
            size           = 5p
            thickness      = 2p
            color          = black
            show_label     = no
            label_size     = 8p
            label_offset   = 0p
            format         = %d
            grid           = yes
            grid_color     = grey
            grid_thickness = 1p
            spacing        = 25u
            size           = 8p
            thickness      = 2p
            color          = black
            show_label     = yes
            label_size     = 12p
            label_offset   = 0p
            format         = %d
            grid           = yes
            grid_color     = dgrey
            grid_thickness = 1p
            I'll try to post a copy of a configuration file and some simple data tables that can be used to generate a basic plot with the features most people on this forum would be interested in plotting in the coming days.
            Last edited by Jon_Keats; 10-04-2011, 12:46 PM. Reason: added Circos update information, added Graphics::ColorObject


            • #51

              Another great post. I spent a ton of time getting circos to "tutorial phase". Would you mind if I broke this circos post out into its own thread?


              • #52
                There are a lot of circos whizzes on this site, so do not hesitate to ask questions! I agree with echo about making a dedicated circos thread.


                • #53
                  A Circos Example

                  ***A Simple Example from the Multiple Myeloma World***

                  1) Place this configuration file in the "my_config_files" folder

                  ## Common Layout Settings
                  ## Defines color names you can reference in tables and configuration and there associated RGB values
                  <<include my_reference_files/my_colors.conf>>
                  ## Defines font names you can reference in tables and configuration files
                  <<include etc/fonts.conf>>
                  ## Defines ideogram mapping characteristics
                  <<include my_reference_files/my_ideogram.conf>>
                  ## Defines ideogram tick mapping characteristics
                  <<include my_reference_files/my_ticks.conf>>
                  ## General Plot Settings
                  ## Define karyotype file name and location to be used in this plot
                  karyotype   = my_reference_files/hg18_karyotype_white.txt
                  ## Define output directory (command line over-ride with: -outputdir /path/to/your/output/directory)
                  dir = my_plots
                  ## Define output file name (command line over-ride with: -outputfile your_image_name.png)
                  file  = myeloma_example.png
                  ## Define output file types
                  png = yes
                  svg = yes
                  ## Define size of image (radius of inscribed circle in image)
                  radius         = 1500p
                  ## Define background color of image (color name must be in your colors.conf file)
                  background     = white
                  ## Define the angle at which to start rendering the image (by default angle=0 is at 3 o'clock position)
                  angle_offset   = -90
                  24bit = yes
                  auto_alpha_colors = yes
                  auto_alpha_steps  = 5
                  chromosomes_units = 1000000
                  chromosomes_display_default = yes
                  ## Specific Plot Settings
                  ## Heatmap Plot ##
                  type	= heatmap
                  color	= jk1,jk2,jk3,jk4,jk5,jk6,jk7,jk8,jk9,jk10,jk11
                  min	= -3
                  max	= 3
                  file	= my_data_files/heatmap.txt
                  r0	= 0.92r
                  r1	= 0.98r
                  ## Scatter Plot ##
                  show  = yes
                  type  = scatter
                  file  = my_data_files/scatter.txt
                  fill_color = jk6
                  stroke_color     = jk6
                  stroke_thickness = 1
                  glyph = circle
                  glyph_size = 3
                  min   = -5
                  max   = 5
                  r0    = 0.78r
                  r1    = 0.90r
                  background       = yes
                  background_color = vlgrey
                  #background_stroke_color = black
                  #background_stroke_thickness = 1
                  axis           = yes
                  axis_color     = dgrey
                  axis_thickness = 1
                  axis_spacing   = 1.0
                  importance   = 100
                  condition    = _VALUE_ < -4
                  stroke_color = jk1
                  fill_color   = jk1
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 10
                  importance   = 95
                  condition    = _VALUE_ < -3
                  stroke_color = jk2
                  fill_color   = jk2
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 8.5
                  importance   = 90
                  condition    = _VALUE_ < -2.5
                  stroke_color = jk3
                  fill_color   = jk3
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 7
                  importance   = 85
                  condition    = _VALUE_ < -2
                  stroke_color = jk4
                  fill_color   = jk4
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 5.5
                  importance   = 80
                  condition    = _VALUE_ < -1
                  stroke_color = jk5
                  fill_color   = jk5
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 4
                  importance   = 80
                  condition    = _VALUE_ > 1
                  stroke_color = jk7
                  fill_color   = jk7
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 4
                  importance   = 85
                  condition    = _VALUE_ > 2
                  stroke_color = jk8
                  fill_color   = jk8
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 5.5
                  importance   = 90
                  condition    = _VALUE_ > 2.5
                  stroke_color = jk9
                  fill_color   = jk9
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 7
                  importance   = 95
                  condition    = _VALUE_ > 3
                  stroke_color = jk10
                  fill_color   = jk10
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 8.5
                  importance   = 100 
                  condition    = _VALUE_ > 4
                  stroke_color = jk11
                  fill_color   = jk11
                  glyph        = circle
                  glyph_size = 10
                  ## Text Plot ##
                  type             = text
                  color            = black
                  file             = my_data_files/mutations.txt
                  # on tick scale
                  r0 = 1r
                  r1 = 1r+200p
                  show_links     = yes
                  link_dims      = 0p,0p,70p,0p,10p
                  link_thickness = 2p
                  link_color     = red
                  label_size   = 24p
                  label_font   = condensed
                  padding  = 0p
                  rpadding = 0p
                  label_snuggle         = yes
                  max_snuggle_distance  = 1r
                  snuggle_tolerance     = 0.25r
                  snuggle_sampling      = 2
                  snuggle_link_overlap_test = yes
                  snuggle_link_overlap_tolerance = 2p
                  snuggle_refine        = yes
                  label_rotate = yes
                  ## Link Plot ##
                  z      = 0
                  radius = 0.77r
                  bezier_radius = 0.2r
                  <link segdup>
                  show         = yes
                  color        = blue
                  thickness    = 4
                  file         = my_data_files/links.txt
                  record_limit = 1000
                  ## Run Options
                  anglestep       = 0.5
                  minslicestep    = 10
                  beziersamples   = 40
                  debug           = no
                  warnings        = no
                  imagemap        = no
                  ## Don't Touch the Following Lines!!!
                  units_ok        = bupr
                  units_nounit    = n
                  2) Place the following example data files in "my_data_files"

