Dear all,
I'm currently analysing RNAseq data of two distinct cancer conditions using the tuxedo pipeline and I highly doubt my results so far. According to cuffdiff, there are absolutely NO genes found to be differentially expressed with a significant p-value which I cannot truly believe. When evaluating my results with cummeRbund, more than 60% of the transcripts are flagged with test status other than "OK".
Therefore, I would like to ask whether anyone has encountered similar problems and how to circumvent them. Since I already heard that cufflinks seems to have serious flaws, I run scripture in parallel although I still have to find tools to further analyse the assembled transcripts's abundance.
So here some details on my analysis:
here's the commands I use for tuxedo:
note: I currently use the --GTF flag for cufflinks, though I will change that to --GTF-guide as soon as the results make sense.
and for scripture:
Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Best regards
I'm currently analysing RNAseq data of two distinct cancer conditions using the tuxedo pipeline and I highly doubt my results so far. According to cuffdiff, there are absolutely NO genes found to be differentially expressed with a significant p-value which I cannot truly believe. When evaluating my results with cummeRbund, more than 60% of the transcripts are flagged with test status other than "OK".
Therefore, I would like to ask whether anyone has encountered similar problems and how to circumvent them. Since I already heard that cufflinks seems to have serious flaws, I run scripture in parallel although I still have to find tools to further analyse the assembled transcripts's abundance.
So here some details on my analysis:
- paired end RNAseq reads with 101 bases length
- mapping done via bowtie2/tophat2 against Hg19
- using latest releases of bowtie2, tophat2 and cufflinks2
here's the commands I use for tuxedo:
- tophat --b2-sensitive -p 8 -o mapping1 bowtie2-2.0.0-beta6/hg19/hg19 R1_001.fastq R2_001.fastq
- cufflinks --GTF UCSC_annotation_hg19.gtf -p 8 -o annotation1 mapping1/accepted_hits.bam
- cuffmerge -g UCSC_annotation_hg19.gtf -s bowtie2-2.0.0-beta6/hg19/hg19.fa -p 8 assemblies.txt
- cuffdiff -m 199 -s 38 -o diff_out -b bowtie2-2.0.0-beta6/hg19/hg19.fa -p 9 -L G1,G2 -u merged_asm/merged.gtf mapping1/accepted_hits.bam,mapping2/accepted_hits.bam,mapping3/accepted_hits.bam mapping4/accepted_hits.bam,mapping5/accepted_hits.bam,mapping6/accepted_hits.bam
note: I currently use the --GTF flag for cufflinks, though I will change that to --GTF-guide as soon as the results make sense.
and for scripture:
- for i in {1..22};do java -jar scripture-beta2.jar -alignment merged_align.bam -out chr$i.scriptureESTest.segments -sizeFile Hg19/chr$i\_size.txt -chr chr$i -chrSequence Hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.67.dna_rm.chromosome.$i.fa;done
Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Best regards