The NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA kit enables the user to generate mRNA and small RNA libraries in a single workflow using 5 ng – 100 ng of total RNA inputs, without requiring upfront rRNA depletion or poly(A) selection. The kit utilizes patented and patent-pending technology allowing the construction of a library from both mRNA and small RNA from a single input. Like the NEXTFLEX® small RNA-seq kit v3, the NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA library preparation kit utilizes adapters with randomized ends to greatly reduce bias compared to standard small RNA library preparation protocols. This allows a more accurate representation of small RNA in the starting material. Adapter-dimer reducing techniques built into the protocol enables gel-free workflow from inputs as low as 5 ng of total RNA. As a result, the kit is streamlined from start-to-finish and automated on the Sciclone® G3 NGS/NGSx workstations. Additionally, unique dual index barcode primers, included in the kit, prevent sample mis-assignment on Illumina® NovaSeq®, MiSeq®, and HiSeq® 2000/2500 platforms.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.