                  hs1	0	40000000	0
                  hs1	40000001	48000000	-2
                  hs1	48000001	55000000	-4
                  hs1	55000001	95000000	-2
                  hs1	95000001	127000000	0
                  hs1	127000001	247249719	2
                  hs2	0	242951149	0
                  hs3	0	199501827	1
                  hs4	0	191273063	0
                  hs5	0	180857866	1
                  hs6	0	106000000	0
                  hs6	106000001	170899992	-1
                  hs7	0	158821424	0
                  hs8	0	128800000	0
                  hs8	128800001	146274826	1
                  hs9	0	140273252	3
                  hs10	0	135374737	0
                  hs11	0	134452384	0
                  hs12	0	132349534	0
                  hs13	0	114142980	-2
                  hs14	0	106368585	0
                  hs15	0	100338915	3
                  hs16	0	41000000	0
                  hs16	41000001	88827254	-1
                  hs17	0	5000000	0
                  hs17	5000001	16000000	-2
                  hs17	16000001	78774742	0
                  hs18	0	76117153	0
                  hs19	0	63811651	1
                  hs20	0	62435964	0
                  hs21	0	46944323	1
                  hs22	0	49691432	0
                  hsX	0	154913754	-1
                  hsY	0	57772954	4
                  hs1	0	2300000	0
                  hs1	2300000	5300000	0.8
                  hs1	5300000	7100000	1.4
                  hs1	7100000	9200000	2.9
                  hs1	9200000	12600000	3.6
                  hs1	12600000	16100000	4.1
                  hs1	16100000	20300000	4.8
                  hs1	20300000	23800000	-0.4
                  hs1	23800000	27800000	-1.5
                  hs1	27800000	30000000	-2.1
                  hs1	30000000	32200000	-2.4
                  hs1	32200000	34400000	-3.3
                  hs1	34400000	39600000	-4.9
                  hs1	39600000	43900000	0.1
                  hs1	43900000	46500000	0.2
                  hs1	46500000	51300000	-0.3
                  hs1	51300000	56200000	0
                  hs1	56200000	58700000	0.8
                  hs1	58700000	60900000	1.4
                  hs1	60900000	68700000	2.9
                  hs1	68700000	69500000	3.6
                  hs1	69500000	84700000	4.1
                  hs1	84700000	88100000	4.8
                  hs1	88100000	92000000	-0.4
                  hs1	92000000	94500000	-1.5
                  hs1	94500000	99400000	-2.1
                  hs1	99400000	102000000	-2.4
                  hs1	102000000	107000000	-3.3
                  hs1	107000000	111600000	-4.9
                  hs1	111600000	115900000	0.1
                  hs1	115900000	117600000	0.2
                  hs1	117600000	120700000	-0.3
                  hs1	120700000	121100000	0
                  hs1	121100000	124300000	0.8
                  hs1	124300000	128000000	1.4
                  hs1	128000000	142400000	2.9
                  hs1	142400000	148000000	3.6
                  hs1	148000000	149600000	4.1
                  hs1	149600000	153300000	4.8
                  hs1	153300000	154800000	-0.4
                  hs1	154800000	157300000	-1.5
                  hs1	157300000	158800000	-2.1
                  hs1	158800000	163800000	-2.4
                  hs1	163800000	165500000	-3.3
                  hs1	165500000	169100000	-4.9
                  hs1	169100000	171200000	0.1
                  hs1	171200000	174300000	0.2
                  hs1	174300000	178600000	-0.3
                  hs1	178600000	184000000	0
                  hs1	184000000	189000000	0.8
                  hs1	189000000	192100000	1.4
                  hs1	192100000	197500000	2.9
                  hs1	197500000	205300000	3.6
                  hs1	205300000	209500000	4.1
                  hs1	209500000	212100000	4.8
                  hs1	212100000	222100000	-0.4
                  hs1	222100000	222700000	-1.5
                  hs1	222700000	225100000	-2.1
                  hs1	225100000	228800000	-2.4
                  hs1	228800000	232700000	-3.3
                  hs1	232700000	234600000	-4.9
                  hs1	234600000	241700000	0.1
                  hs1	241700000	247249719	0.2
                  hs2	0	4300000	-0.3
                  hs2	4300000	7000000	0
                  hs2	7000000	12800000	0.8
                  hs2	12800000	17000000	1.4
                  hs2	17000000	19100000	2.9
                  hs2	19100000	23900000	3.6
                  hs2	23900000	27700000	4.1
                  hs2	27700000	29800000	4.8
                  hs2	29800000	31900000	-0.4
                  hs2	31900000	36400000	-1.5
                  hs2	36400000	38400000	-2.1
                  hs2	38400000	41600000	-2.4
                  hs2	41600000	47600000	-3.3
                  hs2	47600000	52700000	-4.9
                  hs2	52700000	54800000	0.1
                  hs2	54800000	61100000	0.2
                  hs2	61100000	64000000	-0.3
