I have illumina read file..which is bacterial DNA sequence...I have used geneious software to assembly it, while assembly I have found that there was vector contamination and it was removed by software since I have given trimming option and I got 1,610 contigs.
but now I am performing the same assembly by using velvet. I have my fastqc report and according to that report sequence duplication level is bad, overrepresented sequences and kmer content showing warning. (I have attached these three files) So, I reached to conclusion that I have adapter contamination on the basis of the sequence I have got in overrepresented sequences. I have seen that GATCGGAAGAGC is adapter contamination because I have seen it in adapter files provided to custmoer given by illumina technology.
Problem is my PI asked me to find that adaptor contamination sequence in my reads, which I was not able to So, he asked me que. that why can't u find it?? I am new to de novo assembly, I dont know what am I supposed to answer and he gave me 1 hrs. to find it. Please help!!!
but now I am performing the same assembly by using velvet. I have my fastqc report and according to that report sequence duplication level is bad, overrepresented sequences and kmer content showing warning. (I have attached these three files) So, I reached to conclusion that I have adapter contamination on the basis of the sequence I have got in overrepresented sequences. I have seen that GATCGGAAGAGC is adapter contamination because I have seen it in adapter files provided to custmoer given by illumina technology.
Problem is my PI asked me to find that adaptor contamination sequence in my reads, which I was not able to So, he asked me que. that why can't u find it?? I am new to de novo assembly, I dont know what am I supposed to answer and he gave me 1 hrs. to find it. Please help!!!