I am about to submit my first mouse ATAC-seq libraries for sequencing, but I have doubts regarding the number of libraries to pool in one 100bp paired-end HiSeq2500 Rapid Run.
The Buenostro paper is suggesting >50M mapped reads per sample (in case of human genome), and the Rapid Run, according to Illumina's specifications, should yield "600 million paired end reads": https://emea.illumina.com/systems/se...fications.html
My question is: does it mean I can pool 12 samples? Or did Buenostro mean 50 million pairs, which means 100 million reads per sample -- meaning I can only pool 6 samples in one run?
Many thanks for helping to resolve this confusion.
I am about to submit my first mouse ATAC-seq libraries for sequencing, but I have doubts regarding the number of libraries to pool in one 100bp paired-end HiSeq2500 Rapid Run.
The Buenostro paper is suggesting >50M mapped reads per sample (in case of human genome), and the Rapid Run, according to Illumina's specifications, should yield "600 million paired end reads": https://emea.illumina.com/systems/se...fications.html
My question is: does it mean I can pool 12 samples? Or did Buenostro mean 50 million pairs, which means 100 million reads per sample -- meaning I can only pool 6 samples in one run?
Many thanks for helping to resolve this confusion.