                  hs2	64000000	70500000	0
                  hs2	70500000	72600000	0.8
                  hs2	72600000	73900000	1.4
                  hs2	73900000	75400000	2.9
                  hs2	75400000	83700000	3.6
                  hs2	83700000	91000000	4.1
                  hs2	91000000	93300000	4.8
                  hs2	93300000	95700000	-0.4
                  hs2	95700000	102100000	-1.5
                  hs2	102100000	105300000	-2.1
                  hs2	105300000	106700000	-2.4
                  hs2	106700000	108600000	-3.3
                  hs2	108600000	113800000	-4.9
                  hs2	113800000	118600000	0.1
                  hs2	118600000	122100000	0.2
                  hs2	122100000	129600000	-0.3
                  hs2	129600000	132200000	0
                  hs2	132200000	134800000	0.8
                  hs2	134800000	136600000	1.4
                  hs2	136600000	142400000	2.9
                  hs2	142400000	144700000	3.6
                  hs2	144700000	148400000	4.1
                  hs2	148400000	149600000	4.8
                  hs2	149600000	150300000	-0.4
                  hs2	150300000	154600000	-1.5
                  hs2	154600000	159600000	-2.1
                  hs2	159600000	163500000	-2.4
                  hs2	163500000	169500000	-3.3
                  hs2	169500000	177700000	-4.9
                  hs2	177700000	180400000	0.1
                  hs2	180400000	182700000	0.2
                  hs2	182700000	189100000	-0.3
                  hs2	189100000	191600000	0
                  hs2	191600000	197100000	0.8
                  hs2	197100000	203500000	1.4
                  hs2	203500000	205600000	2.9
                  hs2	205600000	209100000	3.6
                  hs2	209100000	215100000	4.1
                  hs2	215100000	221300000	4.8
                  hs2	221300000	224900000	-0.4
                  hs2	224900000	225800000	-1.5
                  hs2	225800000	230700000	-2.1
                  hs2	230700000	235300000	-2.4
                  hs2	235300000	237000000	-3.3
                  hs2	237000000	242951149	-4.9
                  hs3	0	3500000	0.1
                  hs3	3500000	5500000	0.2
                  hs3	5500000	8700000	-0.3
                  hs3	8700000	11500000	0
                  hs3	11500000	12400000	0.8
                  hs3	12400000	14700000	1.4
                  hs3	14700000	23800000	2.9
                  hs3	23800000	26400000	3.6
                  hs3	26400000	30800000	4.1
                  hs3	30800000	32100000	4.8
                  hs3	32100000	36500000	-0.4
                  hs3	36500000	39300000	-1.5
                  hs3	39300000	43600000	-2.1
                  hs3	43600000	44400000	-2.4
                  hs3	44400000	44700000	-3.3
                  hs3	44700000	51400000	-4.9
                  hs3	51400000	51700000	0.1
                  hs3	51700000	54400000	0.2
                  hs3	54400000	58500000	-0.3
                  hs3	58500000	63700000	0
                  hs3	63700000	71800000	0.8
                  hs3	71800000	74200000	1.4
                  hs3	74200000	81800000	2.9
                  hs3	81800000	83700000	3.6
                  hs3	83700000	87200000	4.1
                  hs3	87200000	89400000	4.8
                  hs3	89400000	91700000	-0.4
                  hs3	91700000	93200000	-1.5
                  hs3	93200000	99800000	-2.1
                  hs3	99800000	101500000	-2.4
                  hs3	101500000	102500000	-3.3
                  hs3	102500000	104400000	-4.9
                  hs3	104400000	107800000	0.1
                  hs3	107800000	109500000	0.2
                  hs3	109500000	112800000	-0.3
                  hs3	112800000	115000000	0
                  hs3	115000000	118800000	0.8
                  hs3	118800000	120500000	1.4
                  hs3	120500000	123400000	2.9
                  hs3	123400000	125400000	3.6
                  hs3	125400000	127700000	4.1
                  hs3	127700000	131500000	4.8
                  hs3	131500000	135700000	-0.4
                  hs3	135700000	137400000	-1.5
                  hs3	137400000	140400000	-2.1
                  hs3	140400000	144400000	-2.4
                  hs3	144400000	150400000	-3.3
                  hs3	150400000	153500000	-4.9
                  hs3	153500000	156300000	0.1
                  hs3	156300000	158100000	0.2
                  hs3	158100000	159900000	-0.3
                  hs3	159900000	161200000	0
                  hs3	161200000	169200000	0.8
                  hs3	169200000	172500000	1.4
                  hs3	172500000	177300000	2.9
                  hs3	177300000	180600000	3.6
                  hs3	180600000	184200000	4.1
                  hs3	184200000	186000000	4.8
                  hs3	186000000	187500000	-0.4
                  hs3	187500000	189400000	-1.5
                  hs3	189400000	193800000	-2.1
                  hs3	193800000	199501827	-2.4
