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  • We still need content for "Use Cases and Success Stories" and "Outlook and Perspective".


    • Originally posted by robs View Post
      Seems like Joann removed mine as well. I assumed that the removal of my edits was by accident and added them again.
      The wiki log shows I added material on December 5. I did not remove or edit any existing material and do not intend to, so I don't know what happened.


      • Originally posted by robs View Post
        We still need content for "Use Cases and Success Stories" and "Outlook and Perspective".
        On the topic of open access I have located some current thinking of relevance to discussing the forum but it will likely take some additional time to obtain correct permission from the authors and to apply some comparative analysis. My sense is that there is limited time and space at this point for inclusion of this material here.

        On the other hand, if there is a decision to include accurate details on the country participation to illustrate the support for open science demonstrated here, I would suggest that SEQanswers/authors propose undertaking periodic updates of this metric to enable longer term scientometric monitoring for the growth and expansion of open science and issue an invite to other open science platforms to do the same. This would have particular weight since it has been easy to recognize on this forum the signficance of international contributors who have added to the US-UK 50% bar in figure 3

        Depending on the length of the article and with additional material, this report may be suitable as a regular contribution to Science rather than a letter.


        • Originally posted by robs View Post
          We still need content for "Use Cases and Success Stories" and "Outlook and Perspective".
          OK, working on that ..


          • Originally posted by marcowanger View Post
            OK, working on that ..
            Seems like we are stuck right now. There were no changes over the last week.
            Could you figure out which part you will be able to work on and which one I should try to tackle next?


            • Originally posted by robs View Post
              Seems like we are stuck right now. There were no changes over the last week.
              Could you figure out which part you will be able to work on and which one I should try to tackle next?
              I agree. Genome Medicine has been waiting since the the 23rd of November. I for one am in a rut because it is so hard to edit and visualize a paper in a wiki. Could we please move to GDocs? I would volunteer to port everything and I would do it tonight.

              GDoc tracks changes just like a wiki and we can even highlight each contribution with a different highlight color. Besides the key contributors are rather clear at this point anyways....


              • Originally posted by genericforms View Post
                Could we please move to GDocs?
                I am fine with either.


                • I will create a GDoc tonight then without disturbing the wiki. I'm sure Marco is fine with GDocs as well and we can all get our edits in. Let's try to set a goal of Wednesday next week for edits?


                  • sorry guys. I was occupied over the week.

                    Thanks for creating a Gdoc. Will work on it over the weekend...


                    • length?

                      How long will this paper be? I'd like to include an entire section on open access with some comparative data if there'd be room.

                      Is there a link to the googledoc?


                      • Originally posted by Joann View Post
                        How long will this paper be? I'd like to include an entire section on open access with some comparative data if there'd be room.

                        Is there a link to the googledoc?
                        Joann, I am almost done setting this up. If you would like to add a section this should be no problem. We have a total of 800-1500 words. I would say we should probably not write an epic, but there should be room for anything you want to add.

                        Send me a PM and I will send you a link today as soon as I finish it.


                        • Originally posted by genericforms View Post
                          Send me a PM and I will send you a link today as soon as I finish it.
                          We should make the link to the gdoc accessible for everyone. Why not post it here?


                          • Yes. I will do this.


                            • I was trying to find time to add in my edits but it will probably be a couple more days. However I do not want to hold back Marco and Rob and others, so here is the link:

                              The document is at least now formatted in such a way that we can export and submit directly to the journal. I put the authors that were in the wiki but people should add themselves if I missed someone. Also feel free to change the order.

                              I shorten the abstract because we only get 200 words (so far it is 144). The remainder of the abstract text was moved to the body not because it flows well but because I did not want to delete it.

                              Rob should add in the two figures he made. They are great. And we should put in figure legends. People can list references as PUBMED IDs or if they want full text citations. It does not matter though because I will convert it all to endnote before we submit.

                              With a little bit of formatting and editing, I think we can put this all together next week... I will post my changes by Monday.


                              • Originally posted by robs View Post
                                We should make the link to the gdoc accessible for everyone. Why not post it here?
                                robs, need your attention, please see the google doc. (comment)


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