Hello , I'm new to the Pacbio. I strated with the SMRT Portal to pre-process my raw h5 files, so I had to use the RS_Subreads.1 protocol to filter reads by quality, length etc..., but I noticed that the output filtered_subreads.fastq contain full multi pass reads (
CCS) and partial ones.
I know that I have to extract CCS reads for error correction , but my question, do multi pass reads affect the assembly results since they are duplicated ans Is it worth to remove them from the filtered_subreads.fastq before the assembly step.
Many thanks.
CCS) and partial ones.
I know that I have to extract CCS reads for error correction , but my question, do multi pass reads affect the assembly results since they are duplicated ans Is it worth to remove them from the filtered_subreads.fastq before the assembly step.
Many thanks.