                  hs4	0	3100000	-3.3
                  hs4	3100000	5200000	-4.9
                  hs4	5200000	10900000	0.1
                  hs4	10900000	15300000	0.2
                  hs4	15300000	18500000	-0.3
                  hs4	18500000	23100000	0
                  hs4	23100000	27900000	0.8
                  hs4	27900000	35500000	1.4
                  hs4	35500000	40900000	2.9
                  hs4	40900000	45600000	3.6
                  hs4	45600000	48700000	4.1
                  hs4	48700000	50700000	4.8
                  hs4	50700000	52400000	-0.4
                  hs4	52400000	59200000	-1.5
                  hs4	59200000	66300000	-2.1
                  hs4	66300000	70400000	-2.4
                  hs4	70400000	76500000	-3.3
                  hs4	76500000	79200000	-4.9
                  hs4	79200000	82600000	0.1
                  hs4	82600000	84300000	0.2
                  hs4	84300000	87100000	-0.3
                  hs4	87100000	88200000	0
                  hs4	88200000	94000000	0.8
                  hs4	94000000	95400000	1.4
                  hs4	95400000	99100000	2.9
                  hs4	99100000	102500000	3.6
                  hs4	102500000	107900000	4.1
                  hs4	107900000	114100000	4.8
                  hs4	114100000	120600000	-0.4
                  hs4	120600000	124000000	-1.5
                  hs4	124000000	129100000	-2.1
                  hs4	129100000	131300000	-2.4
                  hs4	131300000	139500000	-3.3
                  hs4	139500000	141700000	-4.9
                  hs4	141700000	145000000	0.1
                  hs4	145000000	147700000	0.2
                  hs4	147700000	151000000	-0.3
                  hs4	151000000	155100000	0
                  hs4	155100000	161500000	0.8
                  hs4	161500000	164500000	1.4
                  hs4	164500000	170400000	2.9
                  hs4	170400000	172200000	3.6
                  hs4	172200000	176600000	4.1
                  hs4	176600000	177800000	4.8
                  hs4	177800000	182600000	-0.4
                  hs4	182600000	187300000	-1.5
                  hs4	187300000	191273063	-2.1
                  hs5	0	4400000	-2.4
                  hs5	4400000	6000000	-3.3
                  hs5	6000000	8200000	-4.9
                  hs5	8200000	15100000	0.1
                  hs5	15100000	18500000	0.2
                  hs5	18500000	23300000	-0.3
                  hs5	23300000	24700000	0
                  hs5	24700000	29300000	0.8
                  hs5	29300000	34400000	1.4
                  hs5	34400000	38500000	2.9
                  hs5	38500000	42400000	3.6
                  hs5	42400000	45800000	4.1
                  hs5	45800000	47700000	4.8
                  hs5	47700000	50500000	-0.4
                  hs5	50500000	58900000	-1.5
                  hs5	58900000	63000000	-2.1
                  hs5	63000000	63700000	-2.4
                  hs5	63700000	66500000	-3.3
                  hs5	66500000	68400000	-4.9
                  hs5	68400000	73300000	0.1
                  hs5	73300000	76400000	0.2
                  hs5	76400000	81300000	-0.3
                  hs5	81300000	82800000	0
                  hs5	82800000	91900000	0.8
                  hs5	91900000	97300000	1.4
                  hs5	97300000	102800000	2.9
                  hs5	102800000	104500000	3.6
                  hs5	104500000	109600000	4.1
                  hs5	109600000	111500000	4.8
                  hs5	111500000	113100000	-0.4
                  hs5	113100000	115200000	-1.5
                  hs5	115200000	121500000	-2.1
                  hs5	121500000	127300000	-2.4
                  hs5	127300000	130400000	-3.3
                  hs5	130400000	135400000	-4.9
                  hs5	135400000	139000000	0.1
                  hs5	139000000	143100000	0.2
                  hs5	143100000	147200000	-0.3
                  hs5	147200000	152100000	0
                  hs5	152100000	155600000	0.8
                  hs5	155600000	159900000	1.4
                  hs5	159900000	167400000	2.9
                  hs5	167400000	172200000	3.6
                  hs5	172200000	176500000	4.1
                  hs5	176500000	180857866	4.8
                  hs6	0	2300000	-0.4
                  hs6	2300000	4100000	-1.5
                  hs6	4100000	7000000	-2.1
                  hs6	7000000	10600000	-2.4
                  hs6	10600000	11200000	-3.3
                  hs6	11200000	13500000	-4.9
                  hs6	13500000	15500000	0.1
                  hs6	15500000	23500000	0.2
                  hs6	23500000	26100000	-0.3
                  hs6	26100000	29900000	0
                  hs6	29900000	31900000	0.8
                  hs6	31900000	33600000	1.4
                  hs6	33600000	36800000	2.9
                  hs6	36800000	40600000	3.6
                  hs6	40600000	45200000	4.1
                  hs6	45200000	51100000	4.8
                  hs6	51100000	52600000	-0.4
                  hs6	52600000	57200000	-1.5
