Hi Everyone,
I am kind of stuck with my Illumina data, I want to remove the barcodes from my reads. My read file looks like this
@HWI-ST1035:115:C0RG7ACXX:5:1101:1216:2040 1:N:0:
and my barcode files look like this:
@HWI-ST1035:115:C0RG7ACXX:5:1101:1216:2040 2:N:0:
When I am using fastx toolkit to trim barcodes I am getting error.
The command I am using is:
cat lane5_NoIndex_L005_R1_001.fastq | /u2/software/fastx/fastx_toolkit- --bcfile lane5_NoIndex_L005_R2_001.fastq --bol --prefix x --suffix ".fastq"
The error I am getting is:
Error: bad barcode value (2:N:0 at barcode file (lane5_NoIndex_L005_R2_001.fastq) line 1
The reason I think is beacuse of 2:N:0 in the barcode header and 1:N:0 in the reads header.
I am not sure how to rectify this, please if anyone has any idea could you please help me.
I am kind of stuck with my Illumina data, I want to remove the barcodes from my reads. My read file looks like this
@HWI-ST1035:115:C0RG7ACXX:5:1101:1216:2040 1:N:0:
and my barcode files look like this:
@HWI-ST1035:115:C0RG7ACXX:5:1101:1216:2040 2:N:0:
When I am using fastx toolkit to trim barcodes I am getting error.
The command I am using is:
cat lane5_NoIndex_L005_R1_001.fastq | /u2/software/fastx/fastx_toolkit- --bcfile lane5_NoIndex_L005_R2_001.fastq --bol --prefix x --suffix ".fastq"
The error I am getting is:
Error: bad barcode value (2:N:0 at barcode file (lane5_NoIndex_L005_R2_001.fastq) line 1
The reason I think is beacuse of 2:N:0 in the barcode header and 1:N:0 in the reads header.
I am not sure how to rectify this, please if anyone has any idea could you please help me.