                  hs6	57200000	58400000	-2.1
                  hs6	58400000	60500000	-2.4
                  hs6	60500000	63400000	-3.3
                  hs6	63400000	63500000	-4.9
                  hs6	63500000	70000000	0.1
                  hs6	70000000	75900000	0.2
                  hs6	75900000	83900000	-0.3
                  hs6	83900000	84700000	0
                  hs6	84700000	87500000	0.8
                  hs6	87500000	92100000	1.4
                  hs6	92100000	98700000	2.9
                  hs6	98700000	99900000	3.6
                  hs6	99900000	104800000	4.1
                  hs6	104800000	113900000	4.8
                  hs6	113900000	117100000	-0.4
                  hs6	117100000	118600000	-1.5
                  hs6	118600000	126200000	-2.1
                  hs6	126200000	127300000	-2.4
                  hs6	127300000	130400000	-3.3
                  hs6	130400000	131300000	-4.9
                  hs6	131300000	135200000	0.1
                  hs6	135200000	139100000	0.2
                  hs6	139100000	142900000	-0.3
                  hs6	142900000	145700000	0
                  hs6	145700000	149100000	0.8
                  hs6	149100000	152600000	1.4
                  hs6	152600000	155600000	2.9
                  hs6	155600000	160900000	3.6
                  hs6	160900000	164400000	4.1
                  hs6	164400000	170899992	4.8
                  hs7	0	2100000	-0.4
                  hs7	2100000	4500000	-1.5
                  hs7	4500000	7200000	-2.1
                  hs7	7200000	13300000	-2.4
                  hs7	13300000	15200000	-3.3
                  hs7	15200000	19500000	-4.9
                  hs7	19500000	24900000	0.1
                  hs7	24900000	28000000	0.2
                  hs7	28000000	31800000	-0.3
                  hs7	31800000	35600000	0
                  hs7	35600000	37500000	0.8
                  hs7	37500000	43300000	1.4
                  hs7	43300000	46600000	2.9
                  hs7	46600000	49800000	3.6
                  hs7	49800000	50900000	4.1
                  hs7	50900000	53900000	4.8
                  hs7	53900000	57400000	-0.4
                  hs7	57400000	59100000	-1.5
                  hs7	59100000	61100000	-2.1
                  hs7	61100000	66100000	-2.4
                  hs7	66100000	71800000	-3.3
                  hs7	71800000	77400000	-4.9
                  hs7	77400000	86200000	0.1
                  hs7	86200000	88000000	0.2
                  hs7	88000000	90900000	-0.3
                  hs7	90900000	92600000	0
                  hs7	92600000	97900000	0.8
                  hs7	97900000	104400000	1.4
                  hs7	104400000	105900000	2.9
                  hs7	105900000	107200000	3.6
                  hs7	107200000	114400000	4.1
                  hs7	114400000	117200000	4.8
                  hs7	117200000	120900000	-0.4
                  hs7	120900000	123600000	-1.5
                  hs7	123600000	126900000	-2.1
                  hs7	126900000	129000000	-2.4
                  hs7	129000000	130100000	-3.3
                  hs7	130100000	132400000	-4.9
                  hs7	132400000	137300000	0.1
                  hs7	137300000	142800000	0.2
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                  hs14	102320000	102320010	TRAF3	color=black,link_color=blue
                  hs14	102328000	102328010	TRAF3	color=red,link_color=red
                  hs17	7530000	7530010	TP53	color=red,link_color=blue
                  hsX	44790000	44790010	KDM6A	color=red,link_color=blue
                  intra1	hs1	40000000	40000010	color=green
                  intra1	hs1	55000001	55000011	color=green
                  intra2	hs1	48000000	48000010	color=green
                  intra2	hs1	95000001	95000011	color=green
                  intra3	hs1	127000001	127000011	color=green
                  intra3	hs1	247230000	247240000	color=green
                  tx1	hs6	106000000	106000010	color=red
                  tx1	hs8	128800000	128800010	color=red
                  tx2	hs11	69160000	69160010	
                  tx2	hs14	103000000	103000010	
                  intra4	hs17	5000000	5000010	color=green
                  intra4	hs17	16000001	16000011	color=green
                  3) Run the example test
                  cd ngs/applications/circos-0.52
                  circos -conf my_config_files/myeloma_circos.conf
                  Figure Legend:
                  Mutated genes are marked on the outside of the ideogram. Line and font colors are used to represent different zygosity and type of mutation. Inner heatmap is copy number data. Inner scatter plot is gene expression values. Inner line links represent inter and intra chromosomal rearrangements with balanced and unbalanced inter-chromosomal events shown in different colors.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Jon_Keats; 02-22-2011, 10:04 AM. Reason: Updated with Image


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by honey View Post
                    I have used the beta version of Avadis and will be willing to know how it work. However I have not found toll as user friendly as Gene Spring. The level of customer support has alos declined...

                    I do agree with you, Avadis is not as user friendly as the Gene Spring, but it worked much better for me than CLCBio. The CLC crashed in my hands 4-5 times (lost the track of how many it was) with the same data ran on Avadis. I'll make a new thread about my evaluation, because I have some questions I need answering, so if you want you can read that.



                    • #55
                      A Circos Example

                      A Circos Example
                      ***A Simple Example from the Multiple Myeloma World***

                      Would someone kindly post the finished graphic obtained from this example. Many thanks.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Joann View Post
                        A Circos Example
                        ***A Simple Example from the Multiple Myeloma World***

                        Would someone kindly post the finished graphic obtained from this example. Many thanks.
                        Sorry I got lazy and forgot I needed to down sample the image so it was small enough to upload. The image is now attached to the example entry.

                        Best of luck,



                        • #57
                          What a great thread...

                          Dear Jonathan,

                          thank you so much for sharing all this! This is tremendously helpful for the newbie! Keep up the great work!


                          • #58
                            TopHat-Cufflinks Paired End Pipeline

                            I've been meaning to post this for a while but didn't as it is written for our HPC environment instead of a MAC but as currently modified it should work fine on any Unix environment. I'll try to update it to fit the standard workflow/folder structure I've used in the past. Currently it is designed to require you to update the script for each sample you are running and will pass the data from illumina format fastq files to tophat alignments and cufflinks expression estimates.

                            The top of the script should be modified to something like
                            ## MODIFY SCRIPT SETTINGS BELOW FOR EACH RUN
                            #Enter sample name less read ID, thus "Sample1_R1.txt" would be "Sample1"
                            #This should be something like "/scratch/jkeats/refgenomes/bowtie_indexed/Genome"
                            #This should be used if using ref option
                            #This should be used if using an excludion file for cufflinks abundance estimates
                            #This is used to rename result files to include the genome version
                            #This is a tag used to rename the results files with a unique tag
                            #This is a tag used to rename the results files with a unique tag for the cufflinks output files
                            #Mean insert size calculated after BWA alignment to transcriptome reference less read length (mean insert = 400 - (50bp x 2) = 300bp Inner Distance
                            #Standard deviation of insert size calculated after BWA alignment to tanscriptome scaled to inner distance (insert STD = 40 x (300bp / 400bp) = 30bp Inner STD
                            #This is used to allow multi-threading or parallel processing during the tophat alignment steps
                            #This number should match the number of nodes/cores requested in the PBS header above
                            #The newest version of Tophat supports small gaps by default 3 if the --allow-indels option is set
                            #YOU MUST MODIFY LINE XXX TO INCLUDE THE "--allow-indels" option
                            #You can change the default indel size using "--max-insertion-length <int>" and "--max-deletion-length <int>" if you include this option
                            #Get version number my typing "samtools" once logged on to saguaro (DO NOT INCLUDE SUBVERSION IN BRACKETS)
                            #Get version number my typing "cufflinks" once logged on to saguaro
                            # Created by Jonathan Keats on 12/30/10.
                            # Copyright 2010 Translational Genomics Research Institute. All rights reserved.
                            ## MODIFY SCRIPT SETTINGS BELOW FOR EACH RUN
                            SAMPLE_NAME=***Enter Sample Name Here***
                            #Enter sample name less read ID, thus "Sample1_R1.txt" would be "Sample1"
                            #This should be something like "/scratch/jkeats/refgenomes/bowtie_indexed/Genome"
                            #This should be used if using ref option
                            #This should be used if using an excludion file for cufflinks abundance estimates
                            #This is used to rename result files to include the genome version
                            PROTOCOL_TAG=***This should be "AlignerMethod_Constraints" such as "TophatPE_E60GFF" or "TophatSE_DeNovo"
                            #This is a tag used to rename the results files with a unique tag
                            PROTOCOL_TAG2=***This should be "CufflinksE60GTF_NoMask" or "CufflinksDeNovo_Masked"
                            #This is a tag used to rename the results files with a unique tag for the cufflinks output files
                            MATE_INNER_DIST=***value bp***
                            #Mean insert size calculated after BWA alignment to transcriptome reference less read length (mean insert = 400 - (50bp x 2) = 300bp Inner Distance
                            MATE_INNER_STD=***value bp***
                            #Standard deviation of insert size calculated after BWA alignment to tanscriptome scaled to inner distance (insert STD = 40 x (300bp / 400bp) = 30bp Inner STD
                            TOPHAT_CORES=***Enter Number of Cores/Threads***
                            #This is used to allow multi-threading or parallel processing during the tophat alignment steps
                            #This number should match the number of nodes/cores requested in the PBS header above
                            ALIGNMENT_TYPE=*** Either "NoGaps" or "InDel(plus numeric limit) default is InDel3"
                            #The newest version of Tophat supports small gaps by default 3 if the --allow-indels option is set
                            #YOU MUST MODIFY LINE XXX TO INCLUDE THE "--allow-indels" option
                            #You can change the default indel size using "--max-insertion-length <int>" and "--max-deletion-length <int>" if you include this option
                            SAMTOOLS_VERSION=***Enter version info***
                            #Get version number my typing "samtools" once logged on to saguaro (no spaces)(DO NOT INCLUDE SUBVERSION IN BRACKETS)
                            CUFFLINKS_VERSION=***Enter version info***
                            #Get version number my typing "cufflinks" once logged on to saguaro (no spaces)
                            ##	Notes: This script script is to be launched from a common folder with the raw data
                            ##	Requirements:	1) Input files must follow "Sample_R1.txt" and "Sample_R2.txt"
                            ##				2) You must load or have the following applications in your path:
                            ##					a) Tophat (v1.2.0 or later to support InDels) 
                            ##					b) Cufflinks
                            ##					c) Samtools
                            ##					d) Java
                            ##						i)   Picard SortSam.jar	
                            ##						ii)  Picard MarkDuplicates.jar
                            ##					        iii) Picard CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics.jar
                            ##						iv)  Picard MeanQualityByCycle.jar
                            ##					e) R
                            #I still can't figure out how to list "/local/bin" in the java path but this works
                            #The following step creates the log file in the current subdirectory
                            echo ***STARTING ${SAMPLE_NAME} ANALYSIS BATCH*** >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #The following step prints the version numbers of the programs to the log file
                            echo >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo The following applications will be used: >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            bowtie --version >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            tophat --version >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ${SAMTOOLS_VERSION} >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ${CUFFLINKS_VERSION} >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            # In this first step we will create a custom directory for this sample
                            # Directory Name = "Sample_Name"
                            echo >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ***Creating Pipeline Directory Structure*** >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            mkdir -p ${SAMPLE_NAME}/bamfile_dupsmarked
                            echo ***Pipeline Directory Structure Created*** >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            # In the following step we will move the raw data files from the current location to the analysis directory
                            echo >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Moving fastq files to analysis directory >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo The following files will be moved: >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ${SAMPLE_NAME}_R1.txt >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ${SAMPLE_NAME}_R2.txt >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            mv ${SAMPLE_NAME}_R1.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}/
                            mv ${SAMPLE_NAME}_R2.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}/
                            echo Moving fastq files to analysis directory complete >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            # In the following step we will rename the data files to the required tophat read ID format "_1.fa" or "_2.fa"
                            echo >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Renaming text files to match required tophat format >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            cd ${SAMPLE_NAME}
                            #Current Directory=SampleX
                            echo The following text files will be renamed: >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for file in `ls *.txt`
                            echo $file >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            mv ${SAMPLE_NAME}_R1.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt 
                            mv ${SAMPLE_NAME}_R2.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt
                            echo Finished renaming files >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            # In the next step we will get the line count of the two read files so percent aligned can be calculated after the fact
                            echo >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting collect line counts process >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt contains the following number of lines: >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            wc -l ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt contains the following number of lines: >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            wc -l ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Finished  collect line counts process >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #In the next step we will align the illumina text format files to the reference genome using Tophat
                            echo >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step1 - TopHat Alignment >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo The following fastq files will be aligned: >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for file in `ls *.txt`
                            echo $file >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #### cmd = tophat [options]* <index_base> <reads_1> <reads_2>
                            echo The following command will be run: >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            ## Pound out tophat run variants to select variant needed
                            echo tophat --mate-inner-dist ${MATE_INNER_DIST} --mate-std-dev ${MATE_INNER_STD} --solexa1.3-quals --num-threads ${TOPHAT_CORES} --library-type fr-unstranded --GTF ${GTF_FILE} ${GENOME_REFERENCE} ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            tophat --mate-inner-dist ${MATE_INNER_DIST} --mate-std-dev ${MATE_INNER_STD} --solexa1.3-quals --num-threads ${TOPHAT_CORES} --library-type fr-unstranded --GTF ${GTF_FILE} ${GENOME_REFERENCE} ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt
                            #echo tophat --mate-inner-dist ${MATE_INNER_DIST} --mate-std-dev ${MATE_INNER_STD} --allow-indels --solexa1.3-quals --num-threads ${TOPHAT_CORES} --library-type fr-unstranded --GTF ${GTF_FILE} ${GENOME_REFERENCE} ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #tophat --mate-inner-dist ${MATE_INNER_DIST} --mate-std-dev ${MATE_INNER_STD} --allow-indels --solexa1.3-quals --num-threads ${TOPHAT_CORES} --library-type fr-unstranded --GTF ${GTF_FILE} ${GENOME_REFERENCE} ${SAMPLE_NAME}_1.txt ${SAMPLE_NAME}_2.txt
                            ## This creates and subfolder called "tophat_out/"
                            ## This folder will contain:	accepted_hits.bam (is it sorted?)
                            ##								deletions.bed
                            ##								insertions.bed
                            ##								junctions.bed
                            #In the next step we will rename the alignment files
                            echo >> ../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            cd tophat_out/
                            #Current Directory=SampleX/tophat_out
                            mv accepted_hits.bam ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}.bam
                            mv deletions.bed ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_deletions.bed
                            mv insertions.bed ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_insertions.bed
                            mv junctions.bed ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_junctions.bed
                            echo Finished Step1 - TopHat Alignment >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #In the next step we will calculate abundance estimates using cufflinks
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step2 - Cufflinks Abundance Calculation >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Expression estimates will be calculated from the following tophat alignment file: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for file in `ls *.bam`
                            echo $file >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #### cmd = cufflinks [options] <hits.bam>
                            echo The following command will be run: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for file in `ls *.bam`
                            echo cufflinks --quiet --num-threads ${TOPHAT_CORES} --GTF ${GTF_FILE} --output-dir ../cufflinks_out/ --reference-seq ${GENOME_REFERENCE}.fa $file >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for file in `ls *.bam`
                            cufflinks --quiet --num-threads ${TOPHAT_CORES} --GTF ${GTF_FILE} --output-dir ../cufflinks_out/ --reference-seq ${GENOME_REFERENCE}.fa $file 
                            ## This creates a subfolder called "cufflinks_out/" in the sample directory
                            ## This folder will contain:	genes.expr
                            ##								transcripts.expr
                            ##								transcripts.gtf
                            #In the next step we will rename the expression estimate files
                            cd ../cufflinks_out/
                            #Current Directory=SampleX/cufflinks_out
                            mv genes.expr ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_${PROTOCOL_TAG2}_genes.expr
                            mv transcripts.expr ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_${PROTOCOL_TAG2}_transcripts.expr
                            mv transcripts.gtf ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_${PROTOCOL_TAG2}_transcripts.gtf
                            echo Finished Step2 - Cufflinks Abundance Calculation >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            cd ../tophat_out/
                            #Current Directory=SampleX/tophat_out
                            #In the next step we will sort the tophat result file with picard sort so the duplicate reads can be marked
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step3 - Picard SortSam process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo The following BAM file will be sorted: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo $line >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            java -Xmx2g -jar ${PICARD_PATH}/SortSam.jar INPUT=$line OUTPUT=${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_PicardSorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate TMP_DIR=/scratch/jkeats/temp/
                            echo Finished Step3 - Picard SamSort process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #In the next step we will mark the duplicate reads in the BAM file produced by picard SamSort.jar
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step4 - Picard MarkDuplicates process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Duplicate reads in the following BAM file will be marked: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *_PicardSorted.bam`
                            echo $line >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *_PicardSorted.bam`
                            java -Xmx2g -jar ${PICARD_PATH}/MarkDuplicates.jar INPUT=$line OUTPUT=../bamfile_dupsmarked/${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_PicardDupsMarked.bam METRICS_FILE=../bamfile_dupsmarked/${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_PicardDupsMarked_Metrics.txt REMOVE_DUPLICATES=false ASSUME_SORTED=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT TMP_DIR=/scratch/jkeats/temp/
                            echo Finished Step4 - Picard MarkDuplicates process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            rm ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_PicardSorted.bam
                            cd ../bamfile_dupsmarked/
                            #Current Directory=SampleX/bamfile_dupsmarked
                            #In the next step we will index the BAM file for fast access and viewing in the IGV browser
                            echo >> ../..${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step5 - Samtools BAM indexing process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo The following BAM files will be indexed: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo $line >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            samtools index $line
                            echo Finished Step5 - Samtools BAM indexing process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #In the next step we will generate mapping statistics using samtools
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step6 - Samtools flagstat process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Mapping statistics will be generated from the following BAM file: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo $line >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            samtools flagstat $line > ${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_SamtoolsMappingStats.txt
                            echo Finished Step6 - Samtools flagstat process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #In the next step we will generate mapping statistics using picard
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step7 - Picard CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Mapping statistics will be generated from the following BAM file: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo $line >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo Finished Step7 - Picard CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #In the next step we will generate mean quality by cycle distribution plots using picard
                            echo >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Starting Step8 - Picard MeanQualityByCycle process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo Mean quality by cycle plots will be generated from the following BAM file: >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo $line >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            for line in `ls *.bam`
                            echo Finished Step8 - Picard MeanQualityByCycle process >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            echo -------------------------------------------------------- >> ../../${SAMPLE_NAME}_${GENOME_NAME}_${PROTOCOL_TAG}_${ALIGNMENT_TYPE}_run.log
                            #The run is complete
                            Last edited by Jon_Keats; 03-07-2011, 10:45 PM.


                            • #59
                              Hey, tried galaxy for some or all of this?
                              Its getting really popular with a lot of groups, and a lot of tools are in-built


                              • #60
                                I've tried it a couple of times and it is clearly improving rapidly. Seems like a great place to start for people that are not overly comfortable with command line steps, particularly people looking to get expression estimates from their RNAseq samples with Tophat/Cufflinks/Cuffmerge/Cuffcompare. I would recommend a local install for most people so you don't have to transmit data.


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